The Most Humbling Workout
I did something crazy this morning. No…make that insane.
Sometimes I like to exaggerate things. Play things up a little bit to entertain myself. Well, I did not exaggerate a single word in that tweet.
I have actually had the Insanity program in my hands for a few months, but always felt too intimidated to give the workouts a shot. I knew I wanted to try them, but always got too scared when push came to shove.
I don’t know what hit me this morning, but I popped the DVD in and picked the Pure Cardio workout. 40 minutes didn’t sound too bad. It didn’t have any crazy words like Max or Circuit in there, which I knew could mean trouble. That 40 minutes was no joke!
I was dripping sweat by the end of the warm-up. Not a good sign. When Shaun T paused to stretch a bit after the warm-up to prepare for the madness to come, I laughed. It was one of those laugh or cry moments.
The next 20-25 minutes owned me. Drill after drill after drill after drill. Burpees. High knees. Push-ups. Tuck jumps. And too many things I don’t even remember the names of because all I could hear was my own heavy breathing.
#huffpuff #iwanttodie
At the end, I parked my booty on the floor and stared at the screen in disbelief. Then Peter came downstairs and his eyes lit up at me trying unsuccessfully to catch my breath and wipe sweat out of my eyes simultaneously.
He gets pleasure from my pain. He even sits and laughs with a big goofy grin as I go through the torture of ice baths after my long runs. Evil. <—Peter
I didn’t care though. My huffing and puffing turned into the biggest smile. I felt accomplished. I put aside fear and went for something I knew would challenge me. I didn’t half-ass the workout, because I knew I would only get out of it what I put into it.
I put a lot into it. It hurt. I thought I would hurl out my heart at some points. I had to pause and catch my breath a few times. But I pushed the limits. And I can’t wait to do it again next week. Yea. Next week. I loved it, but I’m not insane enough to do that madness every day!
- What is the hardest workout you have ever done? Or what is the last way you challenged yourself (fitness wise or otherwise)?