Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy workouts’

My Current Favorite Workouts

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Happy Saturday! We finally made it. This past week drug on and on and on and on for me. I have a feeling every day and week will feel like that until I get to meet the little guy. I can only try to make the best of my time while I wait. Thank goodness I can work out again. I know that helps my sanity. I currently have my gym membership on hold, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been able to fit in some great workouts. In fact, I got my day started off with one today.


Notice the sweaty goodness. I can still manage a strong workout, even at 9.5 months pregnant. Right now, I’ve been doing a mix of the following favorites:

Turbo Jam DVDs : 45 min on average : 1-2 x/week

I love these workouts! They are fun and easy enough to adapt to pregnancy. Simply keeping things low impact give me the perfect level of intensity. I’ve even posted a video of me doing a Turbo workout before on the blog.

Walks : 30 min typically : as often as the weather & schedules permit

Nothing beats a walk as a family in the afternoon. Peter & I can talk. Makenzie can get outdoors. The lazy bones dog can get some extra exercise. A great choice!

Cathe Low Impact Step DVD options : 45 min on average : 1x/week

Even low impact, the cardio premixes of these workouts can feel tough. I adapt it accordingly by doing the workout only 1x/week and keeping the movements smaller.

At-Home Lightweight Circuit Workouts or Slim in 6 DVD Circuit Workouts : 40 min on average : 1x/week

I still try to fit in some weight training. It’s more difficult than earlier in the pregnancy, when I would still regularly attend BodyPump classes, but I can choose from a variety of moves that remain comfortable. As long as I keep the weights light, things like lunges, squats, bicep curls, and triceps extensions work just fine. See one of my favorites I shared before here.

Over the past 2 weeks I have fit in 4-5 days of exercise each week. I make sure I never feel fatigued and also make sure to stretch daily. Hopefully it will help make getting back in shape post-baby easier, like it did after M. I’m grateful I only had to take about a month off of workouts, that’s for sure.

Question of the Day – What workouts are you currently loving?

Posted by on January 8th, 2011 52 Comments

No More Workouts Allowed

Remember my workout last night that felt so wonderful and had me feeling that exercise high I crave? I guess I should be thankful to end on a good note. That’s right. It turns out that 2 mile walk on the treadmill will have to suffice as my last workout of this pregnancy. I almost want to shed a tear. Or many. I will miss all of you my dear, sweet loves….

During the workout I felt great. For the most part. I did have some discomfort but I chalked it up to baby B situating himself somewhere uncomfortable. He likes to do that. I continued on without too much pain. After getting home, I cooked dinner and helped with a few other things around the house…and progressively began to feel a lot of pain. A lot a lot. It did not stop for a couple of hours and almost sent me in to the hospital. Fortunately, I managed to sleep and laying down helped it stop. Unfortunately, all of that adds up to I can no longer workout.

At my last appointment I was specifically told to rest more and that I could continue workouts as long as they had absolutely no negative effects. If anything of concern showed up, they had to stop. Go figure that my next workout after that appointment would end up being enough to sideline me. I won’t lie. It’s a hard pill to swallow. My emotional side keeps popping up, but I have logical reinforcements to keep things in perspective. I have to have perspective right now.

My thoughts have forged a battle in my head. It goes a little something like this:

I don’t get to workout!! whine whine whine whine whine whine I’m NOT on bed rest. I am STILL healthy. I am STILL blessed to carry this baby.
Will this make it harder to get in shape after baby B arrives? Who cares, if it helps him arrive safely? And an extra 4-7 weeks isn’t that long.
Will this make me gain extra weight? I will feel so gross without regular workouts. 4 light workouts/week do not add up to a huge calorie deficit. They will not impact weight gain much, if it all. And scale weight means nothing to me. Health does!
What if I just took it easier, but still got to workout some? I can do that, right? It’s still safe! I have been feeling more pressure down below, which I need to be careful with. And contractions of any kind after a light 2 mile walk do not show workouts as a good idea for me right now. I know my body is telling me to rest.
But I managed to work out the DAY I went to the hospital with Makenzie! Each pregnancy is different. The 2nd is often tougher. I have to do what is right for THIS pregnancy. It does not make me any less fit to stop earlier this time.
My workouts are my “me time”. Peter will certainly still make my “me time” a priority. Even if its locking myself in my room with a book for an hour every afternoon.
It will be a let down to the blog. How silly! First of all, I know you all love and support me no matter what I blab about. Secondly, I always trust God to give me plenty to share and to guide this “3rd baby” of mine. Lastly, I haven’t had many workouts to share while pregnant anyways. Now it will be even MORE exciting when I do post-baby.

With that, I will close out on a purely positive note, no pun intended.


Pos ting this Operation Beautiful note was my first act in my “Month of Others” campaign for December. Simple, but helpful. At least it brought a much needed smile to my face. 🙂

  • What would be the hardest part of not being able to work out for you?
  • Share your daily dose of “love for others in December”!
  • Updates: I sent out an email reminder about the blogger gift exchange. If you signed up and did not receive one, please let me know.

Posted by on December 1st, 2010 65 Comments


Catch Up With Recent Posts

Announcement Time

Posted: November 23, 2011 at 7:47 am

Well, I have had a whirlwind of a few weeks over here. I missed all of you so much! I can’t express enough gratitude for your patience while I got some important things sorted out. Some scary things. Are you ready for the announcement? Here goes! I will no longer be blogging at Faith Fitness […]

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Self-Love Reflection: The Road Not Taken

Posted: November 20, 2011 at 11:47 am

Hello FFF readers! Nice to meet ya! My name is Carissa and my husband and I blog at Fit2Flex.  Well, I blog…he consults! We are both certified personal trainers with a passion for healthy, active living and clean eating.  I am also studying to become a registered dietitian, a race announcer, and a runner.  Stop […]

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Healthier Eating For Kids

Posted: November 19, 2011 at 10:56 am

Thanks to Plum Organics for sponsoring my post about tips for baby feeding magic. What if you let baby choose what’s for dinner? Check out their cute "Quest for Yum!" video and see what happens! As parents, we want the best for our children. We help them to feel loved. We strive to teach them […]

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Posted: November 17, 2011 at 3:36 pm

Hey, everyone! I wanted to pop in and say I am working on some new and exciting changes.  As a result,I may not be posting as much during the coming week.  Please stay tuned for the big announcement! Love you all! And still feel free to find me on Twitter and Facebook for the time […]

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Where The Change Happens

Posted: November 16, 2011 at 7:54 am

It’s kind of funny. I become a certified personal trainer and the first workouts I turn to this week come from someone else. The book came in for me at the library last week and, after flipping through it, I couldn’t wait to give the circuits a go. Making The Cut includes a lot of […]

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From Beginning To End

Posted: November 15, 2011 at 11:53 am

Good morning! First off, thanks for the many congrats yesterday. Love you all bunches for the tons of support you have given me in so many things this year. I hope I can return a little bit of that love through this here blog as well. So yesterday I had my first parent-teacher “conference” for […]

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