No Thinking Necessary

Posted: June 9, 2011 at 6:45 pm

So. Humbled. So. Truly. HUMBLED!! Thank you. Your encouragement and belief in my little ole dreams brought me to tears. Thank you. I can still hardly believe I articulated these personal hopes and dreams, but knowing you stand behind me and root for me only solidifies my decision to finally start pursuing them. Thank you. I have a long, uncertain, somewhat frightening path ahead…which I plan to stop running away from and start moving towards, step by step. Wow.

Let’s get back to regular programming now, shall we? I woke up feeling better today after getting a good night’s sleep. I didn’t have near the dizziness or fatigue from yesterday. I think I possibly faced some dehydration yesterday? Or the heat affected me? Regardless, I felt better with the exception of some nerves over my planned morning post. In fact, I almost trashed the post. I even headed off to the gym mainly in an attempt to distract myself.

I had no desire to think about anything during my workout, so I opted to hit up our gym’s group weights class, Group Power.

Typically I prefer my own weight workouts, but it felt nice to just go in and not have to think today. Plus, mixing it up with more of an endurance style weights workout really had my muscles quivering. The chest and lunge tracks dominated me! Not a bad thing in my opinion. 😉

I still didn’t feel like giving things much thought when dinner time rolled around. I ended up just tossing together things in an operation clean-out-the-fridge-before-vacation style. Hmmm….we have chicken. We have avocado. We have tomato. We have queso chipotle Laughing Cow cheese. Those all tie into a Mexicali theme. Grilled chicken tacos it is! 


Even though these didn’t have much to them, they came together for a surprisingly satisfying combo. Taste-wise at least. We’re running low on food…and I know I’m going to be hungry for a pre-bedtime snack/dessert after that! Time to go raid the pantry. ;) 

15 Comments to “No Thinking Necessary”
  1. I didn’t get to comment on the last post, so I’ll say it now — you go, girl!! I’m so, so proud of you for articulating your goals. I find that very hard to do and I admire you so much for telling all of us. And honestly — as I read the post, I have ZERO doubt that you will accomplish whatever you set out to do. You’re a rockstar. 🙂

  2. Jess says:

    Group power sounds like a BEAST class!! I like high weight-low rep best, but switching it up is great too 🙂

    SO glad you feel supported–because YOU ARE <3

  3. Lauren says:

    I just caught up on your posts from the past few days since I was away, and I’m so excited for you! Group classes are great for not thinking, and I definitely enjoy just doing what the instructor tells me for an hour. Speed workouts are the same – I’m working too hard to think!

  4. I also like doing my own thing with weights, but Power every now and then is fun!

  5. I so want to try out some weights classes — our gym doesn’t offer any (besides random bootcamps offered every couple of weeks) so I’d have to look elsewhere. I love workout dvds so I think I’d really enjoy them!

  6. Meals before vacation are always interesting to say the least. It’s like a mission to clean out the fridge!

  7. I find it hard to articulate my hopes and dreams to my loved ones — never mind write it all out.. I think you are pretty bad-ass and will do everything your heart desires!

  8. Karen says:

    I wish you nothing but the best on your quest to pursue your goals! I love those meals that are based strictly on cleaning out the fridge : )

  9. I used to love group power when I did it at the gym I used to go to!! Good integration of many things!

  10. Girl, you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to! ANYTHING! And I couldn’t think of anyone who’d be a better personal trainer than you 🙂

  11. Priyanka says:

    I think every person has a mission and a calling. Very few realize their calling and even fewer try to achieve it. I think if you have established your happiness goals, you should totally go for them, and being the person you are, i am sure you will. Good luck Tina!

  12. Mandy says:

    I agree with previous posters that you are definitely a person that can do anything they set their mind to 🙂 I have no doubt!!

    If I don’t talk to you before, enjoy your vacation!!

  13. jobo says:

    I do like Group Power for an endurance workout, and the chest and lunge tracks always kill me! I am glad you are starting to feel better!

  14. I’m so glad that you’re feeling better and I’m so happy that you are going to pursue your dreams! 🙂 You definitely do have all of us behind you! 🙂

  15. sapindus says:

    Speed workouts are the same – I’m working too hard to think!

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