Just An Ordinary Day

Posted: February 18, 2011 at 9:38 pm

I realize just how easily we find ourselves taking things like relationships and health for granted. Everyday, ordinary moments still contain such beauty and hope. I woke up today feeling much better after the initial shock of learning my mom has MS yesterday. I decided worry can bring nothing positive to my life, so I chose to go on with an ordinary day. It was wonderful.

Just like any other day, I ate a bowl of oats for breakfast.

strawberry oats

I discovered the pleasure of NOT stirring all my toppings together before eating. I had a bowl similar to above with strawberries and White Chocolate Wonderful PB with some raisins also added in for texture. I loved custom creating each bite! And savoring the peanut butter oh so slowly at the end. I may never stir up oats again!

Just like any other day, I showered and got dressed.

short sleeve day

And smiled to be able to wear short sleeves! I had to put that in here. ๐Ÿ˜€

Just like any other day, I was a mom and a friend.

play date

We had a fabulous play date today. It felt good to get out and spend time with friends.

Just like any other day, I went to the gym.

Leg Press 3x12
Dumbbell Bench Press 3x10
Stationary Lunge 3x12
Bent Over Dumbbell Row 3x10
Overhead Shoulder Press 1x15, 1x12, 1x10
Tricep Kickbacks 2x15
Barbell Bicep Curl 2x15

I powered through full body weight training and day 3 of this weekโ€™s Couch to 5K training. Dare I say I enjoyed the running portion of my workout more than the weights?? That never happens. Who am I?!

Just like any other Friday, I grabbed Subway for dinner.


Iโ€™m so over cooking by Friday night. $5 foot long picked up on the way home from the gym? Sounds like a great way to end just another ordinary week to me.

And ordinary is fine by me!

Question of the Evening โ€“ What was ordinary but great about your day? And do you stir up your oat toppings or eat bit by bit unstirred?

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40 Comments to “Just An Ordinary Day”
  1. I’m glad you’re in such high spirits this evening TIna! I never stir up my oats. My favorite part about oatmeal is eating around the peanut butter. I love eating the hot drippy peanut butter last. sooo good!

  2. Your oatmeal looks crazy good! ๐Ÿ™‚ I brought home Jimmy Johns on this ordinary Friday!

  3. Amy Lauren says:

    That oatmeal does look quite yummy :). Subway $5 footlongs are totally awesome too, I’m a vegetarian so mine’s always $5, haha. Glad you’re liking running so much, and also getting through everything with your mom. So many people would’ve just curled up in a ball today and you actually did stuff and lived your life, which I’m sure really means a lot.


  4. Today I took a long walk with Meghan outside. This is actually quite UNordinary for February in Ohio! I was so happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I stir my oatmeal toppings. I like it all mixed together!

  5. Tina says:

    I usually stir my oats, but I may have to give your way a shot! I’ll take ordinary! It makes you find small things in your day to smile about. Enjoy your weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Lauren says:

    M’s dress is the cutest, and her pink shoes too! I usually stir or drizzle the peanut butter on top, but leave the rest unstirred.

  7. So glad to hear you are happy! It warms my heart. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m not a big (cooked) oatmeal person, but I tend to mix up all my yogurt bowls after I photograph them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Karen says:

    Looks like such a fun day! How nice that you got to wear short sleeves. I can’t wait until it’s warm enough for short sleeves!

    I usually stir my toppings into my oats…I like everything all mixed together.

  9. Ever stir in the toppings! A definite rule! I went to the grocery store with Tony and had a great time. I am glad you found some joy today.

  10. Tina, I’ve been out of the blog loop since I’ve been on the road, but I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. Your resilience and faith is absolutely inspiring, though, and I wish you all the best. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. I never stir my PB into my oats! I intentionally save as much PB til the end as I can – sorta like saving all the marshmallows in Lucky Charms when I was younger ๐Ÿ™‚

    Glad you had an ‘ordinary’ day!

  12. Rachel says:

    I walked my dog today for about half an hour! I love to do it, but it so often gets pushed to the side with all the other business in life. And I really don’t like oats, so I guess that my answer is n/a.

  13. I don’t stir. But I usually don’t put anything on my oats except the blog of peanut butter. And I like to save it for last!!!

  14. Kelly says:

    I never stir! I like to decide what I get in each little bite. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. I’m SO over cooking by Friday as well! That night is usually dedicated to eating out or fending for yourself night!

