It Worked! + FFF Features

Posted: February 26, 2011 at 11:55 am

It worked! My new workout time! Going to the gym in the morning worked fabulously. It set the tone for the day and somehow made me even more productive. I worked out, took care of my children, did laundry, showered/dressed, & prepared lunch all by noon! Then, in the afternoon during nap time I had time to do some blogging and reorganize my clothes in the closet.

closet cleaning

So long maternity clothes! Hello, spring wear! Now I don’t have to dig through our huge storage tub to find something to wear all the time. I still have some sweaters out for easy access, but it feels so nice to look at a closet full of cheery, warm-weather clothes. Extra motivation as well. Those stacks of jeans on the mid-shelf? All my “happy place” jeans I hope to be in by my birthday. 😉 Yep. I love morning workouts. They make my day SO much better!

And now, time for this week’s FFF Features! Don’t think I forgot about them now!

Featured Move: Don’t Ignore This Back Move!

I didn’t have the chance to shoot a video myself, but didn’t want to leave out a favorite move. I did pullovers this past week at the gym as a back exercise. I love them and think they are too often overlooked and not included in training. Give them a shot!

Featured Moment: Owning My Blog

FFF Business Card Frontside

I don’t mess around when I say how much better it feels after sharing the blogging thoughts I had running through my mind. And making blogging work for me. The blog is a living, breathing entity so how my blogging runs will always change – but I know now where to keep the focus. On having fun!

Featured Meal: Mexican Black Bean Casserole

mexican casserole 5

🙁 <--- That is my sad face for no longer having more of this dish left. It was that good.

Featured Quote:

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." – Thomas Edison

Featured Cuteness: Kiddie Clothing

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They will look so adorable in their new clothes. I love kid clothes!

Featured Reading: Dorry @ Living With Healthy Hunger – Indecision Vision


I don’t quite know what struck me most about this post, but I love the idea of going with your gut and being decisive in life. It really does bring great reward to go after things with decisiveness.

Katie @ Health For the Whole Self – Conquering the Urge to Diet


Just as the title states, Katie discusses three things we should all consider when we feel the need to “diet” and “restrict” to look better or feel better about ourselves. As always she does a great job distinguishing between a healthy approach to our bodies and the thin line of slipping into negative behaviors.

Question of the Day – Do you switch out your clothes each season or keep them all up in your closet/drawers year round?

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37 Comments to “It Worked! + FFF Features”
  1. Kathie says:

    yayaya so glad the timing worked out for you and you had such an awesome, productive day!! I love days like that!

    I am totally jealous of your closet!!! I wish i had all that room. HA!

    Gonna email you in a a question.. 😉

  2. I’m glad that worked out! I had a day like that on Wednesday–I’d missed two workouts and then went to the gym before 5. It was an awesome day, UNTIL I got home after work and had a ton of stuff to do and then fell asleep at my computer. Oops.

  3. I am so glad the workout schedule worked out! Feels good to get it done and start the day off on the right foot! I don’t change out my clothes for the season. I wear jeans and cardigans all year round so I wouldn’t really have anything to change out. Have a great weekend Tina.

  4. Wow you got way more done before 12 than I did yesterday! Glad the new schedule is working for you.

    I have on my list to make a version of that mexican casserole this week – – I’m really looking forward to it!

  5. Becca says:

    Yay! for working schedules! 🙂

    Well, now that I’ll be heading off “on my own” for school in a few months, I have a feeling I’ll rotate some…
    As of now, I think I have almost everything in my makeshift closets. There might be a few extra summery clothes boxed up someplace, but I don’t wear shorts or capris a whole lot, so there aren’t too many of those to change out.

  6. Jess says:

    YAY!! I’m so glad you got to workout at your ‘happy’ time for workouts, that is awesome! I swear, you are like wonder mom, getting all that done by noon!! Must have felt SO GOOD, huh?

  7. Dorry says:

    Thank you, Tina!! What an honor. I’m glad my post struck a chord with you. I think indecision can be a byproduct of anxiety, and I’m actively striving to be a more efficient decision maker. 🙂

    I love morning workouts – they really do set the tone for the entire day. No matter what else happens in the day, you know you made at least one healthy decision for yourself.

    I have the majority of my spring/summer clothes in storage bins and it’s about time to bust them out! Have a great day.

  8. Julia says:

    I love how morning workouts make the whole day better! I’m sure you’ll be back in those happy place jeans in no time!

  9. Congrats on a productive start to the day! I agree–working out always make me feel better than sleeping in.

  10. Morning workouts definitely help me be more productive during the day, too.
    I switch my clothes out by season. There’s just not enough room for them all to fit at once. Plus, who wants to look at bulky winter sweaters in the middle of summer?

    • Tina says:

      Very good point. Seeing sweaters in the summer would make me sad too. Plus, I really don’t like any of my winter clothes.

