Aloha, Food! (WIAW & A Recipe)

Posted: June 29, 2011 at 8:00 am

I anticipate a fair share of you have heard of Jenn’s “What I Ate Wednesday” phenomenon where bloggers share…well, what they ate in a post that publishes on a Wednesday.


The posts always intrigue me because, you know, I love food. I don’t often share my food, but I have a recipe too good to keep to myself and figure a “What I Ate Tuesday, but you can eat today aka Wednesday” post fits perfectly. Say “aloha” to my food. <—It makes sense later, I promise.

My morning started per any regular Tuesday morning with a mad rush getting the kids all situated and fed before heading out the door to the gym. I do the quick and easy route of munching an apple for some pre-workout fuel. I have to get something in my belly, but since I end up eating so close to my workout that means something light and simple to digest. Hooray for fruit!


Do you want to hear about yesterday’s workout? I think you do. Trust me. A little piece of me died and went to heaven in pure “I owned that workout” bliss.

First up, intervals on the elliptical using a workout from Fitness Magazine. Like this:

Minutes Resistance / Level Intensity / Pace
0-3 5 Easy
3-5 10 Moderate
5-7 10 Fast
7-8 5 Easy
8-29 * see below* * see below*
29-30 10 Moderate
30-31 10 Supah Dupah FAST
31-43 **see below** **see below**
43-45 5 Easy

*For minutes 8-29, repeat the moderate to fast to easy combo. Each round increase your time spent at the fast pace by a minute: 3 minutes the second time through, then 4 minutes, then end with 5 minutes as the last round.
**For minutes 31-43, continue alternating one minute each at the moderate pace and challenging sprint for a total of 6 more intervals.

I followed that sweaty session up with a full body workout. I love completing circuits and super sets to help me get through my workout faster. I switched it up today and worked my entire body going through 3 mini circuits in 30 minutes.

Mini Circuit One Mini Circuit Two Mini Circuit Three
push - ups squat lying hamstring curl
v – sit crunches incline barbell bench press cable row
side lateral raises kettlebell swings burpees
  overhead triceps extension barbell biceps curl

Any guesses how I refueled? You will likely only need one.


You’re so smart! I simply adore my strawberry, raisins, and peanut butter oats combo these days. It helps that I have a plethora of Skippy Natural Honey PB at my disposal.


Thank you Amazon for giving me this much peanut butter for about $1.60 per jar! I promise to share the deal with you when it comes around again. I know at least two gals who will want in on that action.

Ay! We’re only at breakfast? Someone *cough cough* is feeling rather chatty this morning. Let’s progress to lunch shall we?


I thought of creating a fun, inventive, more exciting lunch to share with you – but I don’t pressure myself to eat things just for the sake of the blog. My belly wanted my sandwich, fruit, and veggie combo so that’s what my belly got.

Ham sandwich with avocado, spinach, tomato, mustard, and laughing cow swiss cheese (because I’m obsessed with its creamy, flavorful spreadability). Plus grapes that were like candy. Plus carrots all by their sad lonesome with no hummus dippage. Hummus = one of the items axed at the end of the month, lower on the budget grocery trip. Money scores again in our never ceasing battle. 😉

We shall now whizz right on by my snack because I have a recipe to get to!


I wasn’t in the mood for anything particular or a one-bowl-wonder yogurt concoction…so a happy face mix of sliced sharp cheddar, a ginger snap larabar, and a banana. Making happy faces with my food? Can you tell I’m a mother?

And now we say ALOHA! Thank you for sticking with me. I promise this recipe will be the Hawaiian vacation your taste buds hope for after the previous 689 words. Yes, I used the handy word count tool counted.

