My First 5K!

Posted: April 27, 2010 at 11:23 am

Well, since high school at least. But today I did it. I actually ran 3.1 miles! It may not have been in a race. It may have been on a machine instead of the great outdoors. But I did it. Completely unexpectedly, and it feels awesome.


As usual on Tuesday, I headed to the gym for Power and then a 20-30 minute cardio workout afterwards. I was a little disappointed in Power because the Tuesday instructor hasn't reviewed enough of the new release to teach it and we just did old tracks. Our gym started the Spring '10 release on Saturday and I loved it so much I was sad not to do it today. Nevertheless, it was still a good workout and I challenged myself just the right amount since I like to play Goldilocks.

After class, I hopped on the treadmill planning to do the same interval workout I did last week. One interval into it I knew that just wasn't happening. My legs felt like lead hitting 7.0 and I just wasn't feeling it at all. I figured I would modify and run intervals of a few minutes at 6.0, a minute at 4.0, a few minutes at 6.0, a minute at 4.0, lather rinse repeat until I was done.

Turns out, running at 6.0 felt good. I didn't feel the need to drop back down to 4.0 after a few minutes. So I didn't. I kept going, figuring I would get tired in a few more minutes and take a break then. But that need for a break never came. And I just kept pushing on. I even got an extra wind and bumped the speed up a couple tenths of a degree every few minutes, reaching a 6.6 speed for the last 5-10 minutes or so. I was loving my run. That has never happened to me before. No joke. Running and me do not normally bond so well. I like it for a bit, but it certainly does not like me, so then I decide to make the feeling mutual and stop.

But today was different. Once I got to about 20 minutes straight of running, I knew I wanted to reach that 3.1 mileage. I don't know why it got in my head, but it did and it was a goal I was determined to get to.


I will admit the last 1/2 mile was starting to get tough on me. My calves were hurting (from the incline, from my stride, I have no clue but they hurt!) and I was reaching the point where I thought "I don't have to finish. I've already done more than anticipated". But I kept pushing. What was my motivation? Knowing how proud I would feel to do something I haven't done in a long time. Knowing that I would regret it if I stopped. Knowing how happy you all would be for me and celebrate with me on this small triumph of mine. Having something workout related to get excited about, which sadly I haven't been able to have in my life too much recently with my "going through the motions" workouts.

It may seem a small victory, but it was a big one as well. It reminded me of the fact that I can push through and endure anything. It shows me I can get through trials ranging from finishing a run to walking blindly in faith where emotions run high. I have overcome many challenges already in my life (binge eating, depression, competition prep! ;)) and they have given me the strength to do anything else I may set my mind to. Lift up each and every victory in your life. They are around you each and every day. Be proud of them; share them; own your accomplishments. Cross that finish line waiting for you in whatever challenge you are facing. Then celebrate it. No matter how small it may be. What is your victory today? can I help my calves? 😉


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No Comments to “My First 5K!”
  1. cardiopizza says:

    Are you wearing good shoes?

    I suggest some good stretching, especially for the calves. And maybe some foam rolling 🙂

  2. First of all, CONGRATS!!!!
    Second of all, love this post. “It reminded me of the fact that I can push through and endure anything. It shows me I can get through trials ranging from finishing a run to walking blindly in faith where emotions run high.” <- best quote EVER. That really really inspires me, so so so much… I can't even tell you!!!

  3. Lindsey says:

    Congrats on the great run! Each goal you meet is an important goal – and the best feeling in the world! As for the calves, stretching and stretching is what works for me. Wish I could offer more. Congrats again!! 🙂

  4. Congrats, girl! I am not a runner, and it is tough for me. That is awesome!

  5. Yay!! You are so awesome!!

    And you are a baller for running on an incline, I cannot do that AT ALL. I won’t even attempt. Partly because it’s hard and partly because it makes my bad knee feel funny.

  6. Lisa says:

    Good job tina! That’s awesome! Ps your guest post is up Tina!

  7. Therese says:

    Ahhh that is so exciting! I am not a ‘runner’ either so whenever I accomplish something like that it feels amazing!!

    “It reminded me of the fact that I can push through and endure anything. It shows me I can get through trials ranging from finishing a run to walking blindly in faith where emotions run high.”

