Too Many Options!

Posted: September 21, 2011 at 1:11 pm

The weekly “Sister Night” has returned on Tuesday nights!

Over the summer, our weekly sister dates don’t happen as regularly for a variety of reasons. Yet, we both know that as soon as fall television starts back up we will find our way into each others’ arms again.



For none other than our Biggest Loser tradition! For the past few years, Heather & I have had the tradition of her coming over for dinner followed up with some time on the couch to catch The Biggest Loser, eat ice cream, and watch crazy workouts and transformations happen before our very eyes, while also chatting it up during commercial breaks. Even as we both feel the show has hit some lows, we can’t stop watching and give up our weekly tradition.

Last night went much the same route as any other Tuesday night. Heather arrived for a delicious dinner of my favorite enchiladas.


Then, we worked together to put the kids to bed before settling in for our nightly programming.

We both had some skepticism with this year though. The whole Anna Kournikova as a trainer thing didn’t seem like the best move for the show. As expected, she didn’t really contribute much and annoyed us. Although, to her benefit, she annoyed us less than we anticipated.

We already love the new guy, Dolvett, though. He kicked some serious butt and I love his training style. The show definitely has places it could improve, but I know we will still watch. Although, I must admit…it’s hard to stick with The Biggest Loser.

There are too many other great options on Tuesday nights!!!


Obviously, as a musical lover, I adore the show Glee. They inspire most of my running music, after all! Plus the carefree drama and goofy plot lines make me smile.


In all honesty, I think the show Parenthood is the best television drama I have seen in a long time. I have been hooked since episode one.

new girl

I haven’t watched this one yet, but I have it recorded. I really like Zoe Deschanel and think the show looks like a cute one. I could easily see myself getting sucked in. I probably shouldn’t start watching. But I know I will.

It really seems like all my favorite shows come on on Tuesday. At least I know I have some fallback should the new set-up of The Biggest Loser turn in to an utter disappointment for my sister and I. Wonder if I could turn her into a Gleek too??? Smile

  • What’s a silly tradition you have with a friend or family member?
  • Did you watch anything last night? What? Was it good?

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45 Comments to “Too Many Options!”
  1. you and your sister are too cute. I’m wishing my sister lived closer to me for T.V. nights!

    I’m a Glee freak (I refuse to say gLeek ;)), and I TiVo-ed the New Girl. I can’t wait to catch up tonight!

    You’ve got good taste, mama. 😉

  2. Khushboo says:

    What a great tradition! I wish my sister and I lived in the same country! I started watching the C-Word last night…so far so good!

  3. Megan says:

    I was so excited that Glee came back last night! I hope this season is really good, I feel like they weren’t very creative last season…

    I watched the New Girl, too, and thought it was pretty cute. Since it’s only a half hour show, it was hard to see how good it’s gonna be.

  4. jobo says:

    I have BL DVRd and KNOW I will get annoyed with Anna too. Just NOT the same! Love your sister tradition! Jess and I do sister dinners more often in fall and winter too 🙂

  5. Anna says:

    I agree 100% about Dolvett. I was going to skip this season, but watched last night just to check out the new trainers. Anna was what I expected, but Dolvett has me hooked. I’ll watch this season just for him.

  6. I know exactly what you mean about Biggest Loser! (and having too much to choose from on Tuesday nights)
    I watched the season premiere last night with a couple girls I was watching for a couple hours. Almost as soon as Anna started talking they both declared that they didn’t like her and they would choose Jillian over Anna even though Jillian curses a lot. (From the mouth of 10 and 7 year olds)
    The 7 year old even said that she loved Dolvett the most. Too cute!

  7. Love sister time! I only have Katy. We took a Bootcamp class together last night. Sweating together is as good as a conversation sometimes. 😉

  8. Yay for sister get-togethers! It’s so nice to be able to get together with your sister regularly, now that Fall has set in. My sister just moved to a new house (she had been living with her inlaws) and we’re going to try to set up a regular schedule to see each other. I feel lucky to have her living near me, since the rest of my family is in CT.

    I heard about Anna K. being part of the show. Not really liking that move on BL’s part, but maybe she’ll surprise us.

  9. I taped The Biggest Loser yesterday and can’t wait to watch it. I love Anna K. and am really curious to see how she’ll do on the show. I don’t think it was a great move for the show, but I’m hoping Anna proves me wrong!

    • Tina says:

      Yea. I have nothing against HER, but just don’t see her as the best fit for what the contestants need from a trainer, ya know?

  10. I don’t even have cable anymore. I want to see The New Girl though since I love Zoey too. I do like parenthood though. It definitely feels real.

  11. I loved the New Girl, I thought it was funny, and really liked the half-hour format. I hope it lasts, it looks like it has potential.

  12. WE LOVE PARENTHOOD TOO! Best show on TV

    xoxo from Trinidad

  13. Mellissa says:

    I love Parenthood, such a great show. Big Bang theory is up there too.

  14. We are Glee and Parenthood junkies in my house too. I feel like Parenthood is one of the most real shows out there, and I love the storyline with Max.

