Spring Crashing

Posted: April 5, 2010 at 8:04 pm

How are you all today? I am loving all the love you guys are giving us and baby M over on the weekend wrap up. Today has been a LOT more lowkey! And it has been quite enjoyable.

This morning, I woke up and didn't feel like heading to the gym right away. So I planned to go this afternoon or do a workout in our basement with a TurboJam or Cathe DVD and to use the earlier day hours for other things.

Since, I knew it was going to get up to around 90 today and that M loves the outdoors, we took advantage of the 70 degree temps and went for a walk in this gorgeousness.

Blue Skies!

After we got back, it was time to stop the fun and get some spring cleaning done. Which reminds me, Katie had a really cool post about spring cleaning and applying it to our bodies and minds as well. My cleaning wasn't as inspirational. And it was more sorting than cleaning but it counts. I changed out most of our cooler weather stuff for warm weather items.

M's Summer Clothes

My Summer Closet

The baby girl and I are set for the heat now, without having to scrounge through boxes in closets and attics.

After that joy, it was time for lunch. I had a typical wrap with fruit on the side. Never gets old. And then it was time for M to hit the hay. And apparently myself as well.

I intended on reading some of this book...

...to allow my food time to settle before getting in my workout. Instead, I CRASHED! Apparently my weekend + spring cleaning + intense Saturday workouts was putting my body in need of a break. I obliged.

After napping, it was back outside. Where this was tempting me in our backyard.

our pool

It's not quite ready for swimming yet, but I can't wait for it! Knowing irony, it will probably be ready right before the temps drop to the 40s again or something. M was ready for it too. She kept saying "pooh"!

Instead of swimming, I did add some movement to my morning walk and some relaxation onto my afternoon nap. I hit up yogadownload.com for a free 20 minutes worth of yoga!

M taking over my space

Can you tell I am all about Nicole's Do What You Don't Challenge? πŸ˜€ Although I have to say I much preferred my class. There are no computer glitches, one year olds barreling into you, or distractions in that one. πŸ˜‰

And to top off this summer like day? Cooking out on the grill!! Turkey burgers with roasted brussels. Mmmm mmm!

  • What activities leave you surprisingly exhausted? Cleaning is definitely a big one for me.
  • What are you most looking forward to about summer and really warm temps? I love the pool, cookouts, THE LAKE, and going on our family vacay.

No Comments to “Spring Crashing”
  1. Your pool looks so inviting! I wish we had one. πŸ™‚

  2. I am sooo looking forward to enjoying my pool too. You’re so right on it being ready the weekend the temps decide to turn cold again. Glad you had a lowkey day today. Sounds like you needed it (and that nap).

  3. eatspinlive says:

    I absolutely love summer and being with the people I love, staying out a little later, playing sand volleyball and cooking out!! all of your clothes look so neat and tidy! I love how I feel after I organize everything πŸ™‚ And I have been really wanting to try yoga! So your free 20 minute yoga sounds PERFECT! I will have to try this for sure!

  4. Mellissa says:

    I just love the warmer temps and getting outside. Our farmers markets don’t start until late so we love taking full advantage of them.

  5. ultimatestamina says:

    Surprisingly exhausted… ? cleaning, shopping (even though I love it), and cycling (more so than running)

    Summer temps? Can’t wait for cook-outs, long bike rides, and longer runs. Sitting out reading a book and Farmers Markets too πŸ™‚

    • Tina says:

      Thanks for visiting my blog! And reading a book outside is one of my favorite things to do. Be sure to let me know if you have a blog of your own.

  6. It looks like you had such a lovely Spring day! I’d agree, though, that cleaning can be SO exhausting. The most I’ve cleaned was my college apartment, and it was TOUGH! It was like, a whole day process.

    What I’m looking forward to the most is going to the BEACH! My family has a shore house, and I cannot wait to escape the world and go there =)

    Oh, and I can’t wait for your tanning post! You little copy cat πŸ˜‰ Hehe…I kid…but seriously, I wish EVERYONE would do a post about it! It needs to be addressed as much as possible!

  7. you are so organized with your’s and M’s closets! I really need to get crackin’ putting away winter stuff and re-stocking summer stuff.

  8. Heather says:

    cleaning is definitely a big one for me too…i don’t think i realize how rigorous it can be til i’m done and too tired to move!

    sigh…summertime…i can’t wait for hiking, swimming, cookouts, and eating ice cream!

  9. Ahhh – you are so lucky you have a pool! I bet M just LOVES it. πŸ™‚

    Shopping leaves me surprisingly exhausted…but that could be because (gasp!) I’m not much of a shopper. If I were rich, I’ve always said I would have my own personal shopper. I’m a fast walker, and changing in/out of clothes (or boots or coats in the winter) is tiring. πŸ˜‰

    I’m most excited to for summer vacations and fresh fruit. I’ve been craving berries/canteloupe for ages!

  10. Aww your baby girl is so darn cute! The picture of her on the yoga mat makes her look like a little yogini in progress πŸ™‚

    The activities that tire me out the tend to be clothes shopping and yard work. I’m okay with grocery shopping and cleaning indoors, but the opposite end of the spectrum tends to leave me pooped.

