Electrolyte Superpowers + FFF Features

Posted: June 25, 2011 at 6:00 pm

This morning marked the first long run for my slow and steady half marathon training plan. It has been a couple of weeks since I embarked on anything longer than 4 miles, so I set my starting point at a reasonable 6 mile long run. Before heading out the door this morning, I grabbed a Gatorade performance drink to keep me hydrated.


A few weeks ago, Gatorade sent me some of their new G Series FIT products to try out for the ‘ol blog. With 6 miles I didn’t need a Gu packet or other fuel, but I wanted something to balance out my buckets of sweat and aid my endurance. The Melon Pear performance drink did the trick. PS – Loved the flavor!

I finished up my six miles with an 8:56 average pace.


Hold up. What was that first number again? EIGHT?! The only time I’ve seen my average pace anywhere in the eights for a longer run was my 10K race. Today’s average pace was even faster than my speed work on Wednesday. Why, hello electrolyte superpowers!

Also, if you’re interested, Gatorade’s G Series FIT includes small energy bites for pre-workout fuel and a recovery drink with a great balance of carbs and protein for post-workout. They make great options for those who need something convenient for on-the-go or for those who have trouble stomaching much volume before or after workouts. I like how Gatorade emphasizes the importance of fueling well before, during, and after a workout – because we all need to pay attention to our fueling technique. 🙂

FFF Features time! First, a BIG feature. I finally added a recipe page!


I don’t consider myself a “food blogger”, so I always shied away from creating a page with recipes. Then you all convinced me through Twitter and Facebook (do you hang there with me yet?!) that a recipe page would make a great addition. I want to make it easier to access my super simple concoctions. I tried to find everything, but I no doubt left some things out. Let me know if you had something specific in mind that you can’t seem to find!

Featured Post of the Week: Emotional Eating / Overeating Triggers

Featured Workout: The Workout BEAST


Featured Meal: My Favorite Enchiladas


Featured Cuteness: Unseen Daytona Pictures

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Featured Reading: Three New Blogs to Check Out

 Liz @ Little Bitty Bakes


Yum! On every single recipe. Liz makes my mouth water daily.

Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table


SO inventive! SO fit! So badass in the best way possible, but still SUCH a sweetheart.

Kris @ I Heart Wellness


She works incredibly hard. Read her blog for unparalleled motivation and passion.

  • What do you focus on the most: pre-, during-, or post- workout nutrition?

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31 Comments to “Electrolyte Superpowers + FFF Features”
  1. Thank you so much for the feature!!! You’re too kind. 🙂

    I’m really glad you added a recipe page! I always want to remember to make your Mexi-style creations.

  2. I’ll admit, I rarely think too hard about pre-workout fuel, other than just staying hydrated! Post workout foods, though, are definitely important to me and I have been trying to get a quality hi protein snack in right afterwards, especially my strength training!

  3. I focus the most on pre and post workout nutrition. I seriously have a hard time stomaching anything while running!

  4. Oh gatorade was my best friend after my hot 7.5 mile run today. Love those electrolytes 😉 Kris is so awesome isn’t she???? And you’ve got the cutest freaking kids I swear. Love those pics!

  5. Morgan says:

    SPEED Demon. I am seriously a turtle when I run. Are the speed workouts helping you?!? My short little legs are just not fast at all!! 🙂 Maybe I need some Gatorade? lol

    • Tina says:

      I think the speed workouts work great for helping me learn to push my body out of its comfort zone and see the speeds I can handle. I don’t know if that is what made me pull this run out, but they certainly have their benefits in overall training. 🙂

  6. I focus most on pre and post workout nutrition…but since I don’t run long distances I don’t usually have to worry about fueling myself during. I seriously love your blog Tina! I hope I get the chance to meet you someday 🙂

  7. definitely post workout for me…i usually don’t eat a lot before, just make sure i drink a ton during, and then refuel really well afterwards 🙂

  8. Maria says:

    I used to be into lifting weights big time (was my only workout), so I’ve always focused on having protein immediately after my workouts (protein shakes), but now that I run, do yoga, weight train, and do circuits, I mostly just focus on hydration before and during my workouts.

