June Goals

Posted: June 1, 2011 at 5:28 pm

I have a lot of goals for myself. Although, when I consider my goals, many range in a broad spectrum and I don’t have specifics in how I hope to achieve them. That kind of bothers me. I have written previously about my approach to goals and simply striving each day for a balance in giving time and energy to all of those things which matter most to me. Yet secretly, I always wish I could organize my goals and thoughts – for example, like other bloggers do with monthly goal posts. Today, I decided no more wishing. I’m taking my broad spectrum hopes for my life and breaking them down into more detailed actions. I will keep my overall, broader perspective, but also include action points that fit into each.

Personal: A Balanced Life of God, Family, and Personal Passion


  • Spend at least 20 minutes each day in quiet prayer (does not include my random chats with God through the day) and Bible reading/study.
  • Continue making regular, concentrated time for family activities: 2 hours total full-blown family time each day and 1 weekly special family focused activity
  • Look into personal training certifications. (more details on why next week)
  • Read one book.
  • Stick to our newly revised budget and keep up with tracking our expenditures daily.

Health/Fitness: Continue Trusting My Body & Making Healthy Decisions Regularly


  • Make one new healthy recipe each week. (this week’s coming tomorrow!)
  • Run my first 10K and achieve a sub 1:00 time.
  • Maintain my running stamina while on vacation for a week by completing three low-key runs over the course of the week. <--- excited to run at the beach!
  • Complete at least two unassisted pull-ups in a row.
  • Continue using healthier coping mechanisms when faced with stress or difficult emotional situations.
  • Eat on average 6+ servings of fruit/veggies daily.

Blogging: Have Fun While Developing My Biggest Personal Passion


  • Stay organized, focused, and balanced with my blogging routine. Continue using solely nap time for blog work to keep that balance.
  • Produce quality content that includes a variety of topics – personal, fitness, recipes, body image discussion, FFF daily life, cute kids, and more.
  • Stay connected with the wonderful blogging community by commenting on 10-15 blogs per day and staying up to date on my own blog’s comments/emails.
  • Put up a recipe page. <--- Still uncertain on this one since I’m not really a “foodie” type blog and my “recipes” are more tossing things together typically. 😉
  • Stay active in Twitter and Facebook to connect with you all because without you sharing the love with me, FFF would have nothing.

Wow! That wasn’t as bad as I thought. I think the blogging goals were the hardest to lay out there. I strive first and foremost to have fun with the blog, but I can’t deny how strongly I feel about developing this passion of mine. I feel called to pour myself into it no matter how I try to step back. God just keeps reeling me back in full force to share myself with each of you. I have goals for the blog, but I still don’t care for goals like having X amount of readership or gaining X number of Facebook likes or anything like that. In sum, I believe putting my story out there, staying genuine to myself, and connecting with you all provides all I hope for in my FFF baby.

Tangent aside, it does feel good to put my goals out there in writing rather than rambling around in my head as a hodge podge of hopes, dreams, and paths I feel God calling me towards. I’m always one to go after life. So let’s make June happen. And the fact it’s June could create a whole other tangent in itself so I will stop this post there. 😉

  • Do you like writing out goals? What is a goal you have for this month?
  • Do you have blogging goals?


43 Comments to “June Goals”
  1. Oh gosh do I have goals. I write lists and lists of to-dos that all lead to goals. I like how you’ve laid yours all out though — I definitely have been slacking on the recipes lately and want to increase those for sure!

  2. Maura says:

    My blogging goal as of late is to stop being afraid. Lately writing about being single is driving me a little cray-zy. I want to branch out, just to give myself a little sanity and breathing space from the topic, but am afraid no one will want to read posts about books or my workouts – that’s not my hook.

    But, I have to learn that a) followers will follow, the true ones at least, and b) I must do what’s best for me, and makes me happy.

  3. Amy Lauren says:

    Those were really good =). In fact it really inspired me and I’m making my own list, although not on my blog because some of mine are very personal and about things I don’t talk about on my blog. Good luck with achieving all of them, too.

    And don’t worry about losing fitness while on vacation- I actually ran faster on the treadmill on a cruise ship than I did in the 5K that I PRed in when I got back. How that happened, I don’t know, but I think taking a few days off from the routine actually helped…


  4. You sound so much better today! I thought about you earlier. I’m going through some crazy stuff right now and I was really feeling your frustration from yesterday. I’m glad you have a focus! I’m getting there. I have things that I’m working on, but we are making some changes here and I will have to wait a little longer to make truly attainable goals. I HATE setting myself up for failure. I hope you’re having a great day Tina!

  5. Maria says:

    Oh do I have goals…too many to list! I have broad spectrum goals: find a job I’m passionate about and specific goals: workout at least four times a week.

    As far as blogging goes, my goal is to simply connect with others and build relationships.

  6. Lauren says:

    Wow, your goals are so detailed – I like detailed goals so much better! Have fun running on the beach, it’s so worth it to get up for the sunrise on the beach. It’s also much cooler in the morning!

  7. I need to write down my goals!! I LOVE that you include your spiritual goals on the blog…you are an amazing example to me. I need to be better at being active on twitter and facebook too!! YOUR PULL-UPS are AMAZING!!! Seriously, you are my hero. Yay for 6+ fruits and veggies a day!!! Your comments always make my day. Thank you for being such a great friend to me!

  8. I love your goals Tina!

    I’ve started making more broad, general goals and that has been helping me quite a bit, although I miss having solid, more concrete goals sometimes. I need to just combine the two.

    A goal for blogging — to have fun — I used to put so much pressure on myself and then it started to not be fun. I like where I’m at now.

