This Calls For A Celebration!
Posted: September 28, 2011 at 4:07 pmGuess what I did the other night????
That’s right, baby! I finished reading up all the material for my personal training certification. This calls for a celebration!
I feel like I learned a lot through the material, but certainly need to go back and refresh myself on everything. I foresee lots of nights going over my flashcards and the practice exams in my future. Looks like I may reach that goal of taking the test and getting certified by November. Woo!
Even though I need to study in the traditional ways, I can still practice in the truest sense of the word and train myself. Which is exactly what I did this week with two fantabulous strength training sessions I plan to share with you now.
First up – leg work!
Right now, with half marathon training, I want to focus on endurance, stability, and power. That means less focus on heavy lifting, but still keeping my legs in top form.
For this workout, I kept the weights light and went through the moves in a circuit format – moving from one move to the next only allowing 30 seconds rest between each set. I completed three sets of this circuit.
Now onto the upper body work! Since I can have more rest and recovery for my upper body training, I feel good pushing it a bit. I alternate between strength focused and endurance focused work. This week focused on endurance and stability.
I completed each set of exercises grouped by color as a superset for 3 sets of each exercise with as much weight as possible. The challenge comes in doing supersets with one basic strength training move immediately followed by a stability move for the same body part. Killer! I had to pay close attention to my form because this workout was such a challenge.
If you have any questions about any of the moves or how I laid these out, feel free to ask. You can also check out my guest post for Laura on how I got started with strength training, if interested. Obviously – I love talking weights!
- What do you like training more – upper or lower body?
Workout Disclaimer: I am not a certified trainer and simply share my personal workout ideas. If you choose to use these workouts in your own training, you do so at your own risk.
Also, thank you for all the comments, tweets, “stumbles”, emails, etc on my earlier post looking into my first binge. I am toying with the idea of continuing this as a series expressing key moments in my journey through binge eating. If I do, it would span many weeks because it is certainly a touchy topic that I wish to expose, but also I do not want to overwhelm the blog. Your support of this topic is immeasurable to me.
Tags: circuit workout, fitness, lower body, strength training, upper body workout
Wahoo!! How exciting! I definitely know how good it feels to finish reading that book. It’s a great, informative text, but can be a little overwhelming! I’d definitely recommend going over your workbook/study guide pages (if you have it) and taking practice tests to help you prepare. That helped me a ton. Have you signed up for a test yet? Are you taking the test to possibly do personal training as a job/career or for your own personal use and/or goals?
I will definitely be doing extra studying and practice tests.
And the plan is to set up a website to do online training programs since I can’t commit to a fixed schedule training at a gym right now with the kids. We’ll see how that works out. 🙂
congrats!! You’re getting closer and closer to your goal!!
Congrats on getting one step closer!
I love working out both lower and upper. I love love love the way my arms look when they are toned but I also like working my lower half because that is what gets my heart rate up. I like a workout that is the best of both worlds!
Yay! That is so exciting…have fun with the flash cards! 😉
Personally I am not the world’s biggest fan of strength training for the same reasons I don’t like yoga. If I’m going to be sweating I want to at least be moving around a lot! But I know my upper body needs some help so I’m working my way through NROLFW…again!
I’m always looking for ways to mix up my strength training routines, so thanks for posting these. I tend to stick with the same exercises, so alternative ones to add in are always great.
I’ve thought seriously of investing in a Bosu ball. It would be great for strengthening the little muscles and core. So close to making a decision. This is not one of those impulse purchases!
I love using the bosu ball. It really can add a great amount of variety and challenge. 🙂
Congrats! It’s always fun to reach a goal!
Congrats! That’s pretty exciting, you must be proud of yourself.
Great job.. Achieving a goal feels SO great! I did my first 2 min plank today! 🙂 I hate working out my lower body…lunges are not fun.
xoxo from Houston –till tomorrow
You are amazing. A two minute plank??? Yowza! My core strength is still lacking post baby.
no, not amazing…just TONS of hard work girl…you know that way better than I do……luv u!
YAY! Love the jumping pic! so cute! Yes! I am so excited for you! I bet you will reach that november goal ; )
Have a good night love!
Clearly white men (ladies) CAN jump- look at all that air you got in your picture 😉
Good luck with the studying!
Cute pic!! Have fun/good luck with the studying 🙂
I’m not allowed to lift and def miss upper body more. My baby-biceps and cute tri-definition line are pretty faded after 2m. The reason I prefer upper is def the visible results…I need that tangible motivation and my body is never going to give it as much on my legs
YAY – I so need to get off my butt and get the study material and do the same. Definitely prefer upper body weights. I used to like legs, but that was before I enjoyed running more. Now I feel like there is never a good time to do legs.
I feel ya. It’s so hard. That’s why I’ve started focusing on the more stability and endurance style work.
Congrats! Good luck on your studying and test!
I don’t think I like working out one better than the other–I enjoy both.
Goooooo Tina!
I like training my arms more—but I often get intimidated by the beefy men.
Yay Yay Yay! You’re gonna nail that exam!
That’s great about the PT! You will make one amazing trainer 🙂
Go Tina go! Congrats on finishing the book!
Yay Tina! Congrats on finishing your study materials! Definitely a time to celebrate! 🙂 I like working lower body and upper body out evenly. 🙂 He he!
I wish we lived closer to each other and you could practice your training on me!
Go celebrate!
Congrats! Your body looks ridic in that picture btw! Look at those guns!
I know how to train my lower body more so than my arms, which is what I’m really trying to learn about now. Honestly, I really just want toned arms!! : )
I love to train my lower body. I always get so energized from a good legs workout!! And I agree with everyone else – your arms look phenomenal in that picture!!
I personally find reading so much harder than studying what I’ve already read. Hopefully you feel the same! Good luck!!
I definitely feel the same. That’s why I’m so excited to be done with the reading and flashcard making. Now I can review and let it all start to meld and make sense. 🙂
Congrats on finishing the reading! You’re almost there! You’re so cute in the jumping pic! Like I want to jump with excitement with you!
Yey! Congrats on finishing something I haven’t even started 😀 I need to purchase the book soon so I can get certified!
So exciting! 1 step closer!
Random: How do you get those great printables to post in your post? I tried importing a chart today (which didn’t work at all due to spacing), but once I figure out the size that I can post, I’d love for people to