Who’s Tina?
Why, hello there! My name is Tina and I’m the face behind Faith Fitness Fun. I always hope to inspire with open and honest posts about a variety of topics. I have gone through a lot to try to live life fully and strive to help others do the same. All while keeping healthy and fit! What better way to live life, huh?
So you want to know a little more about me? Well – I am a stay at home mother of two blogging about all the things that fill me with passion.
I hope to show that a balanced, healthy lifestyle is achievable, manageable, and FUN by living out my life and sharing it along the way. I have overcome a wide variety of battles – including depression and years of binge eating, which I share openly.
Now I make each day count and take things meal by meal, moment by moment, to live life to the fullest. I am a newly addicted runner, lover of strength training, optimist, and blogger…allowing my faith in something more than diet and workouts to carry me to a truly healthy, balanced, and rewarding life. Join me, why don’t ya!