This Is My Life
6:40 am: Wake up on my own without an alarm. Chill in bed for about 10 minutes with some prayer to start my day off on the right foot.
6:50 am: Out of bed. Toss on workout clothes. Put in contacts. <— I want Lasik!
7:00 – 7:15 am: Get Makenzie and Braedon dressed.
7:15 – 7:45 am: Make Makenzie her oatmeal. Nurse Braedon. Try to remember to have a banana or something to not starve myself at the gym.
7:45 am: Pack up the three bags we need – cooler for food, gym bag, and diaper bag. Head out the door to the gym.
8:10 – 9:20 am: Workout time! It felt fabulous to have the chance to finish my workout in the morning again! Operation Super Sweaty accomplished!
ELLIPTICAL HIIT: I alternated one minute at Resistance Level 5 and a speed of 50 – 60 rpm with one minute at Resistance Level 10 and a speed of 80 rpm. I continued alternating the two until I reached 30 minutes and wanted to fall off the machine. Intervals don’t mess around! Then, I did the following legs, chest, and triceps weight workout:
Move | Reps (for 3 sets) | Weight |
Barbell Squat | 15, 15, 15 | 90 # |
Incline Barbell Bench Press | 10, 10, 8 | 65 # |
Side Step-ups with Leg Lift | 20, 20, 15 | bodyweight |
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press | 12, 12, 12 | 30 # per side |
Front Barbell Shoulder Raise | 12, 12, 12 | 20 # barbell |
Cable Triceps Pushdown | 8, 8, 8 | 50 # |
9:30 – 11:15 am: Play time at the park!
11:30 am: Nurse Braedon while catching up on a few blogs emails.
11:50 am – Noon: Shower in my beloved shower!! Get dressed. Yes. All in 10 minutes. #thelifeofamother
12:00 – 12:30 pm: Clean up kitchen and prepare lunch for both kiddos.
Rice cereal? Chobani? Rice cereal? Chobani? Tough decision.
12:30 pm: Bible stories, kisses, and prayers for a nice,long nap. Nap time!
12:40 pm: Actually make my lunch. Any guesses? Black bean wrap. I told you I’m loving on them lately.
1:00 – 3:30 pm: Work on blog stuff. Like pre-writing this post. And playing on Twitter. You know. The important things. And play my daily game of “When Will I Burst?”.
3:30 pm: Nurse Braedon. Read books to Makenzie.
4:00 pm: Snack time!!! <--- my excitement level based on the # of !!!! used
4:30 pm: Daddy comes home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- remember that excitement level barometer?
4:30 – 6:30 pm: Family time which may include some walks, lounging in the play room, sneaking in some errands and calling it fun to appease Makenzie. Yada yada yada.
6:30 pm: Start making dinner.
7:00 pm: Eat dinner, if not sooner. Do you see why I have a 20 – 30 minute time cap on recipes I am willing to make? Last night’s dinner featured an easy one. Trader Joes Chili Lime Chicken burger with traditional ketchup, mustard, pickles, spinach, and tomato. And traditional brussels sprouts on the side. What? Brussels are so a traditional side to burgers in our house.
7:30 pm – Feed Braedon. Bathe Makenzie. Bible stories, prayers, and snuggles.
7:50 pm – Victory dance by the two parental units. Well, there would be a victory dance if we had the energy for one. Instead we plop our booties on the couch to talk and entertain ourselves with some form of high quality programming. The Bachelorette counts, no?
10:00 pm – Collapse into bed. Snuggle up and say goodnight.
As you can see, my life isn’t anything extraordinary. I don’t go to fancy events or travel across the globe. I have those regular, mundane moments (like dishes and laundry) that take up time so easily. This is my life. And my life means something. My life loves. My life laughs. My life has health. My life shares and uplifts. My life dreams. My life trusts. My life matters. This is my life. My life rocks!
- What are you typically doing at 3 pm on any given day?
- Fill in the blank: My life ______.