Hawaiian Tofu


  • 1 block extra firm tofu
  • 1 jar pineapple tidbits in juice
  • soy sauce
  • grated ginger
  • minced garlic

Press the water out of your tofu per normal preparation. Cut the tofu into even 1 to 2 inch slices/cubes. Place in a large ziploc bag. Strain the juice from the pineapple can into a bowl. Add soy sauce, grated ginger, and minced garlic to taste. I used about 2 or 3 tablespoons soy sauce, a bit over a teaspoon of ginger, and a tablespoon of minced garlic. Pour the marinade into the ziploc bag with the tofu.

Let marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Remove tofu and place on a baking sheet. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes, flipping halfway through.

We used our Hawaiian tofu atop romaine, pineapple tidbits, onion, cucumber, and feta cheese with a sesame ginger dressings. Sweet and tangy. An interesting twist on the traditional ‘fu. Deee-licious! And with those 862 words – I’m out!

  • Do you enjoy tofu? What’s your favorite way? I love my BBQ tofu wraps!
  • Do you ever use workout ideas from magazines?

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73 Comments to “Aloha, Food! (WIAW & A Recipe)”
  1. You’re too funny – and I’m glad you jumped on the WIAW bandwagon – it’s fun!

    I love my tofu. Any way really!

  2. hey tina! quick question about your mini circuit: do you know how many reps of each exercise you did? i wanna copy this workout but don’t know what a good amount would be. if you did a random assortment, then nevermind! i’ll just do what i think might work well!

  3. Haha…I make faces with my food too. It’s the little things, right? 🙂

  4. Mrs. Fish says:

    I made tofu once, but it didn’t come out right. 🙁 I know tofu typically takes on the flavors that you used to prepare it, but I think I didn’t let it sit in the marinade long enough or press it properly, but I’m ready to try it again after seeing this recipe!

  5. that’s an awesome pb deal!

  6. Oh, Tina…that sounds so GOOD!! Since I’ve been buying pineapple at the produce stand and having it all cut up in the fridge, I could do this without too much difficulty (except that I’m OUT of pineapple at the moment!) I knew I needed to re-stock so this is a big incentive. I even have the tofu in the fridge! You’re wonderful…thanks!! 😉

  7. I always love readding WIAW’s 🙂 Your Hawaiian Tofu looks good. I think I would like it better if I cut it up in smaller chunks. Note to self!

  8. Your eats look fabulous, Tina! Your “smiley snack” made me smile! 🙂

  9. I love seeing what people eat… weird, right? I can’t wait to eat deli meat sandwiches again, and I suppose I should start practicing making my food into smiley faces, too… 🙂

  10. Haha! I love the smiley face food. My mom used to do that with those little packaged donuts. She even drew on earrings and freckles.

    • Tina says:

      Too cute on the earrings and freckles additions. And isn’t it amazing the little things that stick with us that our moms used to do?

  11. Yay you joined the WIAW party!!! Your pineapple tofu looks great!!! With tofu I tend to go in spurts – some weeks I have it all the time and then I forget about it for awhile. I think it is time to bring it back!

  12. Dang, great deal on that peanut butter! Definitely share next time you see that deal! I miss tofu. I wish I could have it. Your eats look perfect!

  13. Melodie says:

    All food looks yummo! Have you ever tried making your own hummus? I have started making mine because it is so so so much cheaper 🙂 I just use a can of chick peas and then add whatever I want to the mix and throw it in my food processor! Turns out really well!

    • That’s what I was going to say! Homemade hummus = cost of can of chickpeas. Everything else is just stuff I have on hand: I use olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and sometimes add in other things like sundried tomatoes or roasted red peppers. I don’t add tahini b/c I don’t really like it – plus it tends to be expensive.

      • Tina says:

        Thanks for the reminder! I really need to suck it up and make my own. I don’t know why I always put it off. I think the thought of peeling a ton of chickpeas to get a smooth texture. LOL

  14. I’ve never bought tofu, and I think I’ve only tried it maybe once in my life at a Chinese restaurant. I’ll have to give it another try. I like to read workout ideas in my Runner’s World and Running Times, but I rarely actually use them. I always intend to, but then I forget. I’m liking getting fitness ideas from fitness blogs though since this fitness blogging world is new to me. It’s fun to see what other people do for their workouts.

