Hashtag It
Whew! This week has felt like one huge roller coaster. It started off with my post half-marathon runner’s high and then had a lot of thinking and reflecting going on, plus a bit of stress. Nothing too much to worry about or bore you with, but let’s just say I’m ready for the weekend. I bet you are too. So let’s have some fun with Fun Fact Friday to get the ball rolling already, huh? I thought you would agree!
This week = Twitter hashtag edition. An idea I stole from the lovely Chelsey. Fitting since I got Fun Fact Friday from her as well. We’re kind of incestual with our ideas.
It’s 11/11/11, which means Braedon is now ten months old. What happened to this little bundle?
I refuse to accept that he will be a year old in two months. I also refuse to accept he will be walking soon. #herecomestrouble
A teenage girl store clerk told me that it would have been “SO cool” if I stayed pregnant “a little longer” to have had B on 11/11/11 instead of 1/11/11. She clearly needs another visit to Health class. #kidsthesedays
I cannot wait for my next half marathon. The Zooma Atlanta Half in two weeks! In fact, I wish I could run a fun race every other weekend. #soaddicted
Not only for the fact I love the experience, but wearing race t-shirts makes me feel like a cool kid. I’ve been wearing my race shirts all week. #irunfortheshirt
On a completely different note, I take my personal training certification exam tomorrow. Which means I have been studying my butt off this week.
Even though I know that I know the material, I still get more than slightly nervous when in a testing environment. #thankgodformultiplechoice #wishmeluck
I sent Peter grocery shopping for me earlier this week. Normally, that decision doesn’t end too well. This time, it did. He brought these home for me.
Gingerbread pita chips. And they are divine. #musthaveselfcontrol
For some reason, I have gone into total sap mode recently. I am completely sucked into this book…
…and badly want to see this movie.
As it turns out, they are making a movie out of the Nicholas Sparks book too. I will probably end up seeing that one too. #canthelpmyself
I know the winner for the SHAPE and Fiber One fitness package. #drumrollplease
#215 – Diana @ Bubbly & Buttercup
Congrats, girl! Email me to claim your prize.
It’s time for the weekend!!! Have a great one! #helpmestopfreakingout
- What’s a #hashtag moment going on in your life?