Posts Tagged ‘listen to your body’

completely irresponsible

Yesterday I was completely irresponsible. In every way imaginable. You should be ashamed to call me a friend.


I was an irresponsible mother. I ignored my daughter all day in order to stay in bed and watch an entire season of Friends on DVD. Little M told me she hated me and disowns me as her mother last night. How sad.

I was an irresponsible Christian. I didn’t go to church so I could sleep in. My friends in Sunday School all emailed me to tell me they have now lost their way because I wasn’t there to lead class. God warned me that he almost zapped me with lightning because being in church every Sunday is what us religious folk should do. And following “the rules” is what being a Christian is all about don’t you know. Faith, grace, mercy, peace, and love don’t mean a thing obviously.

I was an irresponsible fitness enthusiast. I had plenty of time to get in a workout yesterday, but opted to sleep for an extra 5 or 6 hours off and on throughout the day instead.

I was an irresponsible friend. I skipped one of my friend’s kiddo’s birthday parties even though she came to M’s just the day before. What can I say? I was selfish and wanted to keep the gift I woke up with all to myself. I didn’t want to share it with those kids and her family. It was MINE!

I was an irresponsible pregnant woman. I took medicine. The horrors! I have now poisoned my baby with that Tylenol. Little B’s growth shall forever be stunted.

I was an irresponsible blogger. I didn’t take a single photo yesterday. I didn’t post a single word. I didn’t reply to comments or think about visiting other blogs. My blog shall now shut down. What was I thinking to take a day off? I will have lost numerous readers and subscribers from that decision. After all, wouldn’t I have been smarter to put up a post saying “I’m Sick! Be back later! The end.” than to ignore my computer? Shame on me and my so-called blogger status! May I now grovel at your feet to beg you to keep reading this little ole blog. And then how dare I sleep in this morning and leave you with this craptastic post?! I guess I should have hired little M to fill in, huh?


**Disclaimer: I sincerely hope you read all of the above with a sense of sarcasm in mind.** If you haven’t figured it out already, I woke up incredibly ill yesterday. I could. not. move! I had chills, body aches, an intense headache, a throat so constricted and burning I could not speak, and waves of nausea thinking I was in the mood for surfing them all day long. So I took a day off to rest up and hopefully feel better by today, which I do. Thank goodness too. You all know how I feel about Mondays!

I can honestly say I feel better because I allowed myself the time to just chill and soak up the care from my husband and the freedom to laze all day. I gave myself freedom from the expectations I place on myself and the need I feel to constantly work hard to improve as a mother, wife, blogger, friend, in my faith, etc. I can place high standards on myself and I know that. Sometimes, however, we have to simply say “Forget it!” and live with it.


I actually felt proud of myself for doing so yesterday. I didn’t forge on to keep from feeling like I let others down. I didn’t toss up a post because, while it may work for others, I prefer to share things I genuinely want to share and not write for the sake of writing. Even if that drops my page views for the day or subscribers for the week. I knew trying to play super mom despite illness would only have left me unable to mother and love my child for at least an extra day or two. I may not be 100% today, but at least I function. And the world didn’t stop turning without me. What a shocker! 😉

  • I hope you all had FANTABULOUS weekends. What did you do?
  • Do you ever put pressure on yourself to keep going or do something for the sake of it, even though its not necessary?

Posted by on October 18th, 2010 70 Comments

can you tell me?

Can you tell me…how it is already August? Seven months have disappeared in the blink of an eye. Somehow time snuck up on me and now I must face the month that will try to kill me. We travel (by CAR!) to Philadelphia this weekend. My friend’s wedding stuff occupies my schedule all month. I will have to pick up more intensive lessons for the Sunday class I lead. Life continues on its mad course. Busy, busy, busy month ahead. Also, in August, a portion of each post is going to share something random from a list of topics being shared among bloggers. I got the idea from Lisa. Today’s topic is a guilty pleasure of mine. I would have to say my guilty pleasure is being able to stay in my pajamas or workout clothes all day if I so desired. Can you tell me why we all can’t just agree that sweats and tees are appropriate attire for everything?

Next up. Can you tell me HOW I’m supposed to fit all the shower information onto this tiny invitation?


And where this shower is even going to be? Or who to send the invites to? Since I can’t get addresses from the bride or the friend who is organizing the hotel room on the phone.

Can you tell me…why can’t we eat birthday cake every day? Yesterday we celebrated my nephew’s 3rd birthday. As usual with our family, it was a mad house of chatter and kids scrambling everywhere. All calmed for the cake. Oh, the cake!


