Welcome to my World

Posted: April 19, 2010 at 8:47 pm

Evening! Did you all have a good Monday? Mine was decent enough. In fact, I am going to walk you through it in this post. I have seen other bloggers do an outline of their day in posts and I always think they are interesting to read. So here is your chance to see just how my life goes on a basic day. Nothing earth shattering, but I hope it gives you the chance to know a little bit more about me.

6:10 am - *tap tap tap* on my shoulder. Peter tells me he is leaving for work and gives me a kiss goodbye. This is my typical morning alarm, so I can get up a good hour before Makenzie.

6:18 am - Roll out of bed. Grumble about not being able to find my glasses. Put in contacts. Grumble that my eyes are burning from being up from 3-4:30 am thanks to Makenzie's new random night waking habit she has picked up the past few nights.

6:25 am - Make it downstairs. Curl up on comfy chair to spend time in prayer. Cut my prayer time a little short because I am starting to fall asleep. Being honest...but that doesn't mean I won't have random convos with God throughout the day. Gotta keep on building that #1 relationship, right?

6:40 am - Go to grab my Bible for my daily devotional reading. Realize I left it in the car. Good thing the readings come through email too.

6:56 am - Check email for the few minutes before Makenzie gets up.

7:04 am - Good morning Makenzie! Let's get changed, dressed, fight over leaving Teddy and "Cici" (the newschool glowworm) in her crib since we are going to the gym soon.

7: 18 am - Get myself dressed and ready for the gym.

7:25 - Fix M's oatmeal + pb breakfast. Find out Makenzie now knows how to say "oatmeal". Even though it sounds more like "Elmo".

7:32 - Realize I'm not too hungry and want something light. So have a Green Monster while putting away clean dishes from the dishwasher, wiping off counters/highchair/table, starting a load of laundry in the washer, and packing my gym bag.

8:00 - Revel in the fact that it is warmer out, so I can wear flip flops to the gym before changing into my spin shoes for class.

8:08 - Huh? Where did the time go?! Grab M from chasing our dog to head out.

8:10 - Wow, it's chillier outside than I thought. Not terrible, but enough to cause some nippin'.

8:20 - Check into the gym. Wonder if the dude at the front desk is giving me a weird look for my aforementioned chilliness issue. Check Makenzie into the childcare.

8:25 - 9:25 Set up my bike and sweat bullets during spin class. Wonder why Monday's are always the hardest workout day? Insane instructor or just lazy from the weekend?

9:33 - 9:42 Leave the gym to head home. Discover Makenzie suddenly knows another word by her pointing and screaming to something outside. Oh, "flag". Where the heck did she learn that?!

9:45 - 9:57 Fix Makenzie a snack; fix my morning oats (oats, honey pb, and Newman's Own Organics dried cranberries). 

10:00 - Put Makenzie down for a nap. Go to toss the clothes into the dryer, only to realize I have some I still need to fold. Ehhh, they can wait until the other load is dry.

10:10 - Sit down for my "relax" (aka computer) time during her nap. Begin typing this post...read some blogs...catch up on emails...etc.

11:37 - Makenzie wakes up. I hop in the shower real fast before a friend arrives for a visit.

12:09 - 3:15 Friend visits. We have lunch. We talk. We watch Makenzie run around and tear up any semblance of clean the house was earlier in the day. Go for a long walk. Fun for all.

3:30 - Time for Makenzie's 2nd nap. And time for me to plan tutoring lessons for tonight along with a much needed snack and iced coffee break.

Snack of Hermit x2

For the record, those Newman's Own Organics Hermit cookies are delightful. The perfect chewy texture with a very flavorful taste of spices (ginger, nutmeg, etc). It was like a spicy oatmeal raisin cookie.

4:36 - Peter arrives home. Tutor kid #1 is a no show. Per the usual. Hold back frustration and call his stepmom. So instead I handle Makenzie when she wakes up. Read books, color, dance around.

5:15 - Let her watch her favorite show "Word World" so I can get to prechopping veggies for dinner. Sweet potato + brussels = my all time favorite combo.


5:35 - 6:35 Talk with Peter, laugh at Makenzie's antics, get ready for tutoring, and remind Peter numerous times on when to start the veggies roasting for dinner.

6:45 - 8:00 Head to the library. Tutor from 7-8. Proud of this kid. He shows up and as logic has it, is doing very well in Spanish.

8:13 - Get home and rush in to be able to devour dinner. Monday nights are always a quick and simple evening. We had no leftovers from other meals, so frozen it was. Morningstar Buffalo Wings for me and Gorton's Fish for Peter with our roasted veggies. Food always tastes good when you're hungry!

