i saw michael myers

Posted: November 1, 2010 at 11:00 am

Good morning! I can hardly believe Halloween has come and gone and now it is November. Hard to believe we only have a little over three weeks until Thanksgiving here in the US and then only a little over 50 days until Christmas! Before we move on to prepping for other holidays, though, I must recap our Halloween night.

I could sum it up in two words – fun! And exhausting. That would not make much of a blog post though, so I will add a little more detail. After church and relaxing some in the afternoon, my parents arrived to hang out with us. They wanted to see little M all dressed up and have dinner together. Plus, they would be our candy passer outers while we were out with M (to the total SEVEN kids we had show up – lots of leftovers to handle).


We got M all dressed up, for the third time, and were ready to head out at around 6 pm. Except no one was out yet. No one. So, we did dinner first! I made a crockpot vegetable stew from a recipe my friend gave me, which I slightly modified. You can figure it was easy and healthy with me making it. Fortunately, it was incredibly tasty too.


Italian Vegetable Stew

  • 1 red onion, diced
  • 2 zucchini, diced
  • 1 small package frozen vegetable soup mix
  • 1 can Navy beans (or other white bean)
  • 1 can Italian seasoned diced tomatoes
  • 1 can vegetable broth (low sodium if you can find it)
  • 1 can condensed tomato soup
  • 1 packet pesto mix

Simple place all the ingredients in the crockpot. Stir to combine and cook on high 4 hours or low 8 hours. I think it could have gone without the condensed tomato soup. Or I would try to find one without HFCS as the 3rd ingredient.

After dinner, we began to head out. Peter, Makenzie, & I…


…and of course the little man came along for the ride as well.


How do you like my “costume”? 😉 I didn’t get many pictures trick or treating because it got dark fast. We started at 7 in the neighborhood next to us. It took a lot longer than we anticipated. We only hit a very small section of it, but there were so many hills and each house had a ton of steps to climb up (or down) to the front porches.

IMGP8335 IMGP8336

Holy leg workout! Plus, the entire neighborhood consists of one big hill after another. After making the small loop there, we headed back to our neighborhood. We considered just going inside since it was already 8:15, but knew we had to stop by Peter’s brother’s house to say hello and a couple of our neighbors. So we hit up 4 or 5 more houses to visit them, then came home around 8:45. I was beat! Lugging a 25 lb kid around that long gets exhausting. And we can’t forget the jack o’ lantern I was hauling either.

We spent a few more minutes talking with my parents and then quickly went to bed after they left. By the way, I love my mom! She did dishes and cleaned up some to help me out while I was gone. Thank you, mommy!!!


Alright, that was our night. But I can’t leave out the one creepy moment. It was Halloween after all. After visiting one house, we turned around to start heading back down the driveway only to look up and see this…


…standing at the end of the long driveway, somewhat across the street, under the street light. Freaky!!! He just stood there staring like Michael Myers until we were down the driveway and moving down the street away from him again. If he started walking after us with the creepy Michael Myers walk or if I had seen him again that night, I think I would have screamed. There’s my Halloween moment for the evening. Now, have a great Monday!

  • Do you like scary movies? I used to love them a lot more. They scare me more now than back in the day. I don’t do gory ones at all now…only the psychologically freaky ones.
  • Look for my first day of the Q + A series in tonight’s post. ASK ME ANYTHING if you haven’t already.
  • Congratulations to Julie on her wedding!!!! Love her and I wish her the absolute best. 🙂 Next time I see you, Julie, you will have been married over half a year! And to think, we talked wedding this past summer. Time flies!

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46 Comments to “i saw michael myers”
  1. Angela says:

    Awww M looks so cute in her costume! And that stew looks delicious – I could do with a bit of it right now because it’s getting SO cold here! I’m not a huge fan of scary movies, but if I do watch them, it’s gotta be from start to finish so I’m not left wondering what happened.

