Not Feeling It
Posted: August 30, 2011 at 7:58 pmI went to the gym this morning after pulling some teeth to get there. And no – it wasn’t the kiddos who needed a little convincing. I did.
And apparently I needed a nap too? Ah, the joys of self-timer pictures.
Tuesday morning’s routine usually calls for a weights workout and whatever cardio I’m feeling that day. Generally I could take or leave the cardio portion and get all sorts of excited to whip out a new workout pumping some iron. It’s how I get “bitchin’ arms”. <--- I promise I’m not vain…just a shout out to Heather and the calamity she started in the #HLS Twitter feed during our panel. Talk about unexpected feedback.
Well, these arms turned into “bitchin’ and moanin’ arms” at the thought of picking up a weight. That..or the painful bowling balls I have sitting on my chest right now thanks to weaning made weights sound like a no go. I wonder why FitSugar didn’t think to include that as an event that sabotages your workout? Hmmm…
I considered just scrapping the workout all together because I didn’t want to do weights, but then remembered Beth’s “all or nothing” post from yesterday and knew I would feel better getting in at least the cardio portion of my workout. Plus, I could use the mental release and escape with all the emotional stuff going on recently. Forty distracting minutes on the elliptical later and I felt much better.
Kind of like how it felt good to succumb to the mindless distractions after getting home from the hospital last night.
Google Reader. Best time suck for mindless entertainment out there.
I guess the whole weight training motivation passed me by then too. You see…I should have taken the time to study for a pretty important test I hope to take in November.
In fact, I haven’t really touched my personal training study materials since a week before leaving for the Healthy Living Summit. I needed to prepare for my trip. Then I needed to catch myself up with the inevitable pile of to-dos that comes with going out of town. Then I took off running with the million new ideas for the blog that I had to take a crack at because it is my number one work love (if you don’t count the mom job).
I had high hopes of getting back on a good study routine last night…but my mind wanted mindless entertainment and to not think about muscle synergies and optimal training systems. But it’s time to suck it up, buttercup! Heck, I actually like the material and find it incredibly interesting. I can’t be a slacker forever. Especially since I look forward to training clients via an online platform someday in the (hopefully not too distant) future. I guess I’m just in the ebb part of studying…hopefully it will get flowing again soon!
- What “time suck” do you find yourself drawn to for mindless entertainment?
- What have you slacked on lately?
Tags: personal training
Blog reading is my biggest time suck. I procrastinate like crazy with blog reading 🙂
I had to take a couple of days off from hard workouts when I weaned, I remember your pain. Sudafed, seriously. My LC told me to take some and it ended the whole thing so much faster than it would have done otherwise.
Google Reader is such a time suck! I have such a hard time walking away from it… even when I have 300 unread items!
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS your arms ARE bitchin’!!!!
also – i also have a “best blends” list for reader 🙂 love it!
I have a best blends list for GReader too, and you’re on it! I could use a little butt nudging to get to the gym lately! Care to nudge me?!
You are all kinds of awesome 🙂
The internet as a whole is a huge time suck. Blogs, Twitter, Facebook. You name it.
I’m avoiding laundry right now. I like your blog much better than laundry. 😉
For the past few weeks my time suck has been watching all of the seasons of Mad Men! Now that I’m finished catching up on the show I suddenly have all of this free time! But it quickly filled back up with blog reading and my newest “hobby” Pinterest. Oh boy.
I’m with you on Google Reader sucking away minutes (okay, hours) of my life. But I’d rather be reading blogs than watching trashy television!
I’ve totally slacked on dinner lately. I have a 45+ minute commute, so I almost always rely on sandwiches for dinner.
I am currently slacking on homework. Classes started yesterday and I have a little homework to do, but I’m reading blogs instead. Heh.
Pinterest is taking over my life, I love it. It’s defintely my “time suck”
I refuse to give in to Pinterest. Refuse!
I know the day will come when I get eak thou. How it always happens with social media things. LOL
My “time suck” event is watching tivo shows. If I don’t go to the gym straight from work, it probably won’t happen. Then I come home, veg out in front of the tV, and before you know it, I’m not feeling it (the gym thing).
I wish I had time for a time suck right now! I have to force myself to get on my Reader and catch up with everyone…and I’m insanely jealous of your Reader. Every day, I feel like the number gets higher and higher (400+ unread posts?! Come on.) I guess it’s time I got back to my homework… 😉
Mark All As Read is a good friend. 😉
Let’s see, social media in general is a time suck LOL. I’ve been slacking on leg workouts in a big (embarrassing) way.
Tina – NASM is who I got my cert. with!! Love the program! You’ll do just fine, I’m sure.
