A Southern Gal Needs Her Tea

Posted: June 3, 2011 at 7:39 pm

Day before race day! Day before race day!! This 10K snuck up on me. Luckily, I feel prepared. I had a great 8 miler last weekend. My body feels strong. And I have rested, hydrated, and fueled well today. I just had my standard Friday night dinner that has bode well for me as night-before-fuel in the past – Subway sub!

Tonight, I needed a little sumtin’ sumtin’ extra to go with it. I have lived in the South my entire life. Any Southern gal will tell you that sometimes you just need some tea with your meal. Tonight was one of those nights and thankfully I had some awesome tea sent to me from Lipton to quench that thirst craving.


About a week ago, I received this nifty package from Lipton and Gen-YKnot.


Lipton Iced Tea has decided to branch out into a natural line that includes simple ingredients, no artificial colors, no preservatives, and  no artificial flavors. As a Southern gal tea lover I hopped on board to try them out. Especially when I heard the flavors:

  • Iced Tea with Blueberry Pomegranate
  • Green Tea with Passionfruit Mango
  • Iced Tea with Lemon
  • Green Tea with Citrus
  • Diet Green Tea with Watermelon
  • Diet Green Tea with Citrus


In the past, I have never been a huge fan of prepared Lipton teas. I loved brewing their tea bags, but never cared for their ready-made brews. You know what? I absolutely loved each and every variety of the Natural Lipton Iced Teas and Diet Iced Teas I reviewed. They all have a fresh brewed tea taste with just the right amount of flavor and sweetness. The Green Tea Citrus, Diet Watermelon, and Blueberry Pomegranate varieties wowed me the most!

While I typically prefer water as my beverage of choice, I do like these as an option when I want a little more flavor. Yes, they do include some sugar - and the diet varieties do contain sucralose – but I feel better drinking one of these than, say, a diet coke. Lipton really does want to share a more natural product with its consumers. To help celebrate this change to a more natural side, Lipton has partnered up with Pandora to bring new music, videos, interviews with music artists, summer concerts, and more to its consumers. check out Lipton’s Facebook page to learn more.

  • Do you ever crave something with more flavor to drink? What?
  • Want a chance to try some of your own? The 20 oz bottles are readily available at stores nationwide now. Or you can check my Facebook page! *giveaway hint hint* 😉

I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Gen-Yknot on behalf of Lipton and received Lipton product samples and a subscription to Pandora One to facilitate my candid review. Gen-Yknot also sent me a promotional item to thank me for my time.

20 Comments to “A Southern Gal Needs Her Tea”
  1. I can’t wait to bust open my Lipton teas and do my review now! 🙂

  2. Mmm, the diet watermelon sounds very interesting! Can’t wait to find it in stores…

  3. Watermelon green tea sounds so unique! I’d love to give it a try!

  4. Ooo I bet the blueberry pom is delish!

  5. Jess says:

    Mmm, I love GOOD tea! 🙂 Subway is so good!

  6. Lauren says:

    I’m usually an all water girl during the day, but last week at my internship, we had free cases of Honest Tea. I love it because the flavors are organic (most of them at least), and very little sugar is added. I love that they’re all less than 100 calories and just a little sweet.

  7. Kayleigh says:

    I love water, but more recently I’ve been craving something more than just water. I tend to go to seltzer water, vitamin water, diet soda, or something along those lines!

    BTW the sandwich looks delicious!

  8. Sarah says:

    I drink a lot of water, but I do crave flavor in my beverages sometimes. I think that’s why I go for diet coke sometimes- I just want a little something more than water. Right now, I go for flavored seltzer when I want something extra..or unsweetened iced tea, decaf coffee or unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

  9. Good luck tomorrow on your race! I’d be down with trying the pomegranate blueberry one, that sounds good 🙂

  10. I go with unsweetened iced tea when I’m not drinking water (or coffee)…so refreshing on a hot day!

    Good luck tomorrow- I’m sure you’ll rock it!

  11. Emily says:

    The teas look yummy!! Oh and Happy Anniversary!! Hope you and your hubby had a fabulous day 🙂

  12. Mac says:

    I pretty much always drink water, but every once in a while I crave something with flavor and when that happens it’s an intense craving!

  13. Iced tea is by far my favorite drink. Of all time. I’m not huge into the flavors, but regular? I’ll drink it like water…

    Good luck on the 10k! I have one this weekend, too!

  14. Is it dumb that I just love that wooden case thing that the bottle came in?

    I usually just love water in general, but once in a while I really crave something like crystal lite or iced tea — just some sort of flavor is nice.

    Good luck tomorrow!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  15. With that sandwich, you’re totally ready. Go for it in your race. Anxious to hear how it goes!

  16. These teas sound yum and yes I do crave more than just tea and water. I love fruit juices and carrot juice weird right?

    Im just too lazy to make them myself….oh and I like making ICED teas like blueberry tea with real fruits in it 🙂

  17. Dorry says:

    Good luck tomorrow!! I know you’ll have a great race. 🙂

  18. I totally get it! I’m a GA girl and I have a guilty pleasure for sweet tea!!!

  19. Kristi says:

    Good luck on your race!
    Sometimes I crave something other than water… usually I’ll drink some Crystal light when the craving hits.

  20. Mandy says:

    Have fun today, I know you will rock it out! 🙂

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