I used to despise birthday cake. I blame Makenzie for my current infatuation with it. I never liked cake, ketchup, or candy corn until I became pregnant with her.

Can you tell me…could Makenzie BE any cuter? Well maybe without bangs in her eyes and peanut butter smeared across her face. Nah! She’s perfect.


Can you tell me…why is writing so fulfilling? I love putting my thoughts into words and onto (cyber) paper. I got a fair amount of writing done yesterday – my next fit pregnancy article (please CLICK), my Healthy Tipping Point story for Caitlin, and a lot of brainstorming for something special.

Can you tell me…why it is so hard to know God’s plan? I 100% am willing to follow Him where He leads me. And lately I have been getting these thoughts that wedge into my mind and cling onto my heart. They feel good, but there is a problem. How do I KNOW they are from God, not just something I come up with out of pride or because it seems cool? How do I know if  I should pursue them? Or is fear holding me back and am I trying to find a reason not to follow these things in my heart? For example, I have something that I would love to do on the blog and I think it could promote something amazing for every woman out there. I don’t want to just dive in without knowing it is something from God though because it is that important and dear to me. I guess all I can do is pray about it for now.

Can you tell me…how the body is so smart? Yesterday I was not that hungry. I had a light breakfast of my beloved egg/laughing cow/tomato/Morningstar sausage sandwich. Then had this lovely plate for lunch awhile later.


I ate an early dinner at the party, which was one taco of salsa, cheese, and beef plus a small slice of that cake. Then, I wasn’t hungry the rest of the day and ate nothing that night.

Today, however, I have been a bottomless pit. I devoured a quick, delicious breakfast of waffles with pb + syrup and some Morningstar Farms sausages. Then, I needed a heftier meal for lunch and convinced the hubs to hit up Atlanta Bread Company for my sandwich craving. I was STILL hungry! But, if there is one thing I know, it is to trust my body and let it do its thing. So, I’ll be munching something here shortly.


Can you tell me…if you are on my new Blogger Love page? I updated the page with the blogs that were on my previous list and all the new, fabulous people I have come across recently who requested to be included. Please check your link and let me know of any problems. If I missed you or you still want to be on the page, please let me know in a comment below. Help me spread the blogger love!

Now, can you really tell me…

  • …how your weekend was?
  • …your insight to any of the above?
  • …you own “Can you tell me?” question?
  • …did you click my link? I had to throw it in there!

Posted by on August 1st, 2010 62 Comments


Catch Up With Recent Posts

Announcement Time

Posted: November 23, 2011 at 7:47 am

Well, I have had a whirlwind of a few weeks over here. I missed all of you so much! I can’t express enough gratitude for your patience while I got some important things sorted out. Some scary things. Are you ready for the announcement? Here goes! I will no longer be blogging at Faith Fitness […]

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Self-Love Reflection: The Road Not Taken

Posted: November 20, 2011 at 11:47 am

Hello FFF readers! Nice to meet ya! My name is Carissa and my husband and I blog at Fit2Flex.  Well, I blog…he consults! We are both certified personal trainers with a passion for healthy, active living and clean eating.  I am also studying to become a registered dietitian, a race announcer, and a runner.  Stop […]

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Healthier Eating For Kids

Posted: November 19, 2011 at 10:56 am

Thanks to Plum Organics for sponsoring my post about tips for baby feeding magic. What if you let baby choose what’s for dinner? Check out their cute "Quest for Yum!" video and see what happens! As parents, we want the best for our children. We help them to feel loved. We strive to teach them […]

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Posted: November 17, 2011 at 3:36 pm

Hey, everyone! I wanted to pop in and say I am working on some new and exciting changes.  As a result,I may not be posting as much during the coming week.  Please stay tuned for the big announcement! Love you all! And still feel free to find me on Twitter and Facebook for the time […]

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Where The Change Happens

Posted: November 16, 2011 at 7:54 am

It’s kind of funny. I become a certified personal trainer and the first workouts I turn to this week come from someone else. The book came in for me at the library last week and, after flipping through it, I couldn’t wait to give the circuits a go. Making The Cut includes a lot of […]

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From Beginning To End

Posted: November 15, 2011 at 11:53 am

Good morning! First off, thanks for the many congrats yesterday. Love you all bunches for the tons of support you have given me in so many things this year. I hope I can return a little bit of that love through this here blog as well. So yesterday I had my first parent-teacher “conference” for […]

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