My Fitness Truths

Posted: September 15, 2011 at 7:00 am

The fabulous women behind the website Fit Bottomed Girls have been doing a series called “My Fitness Truths”. I. Love. Them! Each one shows something different and it really got the wheels churning in my brain. What would I list out as my own personal fitness truths? Well, I will take a stab at it this fine morning!

I would rather look like I work for my body than starve for it.

I’ve done the deprivation thing and it’s not a good look for me. Every body is different, but I like a little muscle definition on my frame! Let Hollywood emphasize whatever they want…I’ll still feel proud of my arms.

My workouts aren’t social time. Well, besides at conferences. Open-mouthed smile

It’s my time to get alone with my thoughts…not chat with other moms at the gym.

Change begets change. You want progress? Push the limit. Switch it up. Go past the comfort zone. Don’t fear change. Change is good.

I love to sweat.

I know you don’t have to sweat for a good workout…but it sure feels good when you do.

My body deserves respect. It deserves care.


God gave it to me to house something much more important…I better treat it well with nutritious foods and regular movement.

Yes, I like to workout. Yes, I like to eat healthy. That doesn’t mean I can’t also love on some frozen yogurt or enjoy a lazy day.

Healthy living is more than diet and workouts.

You won’t get to your deathbed wishing you weighed 10 pounds less or had a flatter stomach all those years ago. You will cast your thoughts to the love and memories you created. Don’t forget those in a fit, whole life.

Don’t. Give. Up. From escaping binge eating to racing a half marathon…don’t give up. You are stronger than you think.

And when all else fails, picture a “Hammer Time” flash mob. Winking smile

  • What would be one of your “fitness truths”?

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76 Comments to “My Fitness Truths”
  1. What a great post! When I workout, I really wanna put in my best and focus. Gotta get then guns somehow 🙂

  2. One of my truths is that completing a half-marathon is one the best feelings ever!!! Why can’t i remember that when i’m in a funk and don’t what to exercise!?!? This is one of my most favorite posts of yours! VERY inspiring 🙂 Thank you for being you! love you!

  3. Gab says:

    You are such a beautiful soul. Thanks so much for writing this. I needed it.

  4. stephanie says:

    what a great post! those are such important things to remember

  5. Wonderful truths! I love them all…thanks for the inspiration.

  6. […] when I saw Ms. Tina’s takeoff on Fit Bottomed Girls “Fitness Truths,” I just knew I had to steal borrow the idea for […]

  7. […] recently saw on Tina’s site a great post about her fitness truths. The idea is based on this series from Fit Bottomed Girls and it got me thinking that speaking […]

  8. Christina says:

    I just read this post for the first time and it made my smile and tear up at the same time. I think I have the same fitness truths as you do but have never been able to put them into words, I just know that I feel the same way. This is beautiful and I think I’m going to print this post out and put it on my refrigerator door for encouraging words and inspiration. Thank you, Tina!

    • Tina says:

      Thanks! I love that so many of us relate to these truths and hope to be strong and love ourselves. It’s great because we can encourage each other. Thanks for encouraging me. 🙂

  9. Emily says:

    Great post Tina. I love how you show the whole part of your healthy living life; even the fro-yo and cake 🙂 I love how you and your mom and sister’s have sushi nights, too! I always wish we lived closer and could meet up for sushi!!

  10. […] read *this* today on Tina’s blog and it made me smile and tear up at the same time. I printed it out and […]

  11. I love every one of these. To me it’s always been about making sure that my life is full of everything I love – a great run, good food, and my family.

  12. Hi Tina,

    Thanks for sharing your truths with us. I recently came across your post (linked beside mine, actually) on the FBG website. I have to agree with many of your points, especially the one that discusses the “socializing” aspect of working out.

    I like that you mention exercising for the sake of exercising, instead for social reasons. I’m a chronic solo exerciser, and I typically do so for the focus and the personal enjoyment I get from being completely “alone” with my body and my thoughts. Not to knock those who buddy up or take classes, but my preference has always been to sweat it out on my own, rather than with a friend. I find it’s easier to concentrate when solo, and you also have the benefit of being selfish about your time in the gym. You’re there for you, for YOUR workout, so it’s okay decide to switch the plan at the last minute, to run 10 minutes longer, to add an extra set, or to hit the gym whenever you feel like it. In short, there seems to be a lot more freedom when you’re there on your own.

    Your point about socializing instead of working out got me thinking, and I should clarify that there is indeed a difference between working out with a partner, or even joining a class, and simply chatting away at the weight machines. There are definitely good things about buddying up at the gym; you have a spotter, someone to keep pace, and someone to help motivate you. However, if you’re prone to being a little too chatty, it might be best to set some guidelines for you and your fitness buddy. I find it’s been hard for me to work out with someone I’m already friends with outside of the gym, since the temptation to gossip or whatever is constantly there. If you’re already in a class, you can opt to partner up with someone who already frequents the gym. It might be easier to stay on track with someone whose commitment level is around the same level as yours.

    Again, great post. Best of luck in your fitness journey!



  13. Very soon this site will be famous among all blogging visitors,
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  14. You say “My body deserves respect. It deserves care.”. I agree with you. It is 100% true and it is something that we never think.

  15. I agree. I like to enjoy a lazy day. But I don’t do that frequently. I like to pay attention to the portion and the diversity of foods that I consume.

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