    The thing I look forward to most about the summer is being able to lay out in the warm sun and enjoy some fresh fruit. I’m tired of gray days and frozen fruit!

  11. Emily says:

    Ahh..the pool! πŸ™‚

    Surprisingly exhausted? HOMEWORK! :/

    Summer? I would say shorts and what not, but I have to work in a lab, so jeans and long sleeves, no matter what the weather may be like. However, I will be moving into a place with a KITCHEN for the summer, so what more could one ask for? lol

  12. Gosh I just looove seeing the pictures of M. She is the cutest, sweetest baby girl in the world! So glad you had a nice day! The pool was tempting me too! I love the warm weather and the idea of being able to just eat outside, not have to wear a jacket, and to use the grill! Your dinner has inspired me!!

  13. Love that you got some yoga in! And your closet is totally neat and organized, as is mine πŸ™‚ Loved your comment that you’re more roll with it, go with the flow. I am too, up to a point, but I am really hardcore (not a badge of honor, either!) in most ways.

    Spring cleaning, decluttering, purging household goods and items and constantly donating to the Salv Army, Goodwill, etc is my fave!

    • Tina says:

      I love cleaning and organizing too. And I got two big bags of old clothes I never wear anymore to donate to a local women’s shelter. I love being able to get rid of things I don’t use and help someone out. πŸ™‚

  14. homecookedem says:

    How funny! I springified our closets today too! I was up at 8am and cleaned our house until about 6pm breaking only a few times to eat and a few times to check my email… my back and feet hurt!! But it sure does feel good now to sit back and enjoy a clean house!! πŸ™‚

    Love that yall grilled out tonight!! I’m hoping Andrew fires up the grill tomorrow night! πŸ™‚

  15. lauradishes says:

    Running errands is exhausting. You know, those days where you have a list of places to stop and you just crash at the end of the day?!

    You reminded me that I’ve been meaning to switch out my closet… which is really just moving the warm weather stuff to the front. πŸ™‚

  16. inmytummy says:

    Cleaning is definitely tiring to me. Probably because I don’ t do it enough and it’s always this major ordeal.

    I’m just looking forward to walking outside without being freezing.

  17. healthyGLAM says:

    I love spring cleaning!!! Actually thats a lie, I love the AFTER part of cleaning haha! And summer grill nights are the best πŸ™‚ That burger looks scrumptious!!

  18. sophia says:

    Shopping leaves me exhausted. Clothes’ shopping, I mean. Urgh, all the noise, and lining up, and trying ons…it totally enervates me.

  19. Jenn N. says:

    That burger and brussel sprouts looks SO GOOD.

    I’m an introvert. Not necessarily shy but being in a crowd of people simply EXHAUSTS me rather than energizes me.

    I’m looking forward to it being warm and light enough to have dinner on the deck.

  20. janetha says:

    you have a pool? i am insanely envious! M is a doll!

  21. ahh the cathe workouts are KILLER!!! love her!
    nice pool! i bet you are itching for it to be really hot out to take advantage!

    baby M…she wants to do yoga! LOL

  22. Morgan says:

    So jealous of that pool! I wish I could jump in one right now!
    Sometimes cooking and baking all day takes everything out of me, and I am drained for days. But that’s mostly during big meals, like Thanksgiving and stuff. This summer I can’t wait to (hopefully) be living back in Boston and getting ready for the little one…lots of time in my in laws pool for sure!

  23. Vee says:

    I get exhausted from either cleaning the house or having to think a lot (I write software and sometime spend the whole day thinking about an algorithm or a model) – both of these leave me drained (in different ways of course :-)).
    I look forward to grilling!

  24. Lauren says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog, too!
    I get really tired out from cleaning as well…usually because there is so much to do. When I first moved into my place, I promised myself I would have NO clutter and now I realize that as the years went by I have more clutter than I could have imagined. It’s going to take more than a day for my spring cleaning.
    On the bright side, I love the warm weather!

  25. lizzyj1305 says:

    hey girlie!
    Low-Key days after busy weekends are soooo necessary! ahh I LOVE the tired feeling of a good day of cleaning…I agree with you; it’s much harder work than it seems! πŸ™‚
    I hope you’re having a great day!

  26. Cleaning is DEF a workout in itself! I’m always exhasuted afterwards…Prob why I do it so infrequently! haha πŸ˜‰

    Your daughter is sooooooo CUTE!!! πŸ™‚ Love watching toddlers spash around in pools. So adorable!

  27. lisaou11 says:

    so jealous you have a pool! I cant wait to see pics of M with big floaties on! That’ll be too cute.

    Cleaning definitely leaves me exhausted—as does studying for chemistry (current bane of my existance).

    im looking forward to the lake this summer!

  28. I always get tired from an afternoon of playing sports. Even though it feels like less work than an intense run, and hour of tennis and I’m beat!

  29. What a nice relaxing day:D
    Looong runs really wear me out!

  30. Kelly says:

    I totally agree about cleaning…I swear it takes more out of me than running. Maybe because I hate it so much!

  31. […] reading about spring cleaning on Tina’s blog, I decided to do a little cleaning/organizing after work tonight! I started by going through and […]

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