Please Have Mercy

Posted: January 12, 2010 at 3:38 pm

Hello my dear dear friends! I promise that you all are still very dear to me and I hope that you will have mercy on my absence the past month or so. It all started off with me wanting to take time away from the computer to spend more time with loved ones during the holidays and then it was just one thing after the other with keeping me away. The biggest thing that kept me off the computer since the New Year was my darling Makenzie was sick with some sort of virus. It was not pretty in our household and I believe I spent every one of her waking moments snuggled up on the couch with books, coloring, and on occasion some of her favorite show The Imagination Movers (think the new school Wiggles - I got some very annoying songs stuck in my head that week LOL). Now things have calmed down and I got just the kick in the butt I needed to start back up to blogging.

I received a Beautiful Blogger award from a very wonderful gal and inspiring mother, Krystal from the blog Musings from Mom School. How can I not accept such a recognition, despite the fact that I haven't been the best of a blogger recently. So, thank you Krys! And I want you all to know that her blog is so great. She has tons of useful information and product reviews on things ranging from mommy and children items to healthy eats and workouts, interesting stories about her family and life as a mom, and very genuine insights into life in general. Her blog is always a pleasure to read so be sure to check her out HERE!

So some things you may be wondering about...what I've been up's a real quick recap...

  • Faith = Really, really wanting to put this at the forefront of my life. I'm starting each day with some Bible and prayer time and trying to talk to God as much as possible during the day. This has got to be number one in my life, and usually it is, but I am human and the diligence it takes to keep God first can slip. In the Sunday school class which I lead discussion we are doing a series that looks at some of the historical facts of the Bible and how it applies to help better understand the context and how it can be applied to our lives as well. I am enjoying it and what it is teaching. 
  • Family = Spending lots of time watching Makenzie grown and learn. She amazes me every day! I can hardly believe how smart she is (who cares if I am biased)! I hope that whatever sickies were ailing her have passed now. I love love love my family and we are hoping to be working on adding to it by the end of this year. No, that does not mean I am pregnant already before inquiring minds start putting words in my mouth 😉
  • Friends = We have had some fun times with friends over the holidays, from different Christmas and NYE parties to visits with good friends who were home for the holidays and just little quick get-togethers. I feel blessed for all the support and fellowship I have. I am also excited that this year we will be traveling to Indiana to visit one of my closest friends (Mandy) and also traveling to the Philadelphia area for my oldest friend's wedding (Thomas) to a wonderful woman (Jen). 
  • Fitness = Nothing exciting here, folks! I'm doing regular workouts that aren't anything major at all. Not even an hour a day usually. I'm doing 3 cardio workout DVDs at home per week since they are fun and make it easy to not have to haul M out to the gym in the cold and flu weather. I'm also doing 2 full body workouts a week with some walking or elliptical thrown in, and 1 cycle class per week. It's pretty different than normal since I'm not really focusing on weight workouts as much. I just have been over them lately and I'm not going to force myself to do workouts I don't enjoy. It is pretty unlike me to not care for weight workouts but I've learned to go with the flow. 
  • Body Image = I am feeling really really great! I feel healthy and have a normal, balanced mindset with food and working out again. I still have occasional times where I feel a bit blah, but they are minimal and it's more just adjusting to the changes. I was advised to put on about 15 lbs from show weight so that way when we are ready for baby #2 I am at a good place physically. I am there now and knowing that it is the best interest of my health and the pursuit to get pregnant (when that time comes) makes it worthwhile, even if sometimes it is uncomfortable and I wonder if other people think I've let myself go. I know those thoughts are silly because I know I haven't let myself go and that I am caring for myself, so I try to slap myself out of them quickly. Fortunately, I don't have to do so very often these days. I know my body is back in working order and that is fabulous to me. 
I guess that about wraps it up. As for today - I am going to do some reading (both for our Sunday school class and enjoyment), some bathroom cleaning, playing with Makenzie, perhaps a bundled up walk around the neighborhood, and then dinner and The Biggest Loser tonight with my sister and hubs.
To finish off this post - I must finish up the requirements for the blogger award I received. So I will list 7 random facts about me and 7 other blogs I wish to give this award to 🙂 Thanks again Krys!!!

