We Bought a Cow
I can hardly believe Friday has already arrived. Weeks seem to fly by lately. We are already ten days in to December. Christmas Eve is two weeks from today. 2011 is only 22 days away. Baby B could join us in just a month’s short time. Which reminds me. I have some baby laundry to do and a hospital bag to start getting in order. You know. Just in case.
So, last night after my shopping extravaganza, I wrapped up all the gifts and then settled in for a nice evening. Peter grilled up some steaks for us from our cow.
You heard me correctly. Our cow. Now, those of you who are vegan/vegetarian may be kind of put off by this, but Peter & I went in together with another couple to purchase the meat from a cow. We don’t mind red meat in this house. In fact, we have it one, maybe two, times each week with many of our other meals vegetarian based and an occasional dinner using chicken. That’s right. We mostly eat beef or vegetarian style.
We like our beef, but we don’t like the standard run of the mill stuff from the market. We would make a point to purchase the highest quality possible, which could get expensive when its at least $7/lb for ground. When we heard about having the option to purchase extremely local, grass-fed, hormone free, etc quality beef and have the chance to support a local family business, we went for it. It also helped our wallets. We received a large variety of steaks, cuts, and ground for less than $3/lb.
It’s kind of disturbing to have that much meat in an extra deep freezer, but I don’t mind if it means better quality. Plus, that extra freezer we had to buy means more room to put frozen and ready to eat meals for after baby B. Or my Trader Joe shopping spree finds. Or holiday cookies. Or…dang, we should have bought a bigger storage freezer.
For the record, that meat was yummy. And for the record, I’m going to miss Glee while it has reruns. I finally watched the Christmas special last night and loved it. Although didn’t really care for the rendition of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”. That’s my favorite Christmas song (along with Silent Night). I don’t mind the two guy thing – c’mon, I have a gay brother (pretty sure you knew that) – but it just sounded off. I love the one from Elf. Wow. That was a tangent. Getting to my point - I had fun watching Glee…eating a delicious steak and broccoli dinner…and now listening to the Glee version on Youtube on repeat because M wants to hear it over and over. Happy Friday!
- What types of things are you picky about with the quality of your food? I’m most particular about where meat comes from. I also prefer to purchase things like spinach and apples from the “dirty dozen” list organically.
- A random thought you are having right now. I know I’m not the only one who has a mind prone to tangents and randomness.