  2. I like realistic scary movies—I know, weird right. But, the ones that seem fake, I’m just not into.

  3. your daughter looks adorable! and I like your costume:)
    I like good scary movies, but I feel like a lot of them out now are kind of lame- and I don’t like gory movies so that can ruin a lot of them. I watched Saw 6 last night and it was just too gross for me.

    • Tina says:

      Yea, the first Saw was great. It’s one of my favorite scary movies. Now, they are just all about how disturbing and gross the scenes can be. I haven’t watched the last two for that reason exactly.

  4. M is adorable!!

    we live on acreage with no street lamps, so no trick or treaters ever come to our house 🙁

    we watched scary movies last night!! I never used to watch them (I have a WAY over active imagination!), just a couple years ago I kinda started… they’re not so bad!

  5. feener says:

    to me – michael meyers is the creepiest scariest of all scary creeps out there.

  6. M looks adorable in her costume!!

  7. That Michael Myers guy would have freaked me out! I get so scared easily — I watched 20 minutes of Jeepers Creepers (dumbest movie ever!!!) and I was still kind of “scared” to go upstairs yesterday for fear the guy would be in my bedroom. How silly is that? The mind is a crazy place, thats for sure!

    M looks adorable and so do you! Great costume 🙂

  8. Oh Tina, look at you! 🙂 I love the little Pumpkin! And M…she’s so stinkin’ cute with her little chicken costume and that smile!!

    You guys make a beautiful family!

    Scary movies…I can only do stuff like Nightmare on Elm Street or the Jason movies or Saw…if it’s anything to do with ghosts/demons, I can’t do it. I don’t feel right. It’s too “evil” for me…and I dream about that stuff afterward. Weird, I know!

    • Tina says:

      Those types of scary movies freak me out a lot more too for some reason. Or things that seem like they could really happen.

  9. M is the cutest duckie ever! I had so much fun last night seeing the trick-or-treaters. Can’t wait to have kids of my own to dress up 🙂 And I love your jack-o-lantern belly!

  10. I love scary movies–it is one of my favorite parts of Halloween! We watched The Shining last night–super creepy and classic. Your daughter looks soooo cute!

  11. AWWWW, look at the little chickie!! Soo adorable!!! I absolutely LOVE your costume, what a great idea 🙂

    I used to LOVE scary movies, like you. Now, I get more scared…but I can watch the ones I have seen a hundred times. I refuse to watch Paranormal Activity or any of the SAW movies. I am a total Michael Myers fan, LOL, I would of freaked if I saw that, I spent the entire weekend watching ALL of the Halloween’s!

  12. Camille says:

    Thank goodness that guy had the good sense not to come after you when you had a little kid. I am all for a good scare on Halloween (or any day), but not with a small child around!

    • Tina says:

      M just kind of looked at him like “what the heck is this dude doing?” I think she’s still too young to get freaked out by things like that. If he had scared her, he would have heard a piece of my mind that’s for sure.

  13. Tina I love the jack-o-lantern belly!! So hilarious and cute! And that picture is THE creepiest picture I’ve seen on a healthy living blog haha!

  14. Melie says:

    you people in the US are crazy (in a nice way though :-P). You have an extended period of holidays from October to New Year’s.. Or is it even longer than that?

  15. Love that gorgeous belly of yours! I know you are ready and likely not enjoying the belly these days entirely but…

    What a perfect belly! You are gorgeous! And he is a most perfect Jack-o-lantern. 🙂

    Love scary movies so long as there isn’t too much torture. Not into the torture at all. Gets under my skin…

  16. Oh my gosh, that Michael Meyers would have TOTALLY freaked me out!!! I hate stuff like that!

    Love your shirt! 🙂

  17. Becca says:

    I’d have been freaked out by that Michael Meyers, too.
    I can’t do “scary” movies. Like, at all. I have enough trouble with parts of Star Wars!

    We only had one trick or treater, a little boy who lives a few houses up the street. At like 6 o’clock.

