
Posted: November 17, 2010 at 7:24 pm

I play this game regularly with little M. She loves hiding and then revealing herself. I guess it’s a fun thing to do, so I shall play my own version of peekaboo with you all and give you little glimpses behind the screen.

I’m on an egg kick.


I want a fried egg atop toast with a bit of cheese for lunch every day right now. With a big, juicy Honeycrisp apple on the side and some other small handful to snack on – blueberries, pretzels, Annie’s Organics bunny mix (pictured).

My sweet cravings are becoming unbearable. I feel the need for something sweet every day. I try to keep things reasonable with smaller treats and things like apples, gum, etc when the sweet tooth strikes, but I worry I’m getting to the “I don’t care, I’m pregnant" stage. I want to eat well, but boy is it getting hard these days. I even picked up some break + bake cookies to make for small groups tonight.


Something sweet sounded good and I knew I wouldn’t have time to make something from scratch. Normally I would have just not made anything instead of buying those. I’m telling you – my cravings are uncontrollable.

When the worry, overanalyzing bug bites me I turn to scalding hot showers and scheduling massages. I don’t know why, but I love just standing under extremely hot water. I also look forward to using my last prenatal massage gift certificate. It can’t come soon enough.

And now a few “peekaboos” you requested with your questions for the Q + A series:

What was the best food you EVER ate and why?
It would have to be the fresh pasta and house wine from a little Italian cafe situated right in front of the Pantheon in Italy. My friend and I ate there while traveling through Europe. It was our one splurge dinner and, even though quite costly for 2 newly graduated college students, incredibly divine. Plus, who wouldn’t love fresh Italian food IN Italy, finishing out the meal and conversation under the stars IN FRONT OF the Pantheon???

You said that you would like to have a mini-van, are you currently looking to buy one before Baby B arrives??
Nope. A certain thing called money gets in the way of that happening.

Of your parents, who do you resemble the most? How about your siblings?
Funnily enough, I most resemble my dad with my facial features. I have my mom’s booty though! My sister & I look a LOT alike. We have actually had people comment to each of us “Are you ___’s sister??” when we aren’t even together.

I once read that you were a teacher. Do you regret not using your degree or not having plans to use it?
I more regret not knowing my true interests earlier on and getting a degree related to nutrition or fitness. I don’t, however, regret not using my degree now because life is too short and I want to fill it with things I truly love. I enjoyed teaching, but it didn’t fulfill me like I have found other things can. I can’t wait to see the path God leads me down that works well for my passions and my family. Once again, that whole trust thing comes into play.

  • What is the best meal you have ever eaten?
  • ?
  • Add your own Q + A by clicking here!

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51 Comments to “peekaboo”
  1. hmmmm…best meal ever? probably the shrimp and pasta i had on St Thomas last year overlooking the harbor…i miss water!

  2. Food is so emotional to me, so I don’t know what the best meal I have ever eaten is, but the best memory I have is a pressed cheese and tomato sandwich that Tony and I share at the Louvre.

    On the craving of sweets note, I was the worst with Max! I think it was all the milk and fat storage I was working on! I made way more milk than I needed with him. So much that I donated A LOT of it! I would eat either two brown sugar pop tarts or a bowl of frosted shredded wheat every time I nursed him…and you know how much that is. I say go for the sweets. You and B need them!

    • Tina says:

      That’s a good point on the fat storage for milk. I can feel my body getting ready for that part (aka some, I guess I’ll just say it, leakage already happening). I have been eating something sweet every day, but then I just want more and that’s when I try to find something else to satisfy the craving. I really am starting to just say whatever though and eat more of them though…as long as I still get in healthy meals overall.

  3. best thing I have ever eaten?? oh my this is so hard to try to think back at everything I have eaten in my life haha!! most recently, I think the best thing I have eaten was a key lime pie that I got in Florida about a year ago. that is by far my favorite dssert and it was out of this world!!!

    that fried egg lunch looks so satisfying now you got me craving one!!!

  4. Okay, whoa, creepy. I’VE BEEN TO THAT RESTAURANT!! I honestly don’t remember the food that well because I was with my parents and we ate at a different tasty Italian restaurant every day, but there’s a picture of my mom and I in exactly that same spot. SO WEIRD!!

  5. Melie says:

    I think I found my dinner! 🙂 Maybe I can have it with popchips. It’s my latest addiction. They call my name. I can (and have unfortunately) eaten the entire bag in one sitting.