  16. I am totally an oats stirrer most of the time… love to distribute the toppings!

  17. Lori Lynn says:

    I like having it all stirred. Subway is my absolute favorite place to eat!

  18. Kristi says:

    I’m just catching up on my blog reading and am so sorry to hear about your mother. I’ll keep her and you in my prayers. I’m glad that you were in high spirits yesterday. Your right that we take a lot of things for granted, especially our health. I’m starting to realize this and want to treat my health like the gift that it is.
    And I never stir my oats. I try to save the toppings for last ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Helen says:

    It’s nice to read the smile back in your voice. It is great to have just and ordinary day. I had one with work, then Target, then pizza, and ended with some reading.

    I do not stir up my oats. If I want something stirred in I add it during cooking and then procede with my toppings. I save the nut butter bites for last!

  20. i love my ordinary days!! a nice breakfast and a nice workout if i can! i HATE stirring my oats up.. oh no!

  21. Elizabeth says:

    Just want you to know how much I LOVE your blog. I am from NC, married, and attending Grad school. I came across you blog and have found it to be a bright spot in my day. Last Thurs. I found out the my 60 yr old dad (who is the picture of good health) has terminal cancer. We have only a few months and as horrific as this is the only comfort is to know God already knew all of this would happen. He will give you strength to help your mom and family even if you feel your hearts are breaking. I just wanted to say thank you for your blog ministry it has allowed me to find normal again for a few moments each day. Precious M and sweet baby B make me smile, laugh out loud, and realize that life will and must continue on even after my dad is in the presence of our Savior!
    Thank you for the blessing you and your family are to me:)

    • Tina says:

      Oh my goodness, you’re making me tear up. Thank you SO much for this unbelievably kind comment. You just brightened my day more than you can know. And I will be sure to extend some prayers to your family as well. Thank goodness for faith in times like these, huh? Hugs to you!

  22. I’m glad to see you’re feeling uplifted and appreciative! It’s so true that we often miss the satisfaction or pleasure we could be getting from ordinary day-to-day things. Yesterday my “ordinary but great” things were similar to yours – a nice run and breakfast, a beautiful walk home from work, and laughing with friends.

  23. I love the ordinary! I love the ordinary of getting up early on a friday to get in a workout before work. Always starts my weekend off great!

  24. I am trying so hard to work on mindfulness lately – staying in the present moment. I think one of the great ways to do that is obviously to appeciate the ordinary things. Lately, I am doing that with reading and with getting fresh air and sunshine whenever the weather is even remotely nice enough!

  25. Today I woke up and got to go work at my dad’s office! It felt just like when I used to get up everyday for work and made me a little excited that I’d be getting back to a routine soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Really thinking about you–have you read Kelly Corrigan’s The Middle Place?

  27. Liking running more than weight? That’s so not like you! :). Hope you have a great weekend!

  28. Ahhh…the comfort of an ordinary day. Those are the best. So happy you are feeling better and back to your ordinary self ๐Ÿ˜€ XO

  29. Allie says:

    Ordinary days are delightful ๐Ÿ™‚ Your oatmeal looks AWESOME. I’m a granola girl so idk how I would eat oatmeal toppings !

  30. I have NEVER stirred my oats with my toppings! I love to savor each and every bite and not mixing let’s me pick exactly what I want ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus, saving the pb for last is always a must!

  31. I am so with you – by Friday I don’t want to touch an oven with a ten foot pole!

  32. Leashieloo says:

    I don’t like to stir my oats, not sure why. I’d rather pick through and eat my way bit by bit ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. I’ve started not mixing in my toppings, too- it’s great!!

  34. Friday’s are my “eat out” for lunch days at work as well as “eat out” for dinner days. I like to kick off the weekend on the right foot. ๐Ÿ˜‰ LOVE Subway for easy meals! My favorite is the veggie on honey wheat (or the italian cheese if i wanna be bad) with sometimes a slice of provolone cheese. Mmmmm

  35. Heather says:

    Good for you in finding joy in the ordinary! I have to tell myself all the time that worrying gets me nowhere!

    I’m more of a no stir oats kind of girl myself! And I love the combo of oats with steebies and WCW…like a party in your mouth!

  36. […] Just An Ordinary Day โ€“ moving on after last weekโ€™s news of my mom […]

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