    I LOVE your costume. That’s clever! =)

  18. Aww, your belly looked cute with a Jack-O-Lantern face:)

    I do NOT like scary movies, mainly because they “stay with me” long after the movie is over. For instance, just last night I had a terrifying dream of the dead Chinese boy from the movie “The Grudge” and I hadn’t seen that movie in YEARS. Ughh, so scary! I woke up and just kept praying to Jesus to help me fall back asleep and not have anymore nightmares! YIKES! ;(

  19. Emily says:

    Little M looks so adorable. 🙂 I didn’t get any trick or treaters so I have a lot of candy to go through. I’m going to bring it to work and watch it disappear. 🙂

    I most definitely would have screamed if I saw Mike Meyers.

  20. I used to be better with scary movies…now I am such a chicken. The soup looks perfect and delicious! So glad you had a great time yesterday!

    • Tina says:

      I wonder what is up with that? I used to laugh at scary movies. Now they creep me out badly. I’ve noticed its since having kids. Perhaps the thought of evil things bothers me more with a child in the world? Who knows! I just know I’ve gone weak. LOL

  21. oh my word i cannot handle scary movies! law and order is enough for me because i’m lame like that 🙂

  22. Ugh. Not so into scary movies. Kills my husband. I’m a big ole wuss.

  23. Jen says:

    First, that soup looks really good and easy, I’ll have to try it!!! I love your costume!! I used to be really into scary movies, not so much anymore. My husband laughs at me because I’m such a wuss now!


  24. Oh I love scary movies! Love super easy soups. Maybe you could just use tomato sauce or even V8 juice?

    • Tina says:

      Yea I was thinking of subbing it out when I couldn’t find a “healthier” version. Healthier condensed soup – the irony. LOL I always like to make recipes as called for the first time I do them though to see what things could likely get subbed out. I think the condensed soup only made it a bit more creamy than brothy. I like brothy soups, so next time I definitely plan to change it!

  25. I love M’s costume. 🙂 She’s so cute. And the baby’s of course! We didn’t great pics either b/c of how quickly it got dark. That was a bummer. I may have peed on myself if I had seen Michael. *shiver* I am such a weenie when it comes to scary movies.

  26. omg i love your preggo belly shirt…that’s too cute!
    as well as M’s costuem!

    hills and kids and pregnant ladies don’t mix too well… 🙂

    and of course, the crockpot recipe looks great. I add chunks of potatoes, beans, corn, anything I have on hand to things like that to bulk it up since I am firing up the ole crock pot for 8 hrs anyway 🙂

  27. Kacy says:

    Halloween is def one of my fave scary movies, so I would have freaked too, but in a good way. Sounds like you had a fun weekend!

  28. Holly says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your baby belly. Pregnancy suits you oh SO well. You are absolutely RADIANT!! 🙂
    Little M is a doll! Cute costume!!

  29. hbobier says:

    M is adorable! Looks like she had a fun time trick-or-treating. And I love scary movies, as long as they aren’t gory!

  30. I love your shirt! hehe! so cute!

    Question for you: What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before having kids?

  31. Love your costume! 😀 Too cute!

  32. janetha g. says:

    Oh my gosh, I loveeee lil’ M’s costume! And your belly decoration–so cute.

  33. Rachel says:

    I LOVE scary movies! AMC just started a show called “The Walking Dead” and it is about zombies. I am so pumped.

  34. thanks so much for the wedding shout out! 🙂 you made me smile reallll big. also, i LOVE your little pumpkin costume. TOO cute!

  35. I love making italian soups and stews like that. They warm you right up in the winter. I love how you decorated your belly, so cute! I don’t like scary movies really, I am a big chicken.

  36. I love the idea of being a jack ‘o lantern for a pregger costume! So cute. I just missed it since I had my baby in September. My friend who is pregnant was a fortune teller and her belly was the crystal ball. hahaha

  37. emily says:

    i love your costume! you are so cute and creative!

    i love ur daughter’s costume too!

  38. hehe great costume!!

    I’m NOT a fan of scary movies – unless they’re really, really funny like zombieland!

  39. Elaine says:

    I love your costume! You are such a cute prego lady!!

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