    Seriously, I am overloaded with images of food now. For one reason or another I have started missing and craving my mom’s food and real greek food and everything that I cannot have here. And just food. I have started making a list in my head of what I am going to eat when I get back for the winter break 🙂 I think I should stop now, because the keyboard started looking weirdly appetizing…

  6. Ohh eggs, how I love you so. Best thing I’ve ever eaten?! Lets narrow it down to food groups and meals of the day haha what a hard question!!

  7. lindsay says:

    We eat eggs on toast every day too! Just so savory!
    Best food ever eaten, in France on the coast, right outside of of Nice. It was duck and it was AMAZING!!

  8. I LOVE eggs for breakfast! I’ve been eating lots of oats recently but next week I plan on having egg crepes for breakfast!! My fav food ever eaten?? WOw, haha thats so hard….I’d say it was this cow tongue soup that I ate this past weekend….sounds awful i know, but it was AMAZING!!! Seriously, I dont really even like meat but this was soooooo good!

  9. Jennifer says:

    Now I’m going to go make myself an omelette. Thank you. 😉

    Best meal ever: the night I got engaged, in Prague, in a restaurant that is etched in my memory. It was a veggie dish, specially created by the chef for my vegetarian liking, and out of this world

  10. chelsey says:

    I loved this post – it’s fun to learn more about you! A massage sounds heavenly right now – pregnant or not, I want one! 🙂

  11. Best meal I ever ate was Lamb chops in Maui! They were incredible!

  12. Best meal I ever ate was in Vancouver- steak and shrimp and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Was so good!

  13. emily says:

    I really want to go to Italy to try their Italian cuisine! I bet its to die for….lol!

    I look like my dad too but have my mom’s body and attitude!
    My sister looks like my mom but has my dad’s shape and attitude! funny the way genetics works!

  14. Camille says:

    Oh my gosh, my sister and I get the same thing. I don’t really think we look that much alike! When we are next to each other you can tell we’re related, but I don’t think you can when we’re apart. I would have people come in to my work and ask if I was Celeste’s sister… people I have never even seen in my life! Crazy!

    • Tina says:

      One night my sister had someone I used to go to high school with (so haven’t seen in really a decade) come up to her where she waitresses and ask if she was my sister. My first couple of years teaching my sister was still in high school and students who knew her would ask me if I was her sister. It was different schools too. So crazy!

  15. I love love LOVE the photo of your plate in the leaves.

  16. Aw sister’s are so special. You are your sister are so beautiful! The best food I’ve ever had was on my honeymoon in Nevis and it was tuna. So good!

  17. I love standing under the super hot shower water!!!

  18. Turtle cookies?? Is that what that package said ’cause I want that NOW. Yum.

  19. That bunny snack mix looks yummy!

    I’m not sure of my best ever meal–I guess I’ll have to keep searching until something sticks out in my mind!

  20. Kasey says:

    I sometimes get on egg kicks too! Love the lunch pic with the beautiful fall leaves.

  21. I remember those pregnancy cravings… mine were carbs. Bread, cereal, pasta… I couldn’t get enough! I don’t even know if I can think of my best meal. I have too many of my favorites whizzing around in my head right now!

  22. Heather says:

    Best meal ever?? That’s a tough one. Maybe this risotto dish I had on my honeymoon in Turks & Caicos – it was so creamy and delicious!
    And pregnancy cravings – ha – love it! I used to eat bags of combos constantly. I don’t even like combos! 🙂

  23. Amanda says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only teacher out there not using my degree 🙂

    Best meal? Hmmm… would have to be at Andrew’s in Tallahassee. Amazing parmesean flounder with pesto ravioli and the most. perfect. twice. baked. potato. EVER.

  24. That splurge dish sounds divine!! I would love to travel and eat my way through Europe!!

  25. I love the shot in front of the Pantheon! I think I may have eaten at that exact same restaurant when I studied abroad for a year in college!

  26. I bet that Italian food was amazing. I want to go to Italy so bad! But I think I’d gain 50 pounds while there 🙂 Ha I can’t think of one best food, but recently, the sweet potato sushi from Chopstix and Japanese Hibachi. Basically anything I’m craving at the moment that I finally get to eat (like the day I craved Veggie Fried Rice and got it!0

  27. Best meal ever?! Hmmmm. There have been so many great meals it is hard to decide. Most memorable? 1994-Paris: wandering the city by myself and eating a fresh sugar crepe from a stand. 2nd place goes to the best cup of tea I have ever had in Warwick, England after one of my bouts of morning sickness.

