
Posted: April 14, 2010 at 4:28 pm

Who needs to worry about "shouldas"? Those things you should have done. Instances like that pop up all the time, but life is much more enjoyable going with the flow and doing what is right for you at the time. It all works out in the end. Case in point...

After my morning workout, I should have noted the exhaustion on poor M's face...

...but we headed to storytime at the library with friends. And after a few wails and squeals for "night night" and "teddy", we had a nice time.

I should have had a bigger breakfast this morningย so by the time I got home from my workout + library I wouldn't have nabbed a few bites of this...

Peter's Chocolate Bunny

...which fortunately helped tide me over until I could down this and leave the chocolate at just a couple bites.

Much Better...especially since that bunny is crap chocolate

I should have read some of my library books during Makenzie's nap...

they're piling up!!!!

...instead of getting caught up in this time suck. But it's worth it to connect with friends. ๐Ÿ™‚

Google Reader

I should have taken a shower after getting home from my workout. But I stayed in my gym clothes to go on a nice walk after naptime. Plus it's hard to shower when the running water wakes up a particular someone.

call me nasty...i dare ya!

I should have thought more closely when I taught Makenzie about her shadow...

....because now she always wants to kiss her shadow. Which means kissing all sorts of dirty ground. Hey, we're building the immune system, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I should have been concerned when I found packages left in my garage instead of at the front door. Because seriously??? What post man walks INTO your garage to drop something off????

Instead, I was too excited to open them and see what goods were inside.


Gnu Bars from Melinh's giveaway. Thank you! I already dove into the chocolate brownie flavor for a snack as I type this post. Also, our ordered prints from Makenzie's Easter session. I ordered them too late to hand out for Easter, but these will make nice Mom's Day Gifts. ๐Ÿ˜€ Atlanta pals - check out Laura Brett Photography for some great work and service!

Now, I just have to wait and see....should I have taken on the venture of preparing tofu at home for the first time??

Please excuse the open package as I was starting to open it to get it prepped for dinner. Stay tuned in tomorrow to find out how it goes...

  • What was your last "shoulda" moment? Did it leave you happy or stressed?

No Comments to “Shouldas”
  1. Heather says:

    hmmmmm…probably today at lunch when I should have not put as much salad dressing on my salad…probably would have eaten the whole thing! didn’t stress me out though ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I’m glad you got the package! And the pictures of Makenzie are adorable. I have so many shoulda moments, like I shoulda eaten more vegetables or I shoulda studied. But I usually shrug it off. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. sounds like your shoulda moments turned out to be betta moments! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Can’t wait to hear about the tofu. What’s the plan???

  4. janetha says:

    this post theme was too cute. loved it. and i am so guilty of staying in my gym clothes longer than i should…

    great loot!

  5. Krystal says:

    which nevada barr book are you reading?

  6. At first by ‘shouldas’ I thought you were talking about SHOULDERS and I was so confused…lol!

  7. Sarah says:

    Your little one is so sweet. I love that she tries to kiss her shadow! Adorable. Man, I have 1,000 “shouldas” a day! Today I “shoulda” got out of bed when my alarm when off. Instead I was lazy, hit snooze, snuggled with the hubby, ended up running late and never ate breakfast…which lead to chaos and a teeny tiny headache. But thankfully, I came across some healthy snacks and perked back up! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Kelly says:

    I love how Makenzie likes to kiss her shadow…that might be the cutest thing I have seen all day!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. homecookedem says:

    Oh my goodness, how adorable is Makenzie kissing her shadow, awwwww!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Haha, google reader really does suck the time away, haha, but I love it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. inmytummy says:

    The Help was a great book. I think you’ll enjoy it.

    I shoulda not left wet laundry in the washer overnight because now it smells and I have to do it over.

  11. I’m so impressed you still have your Easter candy!! Mine’s been gone since day 2 haha.

    I shoulda blogged more this week : )



  12. Girl, you always come up with the most interesting posts! I love it =)

    Hmm, my last “shoulda?” Well, as I sit here in my pajama shorts, I’m realizing that I probably shoulda shaved my legs when I took a shower 20 minutes ago, bahah!! TMI? Sorryyyy ๐Ÿ˜›

  13. yay, M’s pictures arrived!! she looks sooo cute!!

    I shoulda studied more when I had time this weekend, because my test is slowly creepin up on me!

  14. I shoulda blogged more this past month. I shoulda prepared more for my interview that is tomorrow!

  15. Danielle says:

    haha I always see dirt & germs as “building the immune system” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I should have done this project earlier. It left me stressed ๐Ÿ˜•

  16. healthyGLAM says:

    Those Flavor & Fibers are so yummy! I had one before, I think you’ll like! ๐Ÿ™‚ That is soo cute how your daughter kisses her shadow haha

    I have soo many “shoulda” moments, like probably 10 times a day. I just tell myself “oh well, now you know for next time”! haha

  17. Vee says:

    Trying to remind myself: no regrets but it’s sometimes hard, those shouldas can be very pesky at times. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I like Google Reader too – I use it every day and it saves me a lot of time. I even created those weird categories and have everything ‘labelled’ and ‘filed’. Sad, I know. It makes me happy though! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. lessonstolearn says:

    Yesterday, I “shouldn’t have” finished my bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs. But they sure were good!

  19. Jennifer says:

    Tina you have such a beautiful daughter. And every time I see pictures of you I just think that you are so pretty. Honestly your smile seems to glow from the inside out. I relate to all of your shouldas! I’ve definitely had days like those.

  20. lisaou11 says:

    ahhh lil M look so tired and sweet in that first pic! i shoulda woken up to work out in the morning, but I didnt, so I did it in the evening!

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