Run The Rails 10K Race Recap

Posted: June 4, 2011 at 5:32 pm

Hey hey hey!!! Yes, I’m in a seriously good mood. Everyone should feel so annoyingly peppy at times. I have had a great day so far. I kicked it off with some good progress in my Month 5 Body After Baby check-in (post coming early in the week) and then went on to smash my 10K race goal. Seriously. Smashed it. Ready for the details? I know I am!

I got myself all prepped and ready with a bright and early 5:30 am wake-up call. Downed my standard fuel of a whole wheat english muffin with a smear of peanut butter and half a larabar on the side. Then got all decked out in one of my favorite running t-shirts, the awesome New Balance sneakers we received at Fitbloggin, and a brand spankin’ new Bondi Band.

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I have been testing out the new RevLite 890 New Balance sneakers I received since getting home from Fitbloggin’ and really, really like them. I’m big on cushion. They feel so comfortable and truly are so light! The Bondi Band was an impromptu purchase earlier this week when I found a deal after a run with annoying face/hair sweat. It was a good impromptu purchase. Those things rock! Almost as much as the saying “will run for margaritas” rocks. You betcha I will!

I had some time to kill before the race so I checked out my race bag swag…

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…which included another race tee to add to my hopefully soon-to-be collection and some coupons. I’ll take the $10 Sports Authority card, but I have no need for the Krispy Kreme lemon donut coupon. You’ll see.

Finally, the time came to say goodbye to my cheering crew and head to the starting line.


Sans Garmin. I ended up deciding to just run the race without it and trust my body to guide me. I would have the chance to check my pace at each mile marker, which was enough for me.

I got going and hit my stride relatively quickly. Mile 1 appeared in the blink of an eye. I heard 8:20 shouted to me as I passed by, even though I felt like I was conserving myself. Then, mile 2 passed just as fast, thanks to coming across my fans along the way. I could easily spot them thanks to a particular cutie and some awesome signs (which you’ll get a chance to win a creation of your own soon my friends)…


Hello, family!!! I’m still feeling grand!

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I kept going strong and holding a challenging, yet not exhausting, pace. The miles continued to go on by. I hit the 4 mile marker and heard a time of 32:18 shouted at me. Ummm? That can’t be right. Can it? No way. So, I just kept trucking along, despite one particularly nasty hill around mile 4.5. This race made me very thankful for the hilly routes I have around my house. They certainly prepared me better for this course. Note to self: remember this when cursing the mile long hill of death on runs in the future.

After the hill, I could feel myself slowing the tiniest bit but still felt alright. Getting the chance to see my cheering crew again kept a smile on my face.


Not too long after, I got to what I knew was the final stretch of road (thankfully flat!). I picked it up a little again. Then, I saw it. The finish line! I pushed forward. I thought happy thoughts. I made unattractive faces.

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And I achieved my main goal of finishing strong! My time??? A whopping 9:16 better than my goal time! I trusted my body and my body said “Boo yah! I’m stronger than you think, woman!”.


Then, my body said “Feed Me!” and I happily obliged while stretching out my legs.

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They only had apples, oranges (blech!), and Krispy Kreme donuts for food. I devoured an apple and then deemed the Krispy Kreme unworthy. If I’m going to have a donut, I want a real donut. A Dutch Monkey donut. So – we made a pit stop.


Peter & I picked up a Coffee Cream Bismark and a Lemon Meringue Pie donut to share. I paired my two halves with a chocolate protein shake (chocolate protein powder, chocolate almond milk, and iced coffee) to create the post-race meal of champions.


Yes. Meal of champions, because I don’t want to be a champion if I can’t have donuts on occasion.

So, yea. I’m in a really good mood. It only gets better with date night tonight! 🙂

  • What is the last way your body told you “Boo-yah! I’m stronger than you think!”?

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83 Comments to “Run The Rails 10K Race Recap”
  1. You go girl! Congrats on a killer time! And glad you enjoyed your donuts!

  2. That’s so awesome Tina! Isn’t racing the best? I’m picky about donuts too but I will happily eat a chocolate iced, cream filled from KK or a doughnut from Brit’s at Carolina Beach (plain is all they make). Also curious – what does your t-shirt say? 🙂

  3. Kristi says:

    Congrats on your race Tina. That’s awesome that you beat your goal time by 9 minutes.

  4. Holy moly woman- great job!!! You’re inspiring me to get back to running as soon as I have my little one 🙂 CONGRATS!

  5. Megan says:

    Awesome! You’re incredible!

