Guest Post – Q & A with Lee

Posted: June 20, 2010 at 6:00 pm

Hi Readers of Faith, Fitness and Fun. My name is Lee and I have a little blog over at Thanks for letting me do a guest post, Tina. (You’re welcome! And thanks for writing one for me!)


1. Give a brief description of your blog.

My blog is basically my diary that I share with the internet. I guess I like spilling my guts to random strangers? Healthy living is very important to me and that’s reflected in my blog, so you will see a lot of posts about exercise and healthy food. Sometimes I get it in me to take pictures of what I eat, but not all the time. Mostly I blab about whatever’s on my mind – healthy living related or not. Lately, you will read a lot about the P90X workout program, buying my first house and getting married. And maybe I’ll share some recipes or pictures of my dog. Sometimes my posts are funny (at least I try to make them so) and other times they’re more serious.

2. What does blogging do for you? Why do you enjoy it?

Ever since I can remember, I’ve kept a journal of some sort. About six years ago, I was active on a fitness-related message board and one of the forums was comprised entirely of members’ journals. I realized that I liked sharing my journal with other people and hearing their input. After a while, I drifted away from the message board. I was at a job where I couldn’t post a lot and I felt very out of the loop. So I decided to blog instead. Like I said before, I like spilling my guts to strangers.

3. What is your favorite food? Nutritional value does not matter, so choose anything!

Hummus! I started eating hummus in high school way before it was popular. (I feel like this gives me street cred in the hummus department. I was in high school in the mid 90’s, by the way.) I am very picky about my hummus though. Sabra and Hannah brands are the way to go. (Hannah is the one they sell at Costco.) Athenos – bleh.

4. What is your favorite type of workout? Why do you love it?

I guess I’d have to say running although it’s more of a love/hate relationship. I really like racing. I like to sign up for a race several months in the future, pick a training plan and trust that if I follow it, I’ll do well in the race. I like the expos and the numbers and knowing what PR and fartlek and tempo and all those fancy running terms mean. I like discussing running with other people. But sometimes I don’t actually like to go for a run. Although, I do it and I always feel 100% better afterward. I also like snowboarding, but living in Georgia kind of makes that a little difficult.

5. What is a current goal you are working towards?

Does getting through buying a house and planning a wedding (within 30 days of one another) count? I think by the time this posts, I’ll have the house thing finished.

6. What is something important that you have overcome, are working towards overcoming, or hope to overcome one day?

I think I’m finally mostly comfortable in my own skin. I’m still working on not feeling guilty for eating certain foods or thinking that I’m going to gain weight if I eat some fries or chips every now and again.

7. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

This is from a song, but I’ve always liked it.

“I will go in this way and find my own way out. – #41 by Dave Matthews Band. I actually had a DMB #41 sticker on my car several years ago but too many people thought it was a Nascar sticker so I took it off. Hmph.

8. What are some things on your "Bucket List"?

  • Run another marathon
  • Travel, especially to Europe
  • Have a job where I actually feel challenged and satisfied with the work I’m doing
  • Grow some of my own vegetables in a garden

9. What is something you know now that you wish you knew 5-10 years ago?

Don’t settle. If I think I can do better, I can. That can be applied to many aspects of my life.

10. Name one crazy, random fact about you.

I played rugby in college. My postion was called second row which meant that I had to put my head between two people’s thighs during the scrum. That’s not as dirty as it sounds. Google it.

11. If you won the lottery, what would be your first big purchase?

Can I pay off my house? Maybe a new car. Henry Honda Civic (he must be called by his full name at all times) is a 2001. This is a totally boring answer, I know.

12. List 5 of your favorite things.

1. My fiancé (or maybe husband depending on when this posts) – Jason

2. My dog Murphy

3. My friends and family

4. the internet

5. Hummus

Question from Tina…What is YOUR favorite food? Nutritious or otherwise?


6 Comments to “Guest Post – Q & A with Lee”
  1. homecookedem says:

    Haha, cute post, Lee!! Love that your car must be called by “his” full name, hehe! 😉 I totally agree about hummus – athenos is blech! Sabra is the only way to go.

  2. I love my grandmom’s green spaghetti. It’s so amazing!

  3. Sarah says:

    I love coconut (especially coconut butter), peanut butter, eggs, avocado, and dark chocolate.

  4. Rachel says:

    Macaroni and cheese!

    Yes, I’m an 8 year old.

  5. Holly says:

    I didn’t realize you played rugby, Lee?! Now I officially think of you as hardcore. 🙂

    My favorite food…..gosh – that is like choosing a favorite reality TV show. I’m going to say almond butter, because I just don’t think it’s at all possible for me to get tired of it!

  6. Holly says:

    I didn’t realize you played rugby, Lee?! Now I officially think of you as hardcore. 🙂

    My favorite food…..gosh – that is like choosing a favorite reality TV show. I’m going to say almond butter, because I just don’t think it’s at all possible for me to get tired of it!

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