Get Right To It

Posted: June 18, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Now that we have returned home from vacation, I decided not to wait on getting things back in order. I didn’t want Monday to roll around with a behemoth load of laundry, unpacking, grocery shopping, etc waiting for me. Ick. So despite wanting to just crash on the couch after a day of travel, I got right to it.

To make packing easier, I dumped all the clothes we wore into our large suitcase to bring home for washing.That laundry is now washed, dried, folded, and ready to be put away. 

I also multi-tasked and hit up the store for weekly groceries and a few errands while the laundry ran. A fridge full of healthy ingredients (to have dinner at home!) helps me breathe easy. I really did enjoy all the delicious meals out with family, but the chance to prepare my normal meals sounds really good after an entire week. 

After a few busy hours this afternoon, I now have the rest of the evening and weekend free to relax in the comfort of my own home. And I plan to do just that. I hope you’re enjoying your weekend! I also hope you enjoy this week’s FFF Features. 🙂

Featured Post: Celebrating My G-Pa’s 90th (and dressing up as Hank’s Hoes)

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Feature You Don’t Want to Miss Out On: Physique 57 Giveaway (ends tomorrow!)


Featured Cuteness: Napping Children

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Featured Workout: Lower Body Beach Blast


Featured Meal: Lunch at my All-Time Favorite Restaurant


Featured Reading: My Three Fellow HLS Panelists – If you aren’t already reading each of their blogs, then you need to fix that. They all are so inspiring!

Lisa @ I’m An Okie


Janetha @ Meals and Moves


Beth @ Beth’s Journey


  • Do you like getting things done right away after getting home from vacation? Or do you take a bit of time to ease back in to the “to-dos”?

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23 Comments to “Get Right To It”
  1. I totally prefer getting everything done right away, too, but it doesn’t always happen. I think you might be superwoman! 🙂

  2. Lauren says:

    I am the same way. As soon as I get back, I need to reorganize my life and create order so that I don’t permanently get stuck in vacay mode! 🙂

  3. Em says:

    Welcome home! Glad yall had a nice vacation, safe travels, and you’re already settling in nicely back at home. And I’m relieved to see that I’m not the only one whose child prefers to sleep on his belly!! Love the napping pictures!! 🙂

    • Tina says:

      Haha! We always put him down on his back and he immediately rolls over to his belly. With his little booty up in the air. It’s so cute. 🙂

  4. Priyanka says:

    I cannot let things linger when I come back home from a vacation. The bags have to be taken care of right away or else it will just sit! I like how productive you got immediately after returning.

    I am just sitting an admiring the baby cuteness going on in those pictures.

  5. I’m with you–I love getting all settled in as soon as I get home from a trip. I feel as though I can’t relax until everything is put away and I love taking a day off after a vacation just to get settled.

  6. Julie says:

    I’m the same way. It drives me nuts to have it all just sitting there. When I think about it logically – I’m really not going to be any less tired if I bum around for a day. I’m just going to be more behind. My husband is the same way, so we usually have it all back to normal the next day!

    • Tina says:

      Hi Julie! Thanks so much for saying hello. Love your blog too. I just checked it out and your little girl sneaking coffee is too cute. Do you think you can change your comment settings to include the Name/URL option? That’s the only way I can comment on blogger blogs and would love to have the chance to say hello on your site when I can. 🙂

  7. I never ever want to unpack when I get home from a trip, but you’re right – it’s such a good decision in the long run! Enjoy the rest of your weekend 🙂

  8. Karolina says:

    Doing laundry and unpacking are musts to help feel settled again and get back into real life. Getting healthy food quickly is also important I think. I started following the 1st blog you had mentioned, but haven’t seen the other 2 yet. thanks for sharing!

  9. Jess says:

    I always unpack first thing when I get home–it helps me get back to “real life” easier 😀

  10. Denise says:

    I have to get on it and get it done. I cannot relax until it is done:)

  11. I like to unpack right away! If it doesn’t get done then a half unpacked suitcase tends to sit around for days!

  12. I like to unpack right away and sort my dirty clothes. Everything else can wait until the next day 🙂 Btw, the pics of the children are precious!

  13. I do the same thing after vacation. I’m like the biggest ball of stress until everything is laundered, unpacked, put away, etc. It feels like normalcy is restored after it’s all done!

  14. Jeannie says:

    Oh yes! It’s funny be Auden we do the same thing, toss all our dirty clothes into one bag so when we get home, I get the laundry started right away & the still clean clothes put away. Even though I hate unpacking, I like to get it done first thing so it’s out of the way and not looming over me!

  15. if i had my way i’d totally wait it out, but since we’re normally crazy busy i just force myself to do the unpacking, grocery shopping, and laundry as soon as we get back…or it might be a month later that it happens!

  16. Katie H says:

    Going on vacation is great but there’s always so much to do when you get back! Way to get a head start- it will make your Monday so much more pleasant 🙂

  17. Karen says:

    I most definitely like to get things done right after coming home from vacation. Like you, I separate all the clothes we wore on vacation and take that suitcase right into the laundry room. I would rather tackle the laundry and shopping/food prep right away and then relax the rest of the weekend/evening.

  18. Oh my gosh! Here I am catching up on 15 of your posts (it’s been a busy life, don’t ask) and I see ME! You are too freaking kind. Thanks! I am so lucky to be in great company. I can’t tell you how excited I am to get together and speak with you. You have changed me for the better through your many, many inspirational posts. I love you to pieces.

    • Tina says:

      I wouldn’t ask. I know the busy life all too well. Heck, I feel special that you’re going back and catching up! 😉

      Love you to pieces as well! Cannot wait to meet you!

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