  15. Pineapple is everywhere today! I have to go get some today. I love tofu – especially baked in my chili-nutty tofu recipe. I’m trying yours next though!

    I write a lot of workouts using bits and pieces of magazine articles. They are a great way to shake things up!

  16. I’m all over Self Magazine and Women’s Health Mag’s workouts. They’re legit!

  17. Tina to the rescue!! 🙂 I haven’t eaten tofu in years, but I recently bought some on a whim. Thought it was about time to give it another try, but I didn’t have a plan. Now I do. Thanks!!

    I make faces with our food too. And various animals. It’s all fun. Hee hee!

  18. Stephanie* says:

    Publix will have sabra hummus B1G1 starting tomorrow through next wednesday! If you got the sunday paper this last sunday there is a $1 off coupon. So you would pay $2.99 for TWO tubs of it 🙂 — in reference to cutting the budget.

    • Tina says:

      Oh my goodness!!! You are my hero! I got the coupon and will definitely make a pitstop to publix for those savings.

  19. Hawaiian tofu? Holy cow I just got excited — I love pineapple & baked tofu. This looks absolutely delicious & when I get to my cheat day I’m totally having this, ha!

  20. I use workout ideas from magazines all the time…and blogs!

    On another note, how did I not know that Skippy Natural had one made with honey?!?!? Oh myyyyyyy!! 🙂

  21. I definitely try magazine work-outs to help keep life interesting..though I don’t have a favorite.

    Have you ever tried making your own hummus? For the cost of two cans of garbanzos you can have fabulous hummus that lasts me and my husband a whole week! Way cheaper than the store bought versions.

  22. Yes yes yes! Love the tofu pineapple combo! I am totally going to try this =)

    and you’re a ROCK STAR for letting me in on your PB seceret =) 1.60 a jar is ah-mazing and I for sure use that exact kind! Hooray for saving money! (you win that round btw! yay!)

    So excited you joined our shenanigans! Happy WIAW!

  23. Megan says:

    I LOVE that PB! I just finished up a jar this week.. I’m going to be needing more. I keep at least 6 different kind of nut butters on hand, cause I’m crazy like that.

    That recipe sounds good. I’ve never tried tofu. I want to, but it’s convincing my husband and my dad that they should try it, too.

  24. Whitney says:

    All the food looks yummy…except for the the tofu! I’m sorry its looks yummy, but I don’t think I can try it! Eek! Such a baby I know. Maybe I will get the courage up! lol The breakfast and lunch and even snack look great and are things I normally eat everyday. I just can’t get into the tofu! Oh and please, please let me know about the Skippy pb sale again! That is the best pb and if it has honey in it I’m there! 🙂

    • Tina says:

      They usually have the sales every 2 months or so…I will be sure to share. And I’m working on the shirts to get up and running too. Haven’t forgotten. 😉

  25. Allie says:

    Yum what a delicious day of eats! I love tofu 🙂

  26. Apples tend to make me hungrier for some reason. I love tofu. I don’t really have an absolute fave recipe really. I kind of change it up too often 😉

  27. Yuuum… Hawaiian tofu sounds amazing! I actually just bought a block Monday at the store and haven’t decided how I’m going to use it yet…

  28. That tofu prep sounds delicious! My favorite way so far to prep tofu is dipping it in an egg/coconut mixture and then rolling in shredded coconut/bread crumb mixture and baking. Kinda Hawaiin too 🙂

  29. Allie says:

    Apples ARE good, I agree with your hooray for fruit! And have you tried making your own hummus? SO much cheaper, and while most recipes call for tahini (which can be kinda pricey), it’s super easy to make it without.