8:39 - Put finishing touches on this post. And hit publish.

9:05 - Will be reading our daily short reading from the book our church is studying.

9:20 - Time to start Desperate Housewives on the DVR to watch last nigh't episode.

10:00 - Bed! Perhaps some reading first to wind down and drift off to dreamland.


No Comments to “Welcome to my World”
  1. Mellissa says:

    Every minute is busy, I don’t know how most of us do it all the time!

  2. Thanks for sharing your day. I love your play-by-play and sense of humor! And girl, you’re still rockin’ by the way!

  3. homecookedem says:

    I loved reading about your day!! The nippin’ part was hilarious and totally relatable, haha!! Thanks for letting us have a peek inside your lovely world!!

    G’night!! 🙂

  4. Goodness, you are busy!

    This was interesting. I loved reading about “a day in your life.”

  5. eatspinlive says:

    What a great post girl 🙂 I loved it! And I LOVE your spinning shoes! I have been spinning for several months now and really have been on the search for good shoes! I have been using regular sneakers-but I have heard that clip in shoes help to incorporate different muscles! I hope you don’t mind me asking where you found yours?

    • Tina says:

      I got mine at a local bike shop. I highly suggest going to one to buy yours because the people are helpful and it’s nice to try the shoes on. The shoes aren’t as expensive as you would think. Mine were $80 I think and totally worth it. I have had them for about a year now and they really do help the class feel smoother and like I can work harder but without noticing it.

  6. Heather says:

    that’s quite the day…i don’t know what i’m going to do when we have kiddos! I’ll definitely take some advice from you though 😉

  7. Wow, you have quite the busy schedule!!!

    And you are one hot mama! 🙂

  8. Busy day! But your daughter is sooo adorable in those glasses 🙂

  9. Jenn N. says:

    I like to get up early too. I’ve been very slack on my devotions for the last few months and I know it’s affecting me.. My pastor just started a new series on prayer and I just started the exercises in his series. I’m excited and desperately need some intentional focused time with God. Your commitment inspires me too!

  10. Leah says:

    Really enjoyed this post! I love seeing what Mom’s get up to and how they manage! Hope you have a nice week Tina!

  11. Vee says:

    What a fun post to read. Your day is really busy! Love your spinning shoes – they look so cool.

  12. Shannon says:

    The life of a stay at home mom! You are one busy girl!

  13. I love reading these, and OH MAN you are hilarious about the nip thing. When I lived at home, and was older of course, when it’s cold out my mama always says “it’s a little nipply out” hahaha.

  14. inmytummy says:

    You are a busy woman!

  15. I loved your “day in the life.” It was fun to read!

  16. I loved reading about your day! Being a mama is HARD work….I know from what my sisters say and go through. You are an amazing mom and very, very busy!

  17. lisaou11 says:

    busy busy day!

    and omg, I LOOOOVE those morningstar farm buffalo wings! SO TASTY! I cant believe a serving size is only 5–I always wanna eat about 10 of them!

  18. Sounds like a nice but super busy day! You are like Super Woman!

  19. cardiopizza says:

    Loved the play-by-play, you are one busy mama!

    It seems like that kid is always a no-show…!

  20. Therese says:

    I love a good “day in the life” post 🙂

    M looks like a diva in those shades!

    Haha to the nipping comment…I can almost guarantee the dude at the desk was checking you out, cold or not!

  21. […] great AMAZING GRASS products!  Not only is Tina a fitness finatic, like us, but she’s also supermom, a faithful Christian, and a REAL person.  I really enjoy reading her blog, where she touches on […]

  22. Ameena says:

    I love the recap of your day. We have so much in common! As another person with glasses/contacts I can totally relate to your morning. I can never find my glasses despite putting them next to my bed the night before.

    How cute is your little one with her sunglasses?

  23. Jennifer says:

    Girl, you are one busy momma! Can I expect to be this busy when I have a little one? 🙂

    • Tina says:

      Haha! Definitely! People who ask how you don’t get bored as a stay at home mom have no idea how many ways you can fill up a day. I don’t know how working moms do it! They amaze me!

  24. You are still so organized!! I am amazed!

  25. Krystal says:

    oooooh! the hermits look really yummylicious!

  26. Marcia says:

    How fun to read this..i might have to borrow this for one of my ..or both of my blogs

  27. hayleycepeda says:

    This was such an awesome post!!! It gives me some good insight as to what it’s like to live with an 18-month old…I love that you get some time to yourself in the morning before heading off to the gym! 🙂

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