  9. Melodie says:

    I did a 7 mile run last Sunday. I ate a piece of peanut butter toast and drank some water before heading out… thought that would be enough…. mile 5 I call my husband and beg him to run to Publix and grab me a gatorade! I have not tried these though, I may grab one for my long run tomorrow!!

  10. Mac says:

    I have that same drink at home from a sample, that I need to try out soon, I just don’t like carrying fluids when I run… guess I’ll have to get over that huh?

  11. Good job on your run! I need to get me some of that gatorade stuff. I think I focus on my post-workout food the most because that’s when I have the best appetite. 🙂

  12. I love that you did a recipe page! I’ve been thinking about doing that because it’s so easy for good recipes to get lost behind new posts. How do you do the photo collage? I haven’t figured that out yet??

    • Tina says:

      I use Windows Live Writer which allows you to organize images like that. Cannot recommend WLW enough!!!

  13. I use to focus mainly on post workout nutrition, but since switching to AM workouts I’ve learned the important of pre-workout nutrition and staying hydrated through my workout. You really have to view your body as an engine.

  14. Karolina says:

    Congrats on your great workout today! It’s always nice to start training out on a solid foot.

  15. I recently bought the G Series FIT energy bites for pre-workout fuel and enjoyed them. I typically focus on post-workout nutrition, but noticed that my energy often wanes prematurely if I exercise in the morning without fueling properly. The energy bites are easy to digest, which is a big bonus. Bananas do the job quite well too. 🙂

    Congrats on the new recipe page! I’d really like to try making the enchiladas featured in this post (YUM). And I LOVE the adorable pics of M and B!

  16. I usually eat breakfast/dinner about 2-3 hrs before a morning/evening workout and a protein and carb heavy snack within 30 mins of a workout. I never eat during a workout but my workouts are rarely longer than an hour so I don’t really need to. As long as I have water!

    • Tina says:

      I only worry about hydration during standard workouts too…and then when I do longer than 6-7 miles because otherwise I get weak feeling.

  17. I love iheartwellness!! One of the first blogs I stumbled upon back in the day.

    Also, your kids are growing up so fast. Crazy.

    Also, also, Gatorade is totally taking the wolrd over by storm! I’m very interested in their new line of products

    happy sunday 🙂

  18. Sarah says:

    I mostly focus on post workout fuel but really should pay more attention to my workout fuel routine as well. I’ve seen the g-fit series products everywhere. I might have to give them a try sometime soon.

  19. Errign says:

    Tina, I love your FFF features. Well, actually I love everything about your blog, but this is a great way to get caught up on your week if I missed a post here or there.

    I usually have a small snack pre-workout and then breakfast right after (after a shower) because I am big am exerciser.

  20. Nice job on the run!
    I think my biggest focus is pre workout. If I don’t make sure I’m hydrated or digested enough from the previous meal my run is a disaster.

  21. Karen says:

    Great run Tina! I tend to focus more on pre- and post- workout nutrition but never during- workout nutrition. I haven’t really felt the need to worry about that before. I’m hoping to start running longer distances so that’s when I will start thinking about it : )

  22. I liked the electrolyte drink, too! I just wish there were more in it 🙂

  23. Dorry says:

    Since I’m not really running long distance anymore, I’m more focused on pre and post nutrition for my workouts. The pre-workout meals are crucial for me!

  24. Lisa says:

    Last summer when I was running a lot I was having issues with my blood sugar I think–or electrolytes? I was having dizzy spells. Really bad ones to the point where I almost black out many times. It was scary! I went to the doc and she checked my heart and stuff. I was okay. She suggested the electrolyte thing and said I should drink Gatorade every day.

  25. I gotta shy away from coffee and sweets before a run and remember to eat something like a banana or a bar and drink water before hand. I am not too picky after!

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