  30. I wish I liked tofu but I have yet to make it at home and everywhere else is not that good…but this sounds SO flavorful!

  31. Emily says:

    Good eats!! The tofu looks good…I go through phases with it and right now I’m not in a tofu phase. Some of you and CaitlinHTP’s posts have started to bring me back around 🙂

  32. That’s a whole lotta Peanut Butter! LOL

    I’ve never tried that kind! Looks good though!

    I’ve only had tofu in miso soup and I enjoy it. I’d love to have it more often so i’ll have to look out for more recipes using it. Yours sounds delicious! :o)

  33. Mmm! I love tofu, but feel like I am failblog at coming up with creative ways to cook it. It’s always the same-old-same-old with me. Not anymore! I can’t wait to try this out — how tropical! 😀

  34. Sarah says:

    I really enjoy food posts- and your first pic has me craving an apple!

  35. lindsay says:

    pretty food. I love how you make it smile back at me. Makes me want to gobble it up even more. Living in hawaii we ate a lot of tofu and rice. Brings back great memories!

  36. Baked BBQ tofu is amazing! I love it in salads, stir frys, sandwiches, soups, pizza, etc. YUM!

  37. I havent had tofu in forever. I love cooking with it because you can do ANYTHING. My favorite is tofu scramble though. Throw in a little veggie or chicken broth, and whatever veggies are on hand and it always comes out amazing. I love it.

  38. Errign says:

    I love tofu, especially soyboy baked tofu, but that’s considerably more expensive than plain old raw tofu. I think it’s cheaper to buy TJs brand baked tofu, but there’s not one around me…road trip!

  39. Nothing wrong with a good ole’ sandwich for lunch. I had boyfriend back in the day who used to call those “kindergarten lunches.” Call ’em what you want, they usually hit the spot.

  40. Lauren says:

    I go back and forth between liking and not really caring about tofu. I just ran out a couple weeks ago so I’ve been tofu-free but I’m sure I’ll pick up another block soon. Love that salad picture. It looks so bright and fresh 🙂 Oh and good for you not eating a certain way just to impress your readers!

  41. I love tofu. I haven’t had it in so long now. I’ve never really used a work out from a magazine except for a few strength training moves here and there.

  42. A very healthy day! The tofu looks yummy!

  43. you had me until skippy natural. I am a jif natural kinda gal. I grew up with the Smuckers, so I am beyond partial. (They are awesome, Godly people too!)

  44. I love the workouts from Self Magazine. They rock!

  45. Ela says:

    Ha, you sound so happy. It’s great. I recently did a four-week workout from Prevention Mag, and I enjoyed the structure. So happy that I have energy to work out now. I’d do another one too, if I found a good one.

    I used to enjoy tofu many different ways (I made an awesome chocolate cake frosting from it, for ex). Nowadays, I avoid it, though, because unfermented soy can mess with your thyroid. I have celiac, which predisposes to thyroid problems, and I do have some thyroid issues, so it just seems sensible to avoid. Tempeh is fermented, and I probably wouldn’t be averse to eating it on occasion (if it wasn’t so expensive!)

  46. That tofu dish looks ah-mazing!! I loooove tofu pretty much any way, but I think my favorite is in a spicy thai dish. I think I’m going to have to try this one out!

  47. That Hawaiian salad looks amazing!! That is an incredible $ on Amazon for the PB.

  48. I dread doing lying leg curls… they are killer.

  49. I’m not the biggest fan of tofu but am really trying. Really… Trying…

  50. Sarah says:

    I love Self and Fitness magazine workouts. I rip out the workouts and put them into a binder (I do the same the recipes) so I can flip through the workouts and find one I like.

    I love tofu! I love Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s new cookbook “Appetite For Reduction” and there are some great tofu recipes. For those who dislike the texture, try pressing, then freezing, then defrosting the tofu. The freezing/defrosting process makes the Tofu’s texture more like chicken.

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