    Eat the sweets if that is what you crave. I ate a few of the large bags of Lay’s BBQ chips when pg with the monkey.

  28. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tina Reale, Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: peekaboo: I play this game regularly with little M. She loves hiding and then revealing herself. I guess it’s a … […]

  29. Therese says:

    Do you worry about the runny yolk in your fried egg? I have been craving overeasy eggs like WHOA but didn’t think I was supposed to have them.

    Girl it feels like a big, burley man has taken over my body because I am not craving sweets at all! In fact all I want is meat, pizza, fast food (haven’t gone there yet, but I just may have to), mac and cheese, and anything greasy and frat-boy-esque! I’m only 10 weeks too…this better get better or its going to be a long 9 months.

    • Tina says:

      During the first trimester I always craved “hangover food”. That’s what I called it. Greasy & carby. Then in the 2nd tri I craved bigger meals but more fruits and veggies again. 3rd tri – all I want are sweets. It was like that for both pregnancies too. Funny how things change like that throughout.

      And CONGRATULATIONS! I totally missed this announcement. 🙁

  30. Heather says:

    i used to teach and I feel the same way!

    btw, those choc. lovers cookies are th BEST. its the only kind I buy! but you dont have to bake them for as long as the package says or they will be hard. yuck! I usually do 9 minutes in my oven.

  31. The best meal I’ve ever eaten? I’m happy to say that’s a really tough question to answer!
    Last night for dinner I had fried eggs and toast. I haven’t had that in ages so I think it’s so ironic you just posted about it 🙂

  32. The best meal I ever had was in Italy too. It was in Ischia, and island off of naples. It was linguine, tomatoes, tuna, and garlic with olive oil. Simple, but AMAZING.

  33. Honestly, I don’t even remember the name of the restaurant, but my family went out to dinner the night before my graduation from college at this fancy little French restaurant, and I had these phenomenal scallops… Too bad I’m now allergic to them! But it’s a great memory of one of the last times I ate them.

  34. Angela says:

    I know this sounds weird for a foodie, but I don’t think I can remember a favourite! If I had to choose one, I’d probably have to pick a seafood restaurant that my family went out to once in Bahrain. There was something ridiculous like 4 courses that were supposed to be split between 2 people, and since my dad and I have big appetites we thought we could handle it. It turned out to be SOO much food! I loved the taste of everything, but definitely left the restaurant feeling like I’d eaten about 20lbs of fish!

  35. Thanks for yesterday Tina 🙂 That is all.

  36. Best meal ever was at this hole in the wall place in New Orleans. Best gumbo EVER. And so much other great food. New Orleans knows how to eat 😉

  37. The 1st pic in this post is very lovely, very autumnly 🙂

    Best food? oh boy.. maybe in Greece? everything there was so good!

  38. Marlo says:

    I eat eggs on toast with cheese A LOT. Its one of my favorite meals! YUMMY!!

    I bet that meal in italy was fantastic. I cant even imagine what fresh pasta would be like.. and the enviroment is beautiful too! Makes it even more perfect!

  39. Dorry says:

    I love standing under hot water, too. I’m always on the verge of being cold so a hot shower (or a hot tub!) is my happy place. I have to agree with you about my best least recently that I can remember..was homemade pasta in Italy. To me, there’s nothing better than fresh baked bread, pasta and red wine. 🙂

  40. Jess says:

    Do you know how much I’ve been craving a fresh out of the oven cookie this week? And now I read your blog and am DYING for one even more! Must bake some this weekend…STAT!!

  41. Monique says:

    Goldfish mix AND cookies?!?! You’re making me with I was in elementary school again 🙂 I’d take that and naptime right about now…

  42. Wow – you and your sister do look a LOT alike! Crazy!

    I dont know the best meal I’ve ever had. I’ve eaten a lot of good food. There is a restaurant my boyfriend I go to every Valenties and New Years that has made a couple of my favorite meals of all time. There was a pasta dish that was so good it was almost unfair, and another time they had this pecan crusted chicken in a cream sauce. So good!

  43. I was a sugar fiend w/ both pregnancies and it seems to have stayed w/ me. 🙁 But when pregnant and nursing, I pretty much gave in to them.

    My sisters and I look similar as well. I take it as a compliment b/c I think they are beautiful! As are you and your sister!

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