Spendy Fun

Posted: October 25, 2011 at 3:04 pm

On Sunday morning I found myself very disgruntled. Apparently maintaining over the holidays isn’t the only thing I haven’t done in a long, long, long time. (PS – Thanks for helping me not feel so alone. I KNOW I can do this! Mwah!)

As I was saying, I found myself staring at a closet full of quite the outdated fall wardrobe. I’m talking shirts from my college days that just hit the top of my jeans or sweaters made for a pregnant body. Um, yeah. Not happening.

What else was there to do than hit up the outlet malls later that afternoon?

We only went into four different stores, but still managed to spend way too much money. Peter needed some new work clothes. We both needed new shoes. And I needed to revamp my fall tops. Okay perhaps more of a want than a need, but still.

I made out with a dozen shirts I LOVE, two new pairs of ballet flats, and a new stylish jacket. Looking schnazzay now!


Well, I would look schnazzay if I decided to do my hair. Winking smile

Besides the new clothes thing, I also had fun playing with something else new.


Peter’s old phone went caput, so he had to do the upgrade thing. We figured if we’re locking ourselves into a new contract with his new phone, then we both might as well get an upgrade – the new Samsung Galaxy S2.

I had been using an old iPhone Peter got free from a friend and loved it. But this phone…ohhh, I love LOVE it! It’s so light and thin and easy to use. And Google friendly. And has a big screen. And NO iTunes to hassle with! And the best thing of all to me – a better camera.

I am having way too much fun playing with it.

Yep. I’m in love. Things got a little “spendy” around here with the phones and clothes and new washer/dryer, but it fit the “fun money” budget, so it works. It may not look it, but we’re very mindful with our money. You know I’m a stickler for a budget, but you gotta live a little too. And not in maternity sweaters at almost a year post-partum. Winking smile

  • Do you make “fun purchases” on a regular basis or do a bigger “spree” more sporadically? We don’t buy “extras” often at all, but 2-3 times a year we will do a bit more fun shopping than normal.
  • Check out my guest post for EASY Homemade Tomato Soup over on Charissa’s blog Colourful Palate!

35 Comments to “Spendy Fun”
  1. loving the new jacket!! AND those grey flats you had!
    I’m the same – all my clothes are either too big or too old! Need to shop asap! Maybe when we come to ATL in December?!

  2. Sara says:

    How fun!! I need to go to the outlets. I look like a rag bag most of the time (or feel like one, ha ha.) I need some updating and then I tend to only buy what is on clearance or only with a giant coupon. It shows 🙂

  3. That jacket is awesome! I love that it has a military feel to it. Very modern.
    I so need to go shopping too. I buy a shirt here and there, but haven’t bought anything really new in over a year. I just want something cute!
    And you get to do the spending thing like this because you are a saver and good with your money. You know you can afford it and that’s the difference.

  4. Oooh! I am loving the new jacket 🙂

  5. I’m all or nothing when it comes to spending. I haven’t gone clothes shopping in months. I know an outlet trip is in my near future where I’ll spend hundreds. I’m just not one of those people that can shop all the time and grab a thing or two here or there as I see a deal. I despise shopping so it’s one big trip at a time!

  6. Lauren says:

    Tina! I totally agree on the MUST buy new clothes! I have lost almost 35 lbs this year and let me tell you…my winter clothes that aren’t almost 2 sizes too big…are non existent…I have spent my weekly salary in Loft in the past month!! 🙁 BUT I have some awesome new clothes that show off the new me! 🙂 By the way…LOVE the Jacket! Is it Loft?

  7. I say, you deserve it…especially after the dedication you’ve had to living a balanced lifestyle while getting your amazing figure back!

  8. I just spruced up my fall wardrobe a little bit on Sunday at H&M and it made me feel a million times better about my closet! It’s necessary sometimes!

  9. Amy Lauren says:

    Honestly, I don’t make a lot of big purchases, but we do save and mostly make big spending decisions on things like vacations. As far as clothes go… I’m usually like whatever. I like nice running shoes and I like to look cute, but I’ll buy clothes from Goodwill or off the sale rack at Belk or even at yard sales (yes, I am wearing a $2 sweater from a yard sale right now, and looking cute).

