Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies

Posted: August 24, 2011 at 8:00 pm

You know those weeks where you wake up on a Wednesday and think it’s Friday? Then the reality hits and makes you wish you could take your frustrations out on Wednesday for its pure evilness at not being Friday?


Well, that wasn’t me today. Today I had the opposite end of the spectrum going on. I woke up and got hit with the reality that Wednesday had arrived much, much, much quicker than I thought. Where has this week disappeared to so quickly?

Learning that today was Wednesday meant that I had quite a bit to get done. The start of the new school year around here means that activities pick back up again at church. That means the time has come for me to help facilitate a small group that meets Wednesday nights again. Tonight is our first meeting and I wanted to give a sweet, warm, welcome to the crew…


Just because Wednesday snuck up on me didn’t mean I couldn’t bring a little treat. The key is finding a quick way to deliver the goods. Cookies work. Add stuff to a bowl. Mix stuff all together. Bake stuff for 10 minutes or less. Works for me. And I have a feeling it will work for my Wednesday night group of friends too. Winking smile

Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies (2 dozen cookies)

  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 2/3 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup NuNaturals More Fiber Stevia Baking Blend (or sugar/sweetener of choice)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Cream the butter, peanut butter, and sugars together. Beat egg and vanilla into mixture. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Add the dry ingredients to the butter/sugar/egg mixture and stir until combined. It will form a crumbly dough. Roll dough into one inch balls and place on a cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Press balls down with a fork in a criss-cross pattern. Bake for 8-10 minutes until browned.


Love. PS – I won’t tell if you eat too many of these cookies. It can be our little secret…

  • Is this week going by fast or slow for you?

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37 Comments to “Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies”
  1. Amy Lauren says:

    I’m so going to make these :). I’ll let you know how they turn out (actually, I’ll probably blog about them, haha). I bet they would be wonderful made with the white chocolate peanut butter, or maybe even add some chocolate chips!

    It was really nice for you to make them for your church too :).

  2. I LOL’d when that picture of Christina Ricci came up in my Google Reader. 🙂

    This week is FLYING by for me! My first day of graduate school is tomorrow (ohhhh…. the nerves) and my first 1/2 marathon is Sunday (double nerves)!

    Have a great time with your group! I’m sure they’ll ADORE the cookies!

  3. lindsay says:

    oh ya, they are lucky! I hope everyone brings some milk to go along with it. Have a great time tonight!

  4. Omg I LOVE peanut butter cookies :). Those sound awesome! I’m just not with my days this week. I keep thinking it’s a different day than it really is!

  5. Liz says:

    I looove peanut butter cookies – I think more than chocolate chip. Hmm, peanut butter chocolate chip would be quite enjoyable. I’ve been using agave nectar in my baking lately and really don’t miss the “real” sugar!

    This week is going by super fast. I feel like we just got back from Philly and it’s already Thursday tomorrow!

  6. Oooo I love peanut butter cookies and those look delish!!

    I was so thinking the same thing earlier today that this week is somehow going by super fast?! And why is it it seems people I talk to or bloggers always seem to mention the week goes by slow when I feel the same or it goes by fast and it feels the same?! Sometimes I truly think we all feel the same things in this divine universe 🙂

  7. I totally thought it was Friday all day today and kept getting disappointed again and again and again…

    But those cookies look delicious! If I had those with me at work, the day probably would have went better 🙂

  8. Bari says:

    The week is definitely going too fast! I weep a bit at the thought of summer coming to an end.

  9. feener says:

    i actually think this week is going slow…not sure why but i do know that i want those cookies ? do you deliver ??

  10. This week is FLYING by!! Although yesterday I thought it was Wednesday for about a nanosecond!

  11. Can’t go wrong with pbutter cookies! Ever! haha looks great 🙂

  12. Lauren says:

    For some reason or another, I couldn’t comment on your posts yesterday! (Probably because everyone was overloading your server with b-day wishes!!) But I wanted to wish you a (bleated) but very blessed and happy birthday! <3 you!!!!

  13. I could go for a peanut butter cookie right now! The week is breezing by for me. I cannot believe that tomorrow is already Thursday!

  14. Karen says:

    Your peanut butter cookies look amazing! I’m sure your group will appreciate them.

    I think this week is going slow – I’m still trying to recover from HLS and I’m super busy at work : (

  15. Those look amazing and would be gone in an instant around here!

    This week is dragging on for me. I have a ton to do before the weekend, so it works out. Wish it were Friday!

  16. I’m sure your group will loooove them! I know I would 🙂
    PB baked goods ftw!

  17. Those look delicious! My week has been the other way around. My husband started his first week of his Masters Degree in Computer Engineering (while working full time) and it’s been a little crazy. I’m very ready for Friday. 🙂

  18. I have been jonesin’ for some peanut butter blossoms!!

  19. Peanut butter makes the world go round!

  20. Yummm chewy peanut butter cookies are one of my favorite treats! Thanks for sharing your recipe… I might just have to try that one out! 😉

    My week is going somewhat slow, which is unusual because they usually FLY by with all of our busyness. I think the past few days have just been overwhelming and stressful which have made the days feel longer. Hopefully the next two days will be speedy!

  21. I LOVE peanut butter cookies! Not as much as my mom, though- I’m going to make these for her 🙂

    The week is going by surprisingly fast, thank goodness! It’s the first week of school and I already want the semester to end!

  22. That’s too funny because all day long I thought it was Tuesday! I’m losing it!

  23. Khushboo says:

    I loveee PB cookies- better yet if they are washed down with some hot chocolate ;)!

  24. I love pb cookies, they’re so easy to make and always come out good 🙂 I’m sure you were loved by all at small group!
    this week seems to be dragging for me unfortunately 🙁

  25. Kelly says:

    Peanut butter cookies are so good!! I could faceplant into that plate! 😉

  26. YES! This week is going by fast – probably because I am on vacay though! 🙂

  27. Meal By Meal says:

    […] just because it meant I didn’t have to cook. And for dessert, I had some fruit plus one of the Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies that I shared in last night’s […]

  28. YUMMY post! This week is actually going by pretty fast for me. Maybe it’s all the excitement between earthquakes and hurricanes LOL.

  29. Melissa says:

    These look sooo good!

    I’d have to say the opposite of you though, my week feels like it’s crawling along. I’m so ready for Saturday!

  30. Lindsay says:

    These look so good! I’ve eaten too many PB cookies lately, though. I found a great GF recipe and just went to town.

    My week has flown by, too, and I can’t believe it’s already Thursday! It’s looking like I’m in for an exciting weekend, too, since we’re supposed to get a hurricane (in MA!).

  31. My week is going by too fast!! I’m on vacation this week and I just want to stop the clock. Funny how the times you want to slow down seem to zip by while the days you’d like to fast forward through, move in slow motion. No bueno!

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