Break It Up
Posted: August 25, 2011 at 8:00 pmYet another day has just whizzed right on by in a whirlwind. I guess that happens when you hit the ground running every day. I woke up around 6 am as usual to have a bit of time to myself before the kids awoke. I got them all fed, cared for, and loved on before nabbing a quick snack for myself as I headed out the door to the gym.
I usually do my own weights routine on Thursday mornings, but today I wasn’t feeling it. I still wanted a challenging workout, but without having to think. Group Power class stepped in for me nicely.
Group Power is basically the same thing as Bodypump, but under a different training program. It goes through different music tracks that work each body part for a few minutes each in an endurance style weight lifting program.
After not visiting the class for months, the endurance style lifting came as quite a shock to the body. I’m used to doing 10-15 reps and moving to another exercise. Five minutes straight each of squats, shoulder exercises, push-ups, and bicep curls will get you good. I left with my upper body feeling like jelly! I always forget the challenge the class can give me. A great way to add a little variety and to take a break from my own plans.
Later in the day I excitedly met Peter for a mid-week lunch and play date.
Every Thursday Peter’s work provides a different lunch available to workers and their visitors. When Peter asked if I wanted to join him for the sandwiches and wraps on the menu today I looked at him like he had five heads. Does he not know me and my obsession with sandwiches and wraps? Sigh.
Obviously I said yes so he got a couple plates to go for us to make a family date of it at a park just a few minutes from where he works. The weather was perfect to sit in the shade for our lunch and then to spend some time playing.
I had one half of a turkey, tomato, and lettuce spinach wrap as well as a half of a chicken salad and spinach sun-dried tomato wrap. With some Garden Salsa flavored Sun Chips – best flavor of them all! I also delighted in a bit of post-lunch dessert.
The brownie ended up being dry so I only ate the cookie. The heavenly, ooey-gooey cookie. All before hitting the playground for some fun!
I think this may have to become a new weekly tradition! We had such a great time and it was the perfect way to break up the week a bit.
I got right back down to business when I got home and put the kids down for their naps. Then those two hours somehow passed in the blink of an eye. Yeesh. Story of my life these days. Blink. Blink. Blink. Oh…its 2189. What it feels like at least.
Now, I have to clean up dinner dishes before settling in for the night. Only to welcome the non-stop hectic again tomorrow! Good thing I thrive in that environment…and have God to help me through. But before I go – the Love Grown giveaway winner!
Carissa – Please email me with your full name and shipping information before Sunday at 6 PM EST to claim the prize pack! Congrats!
- How do you like to break up the work week in a fun or relaxing way?
- If you didn’t win the Love Grown giveaway – stay tuned for more giveaway fun on the blog tomorrow!
Tags: family activities, half marathon training, lunch, strength training
I love wraps and sandwiches too 🙂 Sounds like y’all had a lovely time together. Hmm, this week I had an earthquake shake up my work week. I had just arrived @ work only to be evacuated!
Yea…that’ll do it. LOL
That’s really neat that his job does that for lunch, and it looks like pretty healthy stuff too. My last job had lunch available for us like that, but you paid $5 and it was really bad food. I mean like high school cafeteria bad. Even the salad day, it was just iceburg lettuce *sigh*. That actually looks appetizing, I can see why he thought you’d like it. Plus the playground pics are awesome :).
Really haven’t ever thought about doing something like that to break up the work week, but yesterday I took cinnamon swirl cake to my coworkers, I guess that sorta helped :).
I love those pictures of you and the kids! They are so sweet :). During the school year I sing in the med choir and a smaller group called the Vocal Chords. It’s a nice way to get away from the books and use the more artistic side of my brain!
That sounds like fun! I always wished I could sing.
Looks like a great day! I wish the Husband and I could meet for lunch every once ina while.
And ps – I am sad I didn’t win. boo.
I’d love to try a class like Body Pump/Group Power sometime. I’m trying to bulk up my arms a bit!
Your lunch date looks like tons of fun! Ever since going to HLS, I have been reading your blog and am really inspired by it. Wish I would have went up to you to say ‘hi’ at HLS — I am kicking myself for not doing that now!
Oh, I wish we could have met too! Hopefully we will have another chance in the future. 🙂
What a fun lunch date! I love breaking up my day by having a lunch out with a coworker or friend or breaking up the week with some kind of nice dinner out during the week – even getting take out is a nice reprieve from the work week 🙂
I love meeting the future husband for lunch! Not only does it break up my week, it allows us time to breathe between our crazy work schedules.
Sometimes I also break up my week (and give my body a break) by taking an unexpected rest day and going window shopping or taking a walk.
I love the picture of M swinging! Pure joy. 🙂
I’m all about the wraps lately too! I just had the best one yesterday from Eric’s Deli. Your’s look so yummy. And your chillin’s are so cute!
I felt the same way when I started doing a weekly Thursday feature on my blog. Like, oh hey! It’s Thursday already! It’s nice to have something break up the week like that.
Those Body Pump-ish classes can really do you in. There’s something similar at my gym called Barbell Strength and it kills me. The constant reps and moving from one thing to another leave me beat!
p.s. Could your kids BE any cuter?!
Channeling your inner Chandler?? Love it! LOL
Clearly I have been watching too much Friends lately. I did that without even realizing it. Time to step AWAY from the DVD player. 😉
I really miss classes. I think it’s time to check some out again. Thanks for the reminder.
I love pictures of food and you always take the best, show the best….
LOVE you and the kids on the slide! They’re so cute. They already look a lot alike, don’t they?
It’s funny because we have pictures of M up in frames from when she was B’s age….and it looks like we have pictures of him in dresses. LOL
They look SO alike!
The playground looked so much fun! Can I borrow your cutie kids so I have an excuse to play too? 😉
awww what a sweet day Tina!!
I just like to sit and read, or take long walks at the park…..or have one too many coffees…haha.
That’s awesome that your husband’s work also provides lunch for visitors! I like to break up the work-week with mid-week dates with friends like dinner or coffee!
I like to go for a run with some of my co-workers during our lunch break. It’s a great way to de-stress and avoids the afternoon slump.
On Thursday nights I usually take a very relaxing Pilates class, too bad they have a long summer break and won’t be back until October. My one and only reason I’m looking forward to fall and winter.
Isn’t it great when a workout you’ve not done in awhile sneaks up and surprises you that way? Group Power always had that effect on me – the endurance style workouts always do!! I think that’s why I love barre n9ne so much, it’s totally endurance based and it’s a butt kicker, LOVE!! 🙂
Love the weekly lunchtime “date” with Peter – what a great way to break up the week and spend some quality time together in between the chaos!