  9. I love all of your goals, Tina! You are so inspiring!

  10. Priyanka says:

    Yay, new month, new goals! I love how a new month can give you a clean slate to work with.

  11. Jolene says:

    Whoa Nelly goals!! That’s a ton, but I know you can do it!! I love the persona trainer one…that sounds awesome and you are TOTALLY the right personality for it!! Good luck!

  12. Jess says:

    LOVE your goals – especially the one about personal training…or something similar. I totally think you’d rock as a Group Ride or Power instructor!! But I could be slightly biased 😉

  13. Dorry says:

    Great goals! I need to join you on the 20 minutes of quiet time with my bible/prayer. I know that would help me in every facet of my life. I have a lot of goals right now. They all boil down to finding the balance everyday between all of the things I love in life.

  14. I am totally a goal-driven person. I’ve been writing down my goals since I was in junior high. 🙂 Yes, I do have blogging goals. I feel like everything I do I want to do my absolute best at, so it only makes sense to have related goals. Your June goals look great! I hope you post updates on your progress at the end of the month. 🙂

  15. Sarah says:

    I am not a goal driven person. The perfectionist issues it brings out in me are not pretty!
    I really hear you about the recipe thing. Putting together a variety of yummy food in different ways is my specialty as well:)

  16. Tina says:

    I love your goals Tina! Good for you for writing them all out. I know I’m also guilty of saying I want to do things but never getting around to it. You have inspired me : )

  17. lindsay says:

    I truly belive God speaks through people in ways like blogging. Its a passion and you share it well. just like your faith. I love your broad spectrum of goals.

  18. Karen says:

    I definitely like to right out my goals. I am a very visual person so seeing them on paper/the computer screen helps me to make them more real. I also like putting my goals out there for others to see as a way to help keep me accountable. I need the accountability to keep me going strong.

  19. I love writing out goals and I think you have some really great ones this month! I can’t wait to see you how do with exercising while on vacation. I’ll be out of the country for 4 weeks this summer and am thinking of how I’m going to fit working out!

    My main goal this month is to take control of my eating habits!

  20. I love goals. I keep daily goals for myself, weekly goals, fitness goals, blogging goals and continually building my spiritual goals beyond just being my job.

    Thank you for sharing yours in this way. I need a reminder to write them out more for myself and others.

  21. Yes I love to write goals down I feel like it makes me accountabile for my actions and to stick to my goals.

  22. I like the fact that you toss together meals. As a mom I’m not looking for the extravagant or fancy I’m looking for the recipes I can toss together and actually find the ingredients at the grocery store down the road. So don’t sell yourself short. There’s definitely a place in the blogosphere for your recipe style

  23. Lee says:

    You will absolutely get a sub 1:00 10K. I don’t have a doubt in my mind.

    I’m not going to lie, I’d like to get more readers for my blog. Not sure exactly how do to that though!

  24. Awesome goals! I love setting and writing down goals! I should do this once a month too.

    One goal I’m working on right now is doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for 30 days in a row. I’m on day 20! It’s been fun! Since I’m normally 100% cardio girl, I’ve really noticed a difference in my arms!

    • Tina says:

      Weights are awesome! I bet it feels so great to have accomplished 20 days already. So close. You got it!

  25. I have a lot of similar goals in all three categories! My biggest goal is definitely training for my first half marathon.

  26. i love your goals! june kind of snuck up on me so i haven’t really articulated them yet, perhaps that can be tomorrow’s project 🙂

  27. lisa says:

    Nice goals! I haven’t made any yet but after reading your post and every other bloggers goals for the month of June. I better make some too!

  28. I used to write out goals, but I realized I never focused on them and it’s better for me personally to just choose the things that are important to me in general and work on them without stress. I definitely have some overarching blogging goals, though- it’s my biggest passions and I want it to keep growing!

  29. Tracy says:

    These are some serious goals! I think most bloggers are very goal oriented b/c of the methodical, repetitive nature of blogging. Good luck, I’ll be stopping by to check them out!

  30. Errign says:

    I do like writing out goals and have been for the last couple of months, though with the insanity that is moving I haven’t thought of June’s yet!

  31. Excited to hear about your PT cert goal!! I’ve ordered all the materials from ACSM. As soon as I get through moving, my goal’s to get working on it!

  32. I love writing out goals…but my current month’s is pretty much just “accomplish anything beyond baby care”. Yours look great!

    • Tina says:

      I remember those goals all too well. It’s rough the first couple of months after the first one when you’re really learning the ropes with every little thing.

  33. I like your goals! My goals right now center on balance and spending more time with God, as that’s where I’ve really been falling short lately.

  34. Keri says:

    Love your tasty, simple, budget-friendly recipes! Keep ’em coming!:) I have to have goals too or I go nuts. And I will be lost in the sauce in a few months when baby #1 comes if I don’t have goals. Even if it is shower every day!

  35. I’m afraid to put out blogging goals. I so want to nurture and grow my blog, but with Nursing School I am not sure how it’s going to work out. Eek.

  36. Anna says:

    I don’t know why I don’t write out my goals more often. I write lists for myself but goals…I have been struggling this week with balance since I am no longer student teaching and maybe writing out goals will help me focus and stay motivated. ^_^

  37. cathy says:

    i LOVE LOVE goal setting! daily/weekly/monthly/yearly…and i enjoy reading others’ goals, too. thanks for sharing yours, tina. i appreciate how you try to balance all the areas of your life, the variety of your goals and how specific they are. all the best in going after them this month!

  38. […] I’m glad I did. It helped me remain focused on all of them this past month. Let’s see how my June Goals list played out, shall […]

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