    Oh how I needed to read that 🙂

  8. Katie says:

    Congrats! 🙂 I love that you talked about your group teacher ‘disappointment’ …I always hate that, because you come to class, planning your day around it…and give up an hour of workout time…only to find it to be ‘less’ of a workout than you had hoped for! But looks like you ‘made up for it’ on your own! 🙂 What is your Power Class btw!?

    • Tina says:

      It is basically the same thing as a Body Pump class with the lifting for one body part per song. It is an endurance type of lifting. It’s different than how I normally like to lift but perfect for right now and I enjoy it.

  9. congrats on the 5k! They are such fun little races. There is one at the zoo here in town this Saturday which includes free admission all day!

  10. Congrats! It’s only going to get better and easier from here 🙂

  11. jsutera654 says:

    Congrats!! I just wrote about “small victories” today too – how funny! Nice work on pushing yourself through to reach your 5k goal – treadmill or no treadmill, its an accomplishment! PS. I am dying to see the new Power release, I won’t get to try it until next week since I have to travel for work the rest of this week, was it awesome?? I’m teaching the new Kick release on Saturday – its SO good!

    • Tina says:

      I did the new release for Kick this past Saturday. I loved it!!!! And I like the Power release. It has good songs and it’s pretty tough. Especially both of the leg tracks.

  12. Woohoo – congrats! That’s gotta feel good (except for the calves). Do you run more on the balls of your feet? That’s not a bad thing at all, it’s one technique actually, but can be tiring on the calves until you’re used to it and they are built up. For now, stretch. And didn’t you just post a comment that you hadn’t gotten into running?

  13. Vee says:

    Well done Tina! You must be so proud.
    Calf recovery in my case involves a lot of stretching and foam rolling. I also like to sometimes rub them with a tennis ball. It relieves any tension and niggles.

  14. Mellissa says:

    Yeah for a good run! A small victory for me today was not going ballistic on a vendor that screwed up an order, I was calm and explained what I needed and what would happen if they didn’t deliver.

  15. Run Sarah says:

    Congrats, that is so awesome! Getting to 5k was the hardest for me, after that, it was downhill with building up distances.

  16. lowandbhold says:

    Congrats girl!! That’s is an awesome accomplishment.

    Not to product push, but I’m kind of obsessed with Zensah compression sleeves for my running. They might just be placebos, but I always feel like my legs feel better when I wear them.

  17. Love this, Tina – and congratulations on your 5k!! I love your reminder that we need to celebrate our accomplishments and victories, no matter how big or small they seem to us. We seem to forget the small accomplishments, yet the smallest failures seem to daunt us sometimes.

  18. Sarah says:

    Congratulations on that 5k! I’m so glad you decided to share your accomplishment. You were right-we’re all here to celebrate with you:).

  19. Kelly says:

    HOLLER! That is awesome Tina and nothing I EVER do puts you to shame! Everyone’s workouts are great in their own right! I am really happy for you!

    • Tina says:

      Aw, thanks Kelly! I know that, but you are a running madwoman. And you rocked that treadmill. Just like how I rocked it in my own way too. 🙂

  20. Congrats! I would of died if we had to run a 5k in high school…died!

  21. janetha says:

    YES. you rock, sista!

  22. homecookedem says:

    Congrats!!!!!! I’m so proud and happy for you!! Don’t you just love that feeling of reaching a goal?!! Let me know if you ever want to run a 5K with me! 😉 Good for you for celebrating your victories, you are such an inspiration to all of us!!!!!

  23. Keri says:

    I’m not sure if someone said this already but: Foam roller.

  24. Jennifer says:

    Ahh I am so excited for you! That’s awesome that you were able to run a 5k. You know, it seems like during the times when we do not have a strict set goal on ourselves, then we are able to achieve something greater because we do not have pre-added pressure on ourselves. If we just live in that moment, it is surprising what our bodies will allow us to do. Because really when it comes down to it, it’s all mental.

  25. student aid says:

    I love your reminder that we need to celebrate our accomplishments and victories, no matter how big or small they seem to us. I am dying to see the new Power release, I won’t get to try it until next week since I have to travel for work the rest thanks.

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