First of all, I better be in your “best blends” section. Second of all, Why I have never thought to organice my reader like that is beyond me!
Well, duh!
Don’t be too hard on yourself! Whenever I think of people that are incredibly motivated to workout, you’re always at the top of my list–true story. 🙂 Sometimes we’re just not feelin’ it, and that’s okay 🙂
reading blogs is the ultimate time suck for me too!
where did this term “blends” all start. I feel like a square. heard ppl saying it at HLS but I assume it’s like…cliques? But a nicer word for it??? If so..I best be in your club 😉
I’ve been a trainer since 2002…went through IFPA, ACE and NASM or sports nutrition. You are so hard working and smart and dedicated you will do great!!!
Time suck = twitter!!!!
I’m sorry you are going through such hard stuff right now. Exercise always helps me in times of stress.
My major time suckers are unfortunately blogs and facebook 🙁 Hello, where did my last two hours go??
And I have totally slacked on cleaning my car, oops! I am pretty sure my dad nicely encouraged me to “try to make time” for my car this week… (but he probably meant in the next month or two, right?? :D)
And even though you didn’t really love working out today, I’m sure it will not be long until it’s fun again!!!
you are a busy lady!!
hahaha i LOVE that first picture of you! adorable.
I love reading blogs and watching bad reality TV. There’s something therapeutic about zoning out after a tough day.
That is how I do things too. 🙂
Your arms are totally bitchin’, girlfriend!! be proud 😉
Girl…you are about the farthest thing from a “slacker” that I’ve ever seen! Right now, you are going through an incredibly difficult time & should (need) to take care of YOU, whatever that means. Don’t feel bad about yourself if you are unable to do right now what you normally would…it doesn’t make you weak- it makes you human (and a wonderful, kind, loving one at that!). I have no doubt that you will accomplish all your goals, but it doesn’t have to happen this minute! Sending lots of love & hugs & prayers!
My big time suck is reality television! I have a sick obsession with awful t.v…Bachelor Pad, Say Yes to the Dress, Real World, Big Brother…the list goes on and on! However…it works great at the fun with the individual t.v. screens on the treadmills!
I blame blogs for my procrastination- including yours :)! They seriously draw me and I can spend hours reading them..just for the record, I just got to work…am I ‘working’- no!! I’m catching up on blogs…priorities, right!! 😀
Oh my goodness. So sorry to hear about your mom. Will keep you and her in my thoughts and prayers. Reading blgos is a total time suck for me. ugh. And I’m a sucker for bad reality TV late at night. Oops. 🙂
Ah, I think that photo of you is adorable!
And it seems everything has been my time suck lately. I just cannot seem to get anything done within a timely manner… Like everything takes FOREVER to do. Boo.
Reading blogs is also my favorite time suck. I guess I read way too many of them.
Lately I’ve been slacking with exercising and healthy eating. It’s not that I don’t want to, but I’m so busy currently that I just can’t find the time. I’ve spent the past few days running errands, doing some last minute shopping, etc. And today will be spent in the kitchen, cooking, cooking, cooking. Phew.
Oh yeah, I’m getting married this Saturday, that’s why my life is so crazy right now. 😉
Yea….that will suck away a lot of time too. The last week was such insanity I remember. Luckily it will all be past soon and you can really focus on that whole marriage part of it. So happy and excited for you! 🙂
Ahhhh timesuck.
Id say it’s twitter but these days it’s more PEREZ HILTON.
*slinks away in shame* 🙂
Twitter is a great mindless outlet. I’ve never gotten into Perez Hilton…only because I know I would get sucked in too.
Perez!!!!! I’m not as bad as I used to be… back when I was in school, I’d always find myself mindlessly scrolling through pages and pages of celebrity gossip, usually while trying to get an essay finished. It’s my procrastination activity of choice.
On an unrelated note, Tina, I’m so sorry to read about your mom — your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Hope she’s out of the hospital soon!
Oh my time suck usually involves the internet……or my son. Sometimes we’ll just play trucks on the floor and read books and all of a sudden I’ll realize I actually had a to-do list that I haven’t even gotten to!
Don’t even get me into what I’m slacking on. I don’t want to get depressed! haha
Yup, blog reading ranks up there as a big time suck for me. Going for walks actually does too – I usually do that when I’m stalling right before the little one’s bedtime. 🙂
House cleaning has suffered lately for me…I can’t get motivated to vacuum or dust or do laundry! Eeek. Sorry family.
I always have little motivation for those. LOL
You have A LOT on your mind. You may just need to decompress, I should think,
Grouping your blogs…you’re a genius.