    Oh and I love that I have another fellow orange hater 🙂 I think everyone likes oranges!

    • Tina says:

      Yes! We’re a rare breed apparently. I don’t know what it is, but I just don’t care for them. It’s not even really the taste but more the pain they are to eat with such little satisfaction. LOL

  6. Impressive! You are supah fast, girl!! 🙂

  7. Excellent job! You have great running form in those pics (it’s the exercise science geek in me haha!)…you’re a natural runner! 🙂

    • Tina says:

      Cool! I always wondered if I had decent form. I just always tried to think of having good posture. LOL

  8. Your Bondi should say “Will Run for Donuts!” Ha ha! You rock and you looked so hot out there! You should be doubly proud of all you wonderful accomplishments! You are such an inspiration and I love reading your story! Thank you as always for sharing! Congratulations on an awesome race!

  9. Love that Bondi Band! Congrats on the 10k you rock!

  10. Jen says:

    Omg congrats Tina! That’s super speedy. Why do I have a feeling I’ll be reading your blog months from now and you’ll be placing in most races? 🙂

  11. Dorry says:

    Great photos! Congrats on an awesome race, Tina!! 🙂

  12. Congrats on a race well run! You look soooo happy 🙂 Love the pics. The last time my body said “boo ya!” was the National Marathon. I felt like quitting half way through but the body gave me a boost!

  13. Tina you did amazing!!! 50 minutes is a great time!!!

    And I love your recovery meal — that is perfect!

  14. Yay! Perhaps you are now on the no Garmin during races train like me!

    great job!

  15. LindseyAnn says:

    That is an AMAZING time! And I love your shoes–I’m jealous that I can’t run in the 890 because it seems awesome. Those donuts look amazing, too–so much better than KK’s!

    The last time my body said “boo-yah”? Last week during my half marathon. I had an absolute riot, and I slaughtered my old PR by 14 minutes. 😀 It was awesome.

  16. Brittany says:

    What a great race, Tina! You’re freakin awesome 🙂

  17. Melie says:

    this is an amazing 10K. And I love how much fun you had! That’s how races are supposed to be! 🙂

  18. GREAT JOB! You’re so awesome! Lovin the headband! HAHAHA….and that sign! It would definite motivate me 😀

  19. Stacy says:

    Oh my goodness Tina you rocked it out!!! Congrats on your awesome time!! I love the picture of M and the sign. I also really love the close-up of you smiling as you run by, too cute! Congrats again girl!

  20. Kara says:

    What an awesome 10K time! Post race donuts sounds like a great idea. 🙂

  21. Jess says:

    This is AWESOME!!!! LOVE the pics of you as you raced towards the finish – the look of pure joy on your face is beautiful!! LOVE! Congrats on killin it!

  22. Michelle says:

    Way to go, that is absolutely awesome!

    And those donuts look scrumptious, mm, now you’ve got me salivating…

  23. That’s awesome Tina!

    My body told me boo-yah at my half marathon a few weeks ago. I thought I would be taking a lot of walking breaks, but I only walked through my water stops. Boo-yah! 🙂

  24. Bethany says:

    Congratulations on your race! That’s such an awesome accomplishment!

    My body told me boo-yah last week Wednesday and Thursday when it said, “Yeah, you thought this cold sucked on Tuesday? Look what I can do with a 7-hour flight over the Atlantic AND jet lag!”

    Not really the kind of boo-yah I was hoping for, to say the least…

  25. Mandy says:

    Congratulations on an awesome time girl! You amaze me in everything you do.

    P.S. You look great 🙂

    P.P.S. Happy Anniversary glad you guys had a nice date night 🙂

  26. That pic of your daughter w/the sign is just too cute! And you are stinkin adorable!!! Donuts are my favorite “naughty” food & I haven’t had one in months. Nor will I be able to have one in months. I’ll live vicariously through your pictures. (Careful, I just might lick my computer screen!) 🙂

  27. […] REAL journey back to fitness! Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress PluginYou may remember my stellar 10K race experience from this past weekend. You may also remember seeing some cuteness like […]

  28. I love your headband!
    You did sooo awesome!!! I love the sign your daughter was holding! 🙂

  29. Yacine says:

    What a great post! It makes me want to go out and run! You look so happy and wow.. congrats on that time!!! By the way.. I adore your blog!

  30. […] obliterated my first 10K race goal. I ran almost 10 minutes faster than my […]

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