Sweet & Spicy

Posted: May 13, 2010 at 8:08 am

I'm glad so many of you are enjoying my abs post. I loved all your comments about actually preferring the ripped abs look less than a 6-pack stomach and about how you have grown to love your bodies by recognizing the unnecessary goals we can get caught up in striving for. Continue leaving comments. I love hearing your opinion on the matter.

Sweet and spicy. Two of my favorite flavors. Pretty vague, but anything sweet and anything spicy tend to make my taste buds dance with joy. The sweet and spicy combo will also show up in parts of my day.

The Sweet

Enjoying a delightful yoga class yesterday morning to stretch out and relax. I could have stayed like this all day.


Other sweet parts of my day were a nice walk around the neighborhood, some reading time, and some playing with Makenzie. Spending time with her had me thinking that it is almost bittersweet being pregnant, because I only have 8 months left of her being my only baby.

The Spicy

The spicy part of my day was last night’s dinner. I made a Buffalo Tofu Wrap. There are a few things I love about tofu:

  • It is extremely versatile.
  • It is a great part of a balanced diet.
  • It is EASY to cook!

For tonight’s dinner, I simply pressed the tofu for awhile in the afternoon and then got it marinating and cooking. First, I cut the tofu into bite sized pieces.

I simply used some Frank’s Hot Buffalo Wing sauce as the marinade for my half of the tofu and I used a basic BBQ sauce for Peter’s half. I let the tofu strips soak for about 30 minutes.


Then, I coated them with some panko breadcrumbs and baked at 350 for 30-40 minutes.


Next I assembled my slices in a wrap with some lettuce, onion, tomato, and blue cheese.


Plate up  some green beans alongside the wrap and allow things to get hot and steamy. I loved this wrap. Before, I would never think to combine tofu with anything other than Asian inspired flavors, but I’m glad the motivation came from somewhere when making the grocery list. Spice up your life a little with this dish.

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15 Comments to “Sweet & Spicy”
  1. Heather says:

    now i’m craving something SUPER spicy! i might just try the same thing with chicken tonight 🙂

  2. Love this marinade idea for tofu. My husband likes to mix Frank’s with BBQ sauce on his pizzas, so this would be great for a tofu marinade. Thanks for the idea lovely lady!

  3. Oh wow-that wrap looks fantastic!

  4. katiivey says:

    MMmm. Ryan made green beans last night that were delish too! Sometimes I can do tofu; sometimes I can’t!

  5. Lindsay says:

    That tofu looks amazing! I need to try this and give in to my love of buffalo!

  6. YUM! How silly of me! I never thought to marinate tofu in hot sauce either?!? I’ll bet they would be good by themselves dipped in Oikos + Hidden Valley ranch seasoning packet! (buffalo chicken tofu, anyone?!) 🙂

  7. cardiopizza says:

    Great idea, I also love how tofu can take on so many flavor!! Looks yummy! 🙂

  8. Kelly says:

    Yum Tina that sounds awesome!

  9. I am trying to get my hubby to eat more vegetarian dishes. He adores buffalo chicken…perhaps he might like this! I can’t wait to try!

  10. ps I just added you to my blogroll… 🙂

  11. Your tofu wrap looks delish! I don’t like spicy things but I bet if I made this for my brother, he would eat it up and not even realize I had just made him try tofu =P

  12. Mama Pea says:

    What a genius recipe! Tofu is so versatile. Have a great day!

  13. WOW, I neeeeed to try that wrap! I loooooove spicy food!!!! 🙂

    Have a great day!!! XOXOX

  14. homecookedem says:

    Omgoodness, that looks so good!! 🙂 I never would have thought to coat tofu in panko, yum!!

  15. Lourdes says:

    The secret “IS” the vegan parmesan.
    Everything tastes better with the grated Vegan Parmesan on it, I put it on everything.

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