    We go on a big vacation, usually a cruise, each year and also take some little trips, maybe to a USC game or something, or to the beach :). You definitely have to live your life, there’s no use to have money if you’re just gonna be miserable, right?

    Love the new clothes and phone!

    • Tina says:

      Definitely agree on the trips! We have saved for Savannah trip next weekend and are planning a special bigger trip for next year. Can’t wait! 🙂

  10. I’m a spender. If I want something, I will usually think about it non-stop until I get it. I have been trying to be better about it and I have actually stopped myself from making multiple purchases in the past couple months. I really need to budget and it’s something that I’m slowly working on.

    Love the jacket! I almost bought one identical to it (but stopped myself!!)

  11. We are pretty calculated with our money so we don’t splurge all that often, unless we really need something. Our biggest concern is getting as much money put into savings each month as we can while still being able to live a fun and happy life! Being too restrictive would make me want to spend more than I need too! As long as I can grocery shop at our local organic store that is really all I ask for each month!

  12. Erica says:

    I am going shopping thursday and i cannot wait! Hooray for your new purchases! The phone takes fabulous pictures!

  13. I’ve been reading for a while and thought I would finally say hello!

    You deserve a little “spendy fun” every once and a while…it is good for your soul 🙂 Love the jacket too!

  14. Helen says:

    Yay for fun shopping. I give myself a fun budget every month to spend on myslef. It is broken down into weekly amounts so I can spend weekly or I can save for one big trip 🙂

  15. I tend to do little bits along the way since I follow a monthly budget for my student loans. And I love that jacket!

  16. Love the new jacket! That is so cute!! And yay for a phone with a better camera :). I try not to splurge that often because I don’t have an income right now and I don’t want to waste my money on things that I could easily get sick of!

  17. such a cute jacket! outlet malls are the best!

  18. STUFT Mama says:

    New jacket is CU-UTE! 🙂 I can’t remember the last time I went ot an outlet mall. I did make a quick stop at Nordstrom Rack the other day. I got a Spanx tank. Your jacket was a much better purchase. ha!
    We rarely spend, but then I go on a little spress for a week ro so and let myself go. oops. Trying to recover right now actually. Went a little overboard last week.

  19. that jacket is so cute! I don’t normally have a lot of time to go shopping anymore so I like to buy a lot at one time! Sometimes I’ll just save up some cash from waitressing and spend it all so it seems like I’m not spending any of my money from my account haha
    Those pictures are so cute and really good quality! I love new phones:)

  20. Stephanie says:

    I only buy clothes twice a year, in the Fall and the Spring. I sometimes spend a bit too much, but I think that because I only go twice year, I spend a lot less than a lot of my friends!

  21. Sara says:

    Spendy within the budget is the best! All of the fun, none of the guilt. Love the jacket!

  22. jobo says:

    I SO need to have a spendy time getting some new fall clothes! A lot of my stuff doesn’t fit right anymore (a good problem to have!) and I just need an overhaul! So jealous of your scores today! Nicely done!

  23. I also went Fall (aka US clothes) shopping this weekend! Isn’t fun? I was never a clothes girl but man….i love shopping now! I am pretty sure it has to do with the fact I am in shape now and everything seems to fit/or look good. Not a bad problem to have these days right? Love the cute jacket!
    xoxo from Houston

  24. Such a cute jacket. 🙂 Love it!

    I like to spend way too much on clothes. i always feel so guilty afterwards, but I have so much fun while I’m buying!

  25. Khushboo says:

    I don’t enjoy shopping for clothes in Mumbai so whenever I travel, I go wild and ‘stock up’…and reason with myself that I won’t be shopping for a while now so it’s ok haha!

  26. MizFit says:

    I LONG for ballet flats.

    take me shopping too?

  27. Christin L. says:

    That jacket is too cute! I am in major need of some new jeans and will be getting a bit spendy for them soon! 😉

  28. Hi Tina! I’m thinking about a new phone and recommendations. Glad you like this one, I’ll add it to my possible list! Thanks!

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