    However, Parenthood is on too late for us to stay up and watch it on Tuesday nights! So we always watch Glee when Jon gets home from coaching soccer and save Parenthood on the DVR for another night. 🙂

  15. kara says:

    It makes me so happy to hear when people are Parenthood fans! It’s the show I look forward to most every week! I have Biggest Loser tivoed, too can’t wait to catch up on the new season!
    Also, i just wanted to say that your blog always makes me so HAPPY. (I was trying to find a better word but happy is actually perfect) your honest and optimistic outlook always puts a smile on my face 😀

  16. Holly @ The Runny Egg says:

    I recorded BL and cannot wait to watch it tonight. I’m excited to see how Anna does — and how the contestants react to her. I remember years ago when there was a blond trainer — no one seemed to like her and I remember them calling her a Barbie Doll — I thought if they can’t take her seriously, why would they take Anna seriously?

    I am excited for Oct 2 — Dexter starts and my sister Kim will be coming over every Sunday night to watch with me!

  17. Lisa says:

    I really like Parenthood. It’s a great show. The boyfriend and I sit and talk about it the entire time–asking each other how we’d deal with the scenarios if we had kids. 🙂

  18. RunEatRepeat says:

    I wish I had a sister to do stuff like that with! Fun 🙂

  19. I’m excited about new Fall shows too! So far I’ve watched The Sing Off (love!) Up All Night (funny) and The New Girl (silly and hoping it gets a little better :>)

    I also want to watch the X-Factor and Whitney! That is way too much tv but after none this summer, it’s a nice break at night 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I saw previews for Whitney. I hadn’t heard of it before then…but the preview with “you drive a man crazy by talking more and NOT giving the silent treatment” cracked me up.

  20. I love that fall TV is back on! I didn’t get to watch BL last night because I’m out of town, but can’t wait to catch up. I’m going to miss Jillian!

    I’m excited that How I Met Your Mother is back on and I’m nervous about seeing Two and a Half Men since Charlie Sheen is gone.

    I love TV!

  21. Jess says:

    I don’t even have cable and I feel both excited and pressured by the new fall season. So many things to watch!

  22. I thought The New Girl was hysterical! Probably because I saw little too much of myself in Zoey’s character. I was a little “eh” on last night’s episode of Glee but I am glad it’s back!

  23. I definetly want to start watching the new girl! Looks soo funny 🙂

  24. I <3 Glee!!! Have you ever seen Modern Family! You would love it!!

  25. Thank goodness for dvr. That’s all I have to say.

    I watched The New Girl and sorta love it. The roomie and I agreed it’s a show we’re actually going to watch together (we have very different tastes in sitcoms).

  26. love love love parenthood and new girl was hilarious!! and I am so excited that modern family is back on tonight, you should watch it!

  27. Maren says:

    I’m literally crying because biggest loser is on at the same time as glee and the new girl. Why do they all have to be on at the same time?

  28. I love this idea! I used to do tv night with my little sister but haven’t in a long time. Now I want to call her and make a date!

  29. Anna Crouch says:

    I totally agree with the Anna Kournikova deal on The Biggest Loser. As you could see last night, her team lost barely any weight in comparison to the other teams! I thought it was interesting how she pointed out that she had an “older team” so she had to do more low impact exercises…which in theory, I guess makes sense, right? But then thinking back on previous seasons, NONE of the trainers ever did that for older contestants. Unless, that is, they did and never highlighted it. Sucks for the one lady who lost like, what, 3-4 lbs, and other contestants lost like 30! Hmm…ya. I miss Jillian!

  30. Sigh…I wish my sister and I lived close enough to each other to have weekly dates!! Our dates are about once a month these days, now that we’re living only 8 hours apart…so I guess it could be worse!

  31. cheryl says:

    i love Parenthood. Glee is kind of in guilty pleasure realm for me…fun but not the same attachment as a show i love. i saw the New Girl pilot early via on demand and didn’t care for it much but i DID enjoy and recommend Up All Night (christina applegate, will arnett, and a cute baby)

  32. Meg says:

    I LOVE new girl! I’m pretty sure it’s going to be my favorite show this fall. 🙂

  33. Sarah says:

    How funny, I just did a review of the Biggest Loser on my blog (I’ve never really watched it before). I’m not impressed by Anna Kournikova either. Her bio states that’s she’s a certified trainer but doesn’t list the certification organization. Just because she’s skinny and can play tennis doesn’t make her a good trainer!

    I think it’s great that you and your sister have a super fun tradition!!

  34. Hilary says:

    Yay sisters! I missed the premiere of the BL last night and I’m so mad! I was at my cousin’s birthday party and forgot to set the DVR! Oh well. So, no, I didn’t watch anything last night…oh well! Family is better anyway.

  35. I watch waaaay to many reality shows and sadly not enough sitcoms…I was bummed too that Anna replaced Jillian so I didn’t tune in. Glad to hear though she wasn’t super annoying like I thought she would be!

    Before I was married sis and I had a tradition of going to PF Chang’s every Wednesday night, but now that I’m an old married woman our new tradition is getting fro yo at least every other, if not every, weekend 😉

  36. Mac says:

    I miss my BL tradition with my girl friend, since I moved I haven’t found anyone to have a BL night with. I feel the exact same way as you guys about Anna and Delvott.

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