  11. So jealous of your real closet. One day I dream of having one that is taller than my shoulders!

  12. lindsay says:

    I’m so excited for your new workout time. So much better! You’ve had quite the week, all good things too! Hope this weekend keeps you well.
    And yea for spring clothes, time to break out the capris!

  13. I have WAY too many clothes. That’s a girl thing though, right? I recently cleaned out my closet and realized how much junk I really had. Donating feels amazing!

    • Tina says:

      I have a LOT that I need to go through and donate eventually. I did the clean through last year and now have a bunch of maternity stuff to figure out what to do with.

  14. So glad it worked out for you!!! I switch out my clothes mostly since I don’t even really have room for one season in my closet/dresser. 🙂

  15. I try to clear out my “winter” clothes when spring comes around, but let’s be real- Florida has maybe 1 month of winter. 😉

  16. Look at you Miss Productivity! The morning routine is treating you well!

    Currently staring at the mess in my living room… must fix soon…

  17. So glad the morning workout worked out (lol)! I love working out in the morning, too!

  18. I switch my clothes out every season – it makes everything seem “new” when I don’t have the $$$ to go shopping!!

    • Tina says:

      I’m so excited to go shopping in my closets again as all my favorite clothes start fitting better and better as things keep progressing post-baby body-wise.

  19. Gina says:

    SO jealous of your closet. Most of my spring clothes are in vacuum sealed bags to save space. NYC apts are very tiny.

  20. Lauren says:

    I have to switch out my clothes cause my closet at school is so tiny! I do have workout shorts & t-shirts out all year round though.

  21. Wow – I wish I was as productive as you were today! I love working out in the mornings so you get your juices flowing nice and early in the day. I keep saying I’m going to try to go early a couple of times per week but the snooze button keeps getting me! I have to switch out my clothes every Spring and Fall. I like digging everything out – it’s a good time to donate things I haven’t been wearing and I often forget about some of the clothes I had – so I get a little surprise (& I love surprises!)

  22. Allie says:

    Glad the new workout time worked well for you and I hope ya don’t feel guilty!! You are SO productive-awesome!!! Have a great rest of the weekend and relaxing Sunday 😉

  23. Lee says:

    I keep winter clothes like sweatpants and sweat shirts in a bin during the summer, but other that that, I just keep everything in my dresser and closet.

  24. Helen says:

    So glad to hear that your new workout time is working out for you 🙂

    I wish my closet was that organized!

  25. Emily says:

    Glad you got your workout morning groove back 🙂 I love having regularity in my fitness times…its the worst if it’s past 5 pm, its pretty much a no-go for me unless it’s summer and really warm out 🙂 My closet is actually organized by color (my moms idea) but I do love it.

  26. I love an organized closet! So glad you are having such a great day!

    And, by the way, that casserole does look fantastic 😛

  27. Groff's Girl says:

    I love working out in the morning; otherwise, I feel like I am dragging butt during an afternoon (aka: 5pm) run/workout! I think I will start doing my runs before the kids and Hub wake up (aka: 4:45am). I wish I had clothes to alternate, I went from maternity to now and I need to buy clothes again because all of mine are too big (yay for being too big, boo for the shopping over here). Hopefully the morning workouts continue to go well for you 🙂 PS. That casserole is calling my name 😉

    • Tina says:

      I hate having to go shopping too. Especially for jeans. Hate shopping for jeans. Probably my biggest motivation to get back in all my happy place jeans is to NOT have to shop for more. I have a few pairs for now, but they aren’t like my favorites.

  28. Cara says:

    I love working out in the morning! It is my preferred time, it really does energize you and make you feel better for the day! I’m glad you found something that worked for you! It looks like you were VERY productive! Way to go!

  29. Michelle says:

    Can you down here and organize my closet for me? Please? 🙂

    I LOVE pullovers. One of my favorite moves too!

    So glad you are getting back into your routine. I didn’t have a chance to reply to your previous post, but I had Livie back at the gym as soon as I POSSIBLY could bring her (3 months at mine). I try to accommodate their schedule as much as possible, but you need it to fit with your life too!

  30. Karen says:

    I rotate out my winter/summer clothes. I don’t keep them in separate locations, I just move them around in my closet. I’m anxious to move the winter stuff to the back and break out the spring/summer wardrobe!

  31. Good for you! I love those productive days. 🙂

    I do not rotate my clothes. They are all in the same place all year long. I do tend to work more from the closet in colder weather and from the dresser in warmer weather, now that I think about it.

  32. Wow, you were a busy bee! Those clothes are too cute, especially that little green dress! M is going to look so adorable in it!

    I switch my clothes out for the seasons. I always get sad when it’s time to pack up the summer clothes, but at least that’s something to look forward to after a drab winter!

  33. Since most of my sweaters are in drawers, they stay there, but I think when we move next time (June!!) I intend on keeping more order to my closets since I’ll have a fresh start and try to keep more seasonal items out and nonseasonal items packed up!

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