Posts Tagged ‘miscellaneous’

Front Loaders

After a good week of recovery work outs – some light recovery runs on the treadmill, not lifting too heavy during weights – I still had a bit of soreness going on when I awoke this morning. Guess Insanity for the first time will do that to a person.

When setting up my workout plan last week, I decided to have Fridays open for a yoga type of class at my gym. I did it all the time when I was pregnant. Flashback:

I remembered it being a good workout to stretch out achy muscles, so I made my way there for this morning’s class. I looked forward to that loosey goosey feeling at the end.

Apparently I only remembered the second half of the class. The first half was all about sun salutations, then holding poses for forrr-evvv-errrr. I hope my legs don’t feel those warrior squats and lunges too much tomorrow. Eeep!!! Luckily I did end the workout feeling perfectly relaxed and stretched. Smile

Besides a yoga filled morning, we have also had a laundry filled morning.

We bought a new front loader washer and dryer last week.

It was quite the saga.

Peter found some for a good deal. He then debated for five days. Finally, he decided it was too good a deal to pass up and bought them. The next day, he continued to shop around after buying them. He found a better deal elsewhere.

What happened next? He bought those. Returned the first ones before they were even delivered. And still looks at washer and dryer prices. I may not understand the man, but I shall not complain. I now have a washer and dryer with more room to stuff clothes into…and new entertainment for the kids.


I shall never complain again about his deal finding ways. It makes mommy happy. It makes the kids happy. And it scored me that two dollar Runner’s World subscription! It may also score me a third washer and dryer set, but I won’t complain. No, wait. I didn’t say that. No more washer and dryers…PLEASE!

Also, notice I said I won’t complain about his deal finding ways. I will still for sure complain about having to fold laundry. Blech. Off to do that now! Have a good one, my friends. Smile

  • Do you like yoga? I think I would like it more if taken at a studio instead of my gym’s little class, but it does help the muscles!
  • How much do you analyze your purchases and shop around?

Posted by on October 14th, 2011 32 Comments

Seven! Seven! Seven!!!!!

A couple of my favorite bloggers – Chelsey and Heather – have a fun little Friday tradition. Fun Facts Friday! It gives a little glimpse into their lives and I always look forward to reading them. Then, Lindsay tagged me with a Blissful Blogger award which calls for sharing 7 fun facts.


I guess it was just meant to be that I play along with Fun Facts Friday. Winking smile

The number seven always makes me think of the scene from FRIENDS where Monica and Rachel teach Chandler about erogenous zones. Seven. Seven. Seven! Seven!!! SEVEN!!! Ha. Loves it!

You should never joke about having a black eye. Karma will get ya. On Wednesday, I somehow opened my car door right into my face and busted my lip.


Thankfully, it looks only slightly bruised now. And you’re welcome for sparing you the bloody, scabbed picture.

I still love the grilled sandwich combo of pepperjack cheese, tomato, and hummus.


It looks so delicious, but it never fails that I burn the bottom half.


Who can’t cook a grilled cheese sandwich? Apparently this girl.

I want to find these pumpkin bagels.

image (and cravings) courtesy of Courtney

I can’t get them out of my head! I have searched high and low – Publix or Kroger, bread section or refrigerated section. They must live in some bagel vortex. It makes me sad. Do you know where I can get some?

I watched my first episode of Modern Family three weeks ago.


I love it. I want to find these illusive pumpkin bagels and sit on the couch and watch the entire first season straight through. That show is downright funny!

These came in the mail for me yesterday.

I’m all  kinds of excited. Peter told me he subscribed for me when he found a TWO DOLLAR subscription. How does he always find these crazy good deals?! Oh, yea. The Slickdeals website.

I’m working with Love Grown as a Love Blogger!


Have been for awhile…yet it somehow keeps slipping my mind to a) tell you and b) figure out how to get that picture into a widget on my sidebar. Ohhh, Peterrrrr!!!

  • What’s something that should be ridiculously easy to do, but you can never seem to get just right?
  • What’s a newly discovered love for you? Mine = Modern Family and Runner’s World. And front loaders.

Posted by on October 14th, 2011 55 Comments


Catch Up With Recent Posts

Announcement Time

Posted: November 23, 2011 at 7:47 am

Well, I have had a whirlwind of a few weeks over here. I missed all of you so much! I can’t express enough gratitude for your patience while I got some important things sorted out. Some scary things. Are you ready for the announcement? Here goes! I will no longer be blogging at Faith Fitness […]

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Self-Love Reflection: The Road Not Taken

Posted: November 20, 2011 at 11:47 am

Hello FFF readers! Nice to meet ya! My name is Carissa and my husband and I blog at Fit2Flex.  Well, I blog…he consults! We are both certified personal trainers with a passion for healthy, active living and clean eating.  I am also studying to become a registered dietitian, a race announcer, and a runner.  Stop […]

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Healthier Eating For Kids

Posted: November 19, 2011 at 10:56 am

Thanks to Plum Organics for sponsoring my post about tips for baby feeding magic. What if you let baby choose what’s for dinner? Check out their cute "Quest for Yum!" video and see what happens! As parents, we want the best for our children. We help them to feel loved. We strive to teach them […]

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Posted: November 17, 2011 at 3:36 pm

Hey, everyone! I wanted to pop in and say I am working on some new and exciting changes.  As a result,I may not be posting as much during the coming week.  Please stay tuned for the big announcement! Love you all! And still feel free to find me on Twitter and Facebook for the time […]

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Where The Change Happens

Posted: November 16, 2011 at 7:54 am

It’s kind of funny. I become a certified personal trainer and the first workouts I turn to this week come from someone else. The book came in for me at the library last week and, after flipping through it, I couldn’t wait to give the circuits a go. Making The Cut includes a lot of […]

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From Beginning To End

Posted: November 15, 2011 at 11:53 am

Good morning! First off, thanks for the many congrats yesterday. Love you all bunches for the tons of support you have given me in so many things this year. I hope I can return a little bit of that love through this here blog as well. So yesterday I had my first parent-teacher “conference” for […]

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