7 Random Truths

  1. I tend to eat the same things almost every day, week after week. I am a creature of habit, don't have time to figure out what to have for lunch with a 15 month old pulling on my legs, and just get on food kicks where I want a certain food every day.
  2. I was a cheerleader and gymnast growing up, but have never in my life been flexible and despite my wishes to be more flexible, I never ever have the dedication to do yoga or anything beyond simple stretching that could improve it
  3. I was hit by a car going 55 mph (yes, myself...not me in a car) when I was 16 years old. I ended up with a big gash across my bum, a gash in my head, a hole where my elbow should have been, and sever road rash. Surprisingly, the road rash hurt the worst. The butt cut just made me laugh and I told all the doctors they were lucky to see my butt and I was screaming "I have two holes in my butt" to everyone in the hospital. I still have a dent in my head and a tiny bald spot from it. 
  4. Besides my husband, my sister is my best friend because she gets me like no one else. I wish we could see each other every day like we used to. 
  5. I am so bad at talking on the phone and keeping up with people more regularly. I find it much easier to stay in touch via the computer, which saddens me a bit because the true interaction from talking is so much more real. 
  6. I wish I could really know how a certain someone of my past really felt about me. It is no doubt we were completely wrong for each other and I never would want to be with anyone else besides Peter, but I can't help but sometimes wonder about him. I completely blame it on the lack of closure from the 7-8 years of on again/off again madness we had and never knowing if he cared as much as I did. It's not often, but very randomly when things remind me of him/us I hate having to wonder.
  7. I spend most days in sweats or workout clothes, especially now that it is cold. I hate being uncomfortable and if I'm not going anywhere then I wonder what the point is? I should probably make more of an effort to look nice for Peter. But he says he doesn't mind and I stay clean so it's okay...right? LOL
Now the 7 Blogs I wish to award!
  1. Julie at Peanut Butter Fing
    - She is so great about updating on the fun things in her life, her wedding plans, and fun food finds. 
  2. Lindsey at The Balanced Way - She is a true example to balanced, healthy living. She has great workout tips and recipes. 
  3. Faith Food & Fitness - Another great example of balanced living. She is funny, gorgeous, and a wonderful person. 
  4. Genie at Third Wish - She is inspiring with what she can do with her determination. She is going to be an amazing national level figure competitor one day! 
  5. Jessica at How Sweet It Is - I love her writing style, her recipes (YUM!), her workout ideas, and her love of life. 
  6. Marcia at Mission: Possible - This lady is amazing with her workout intensity.
  7. Heather at The Long & Winding Road - She is one of the most genuine, sweetest, amazing women I have known and what she shares is so worth reading. Her journey is inspiring and her heart is full.   
No Comments to “Please Have Mercy”
  1. Jessica says:

    Thanks so much girl!! I am glad you are back and feeling great. 🙂

  2. thebalancedway says:

    Loved the update….I go through the same ruts with weight lifting workouts and I, like you, just have learned to do what I enjoy! Thanks for the award 🙂

  3. ktbwood says:

    girl thank you so much!!wow, i feel like we are twins!!we have so much in common! FAITH is the most important thing in my life too. AMEN to that.thats so good about body image girl, something most women strive to have!im terrible at the phone too! AND go to class in workout clothes/sweats like..everyday! haha! have an awesome day and thank you again!

  4. Jamie says:

    Welcome Back Tina! I missed this blog!

  5. Cherish says:

    Hey Christina! I had no idea you blogged, too until today! I am excited about this being a way to keep in touch, too. Your daughter is just gorgeous-I know you are so proud! I am so happy for you and for all you have accomplished! 🙂

  6. veechats says:

    Hi Tina, thanks for stopping by at my blog. I enjoyed reading you post and learning something new about you. I’m sending get well soon wishes to your daughter and I look forward to following you along!

  7. peanutbutterfingers says:

    Thanks so much, Tina! I loved reading your seven truths. The more & more I learn about you, the more and more I like ya! 😀

  8. sunshine says:

    Tina,It's so good to see a post from you! Having followed your blog and your journal over at O2, I was getting a bit worried when you hadn't updated either. It's good to see that you are well and things are okay :)Looking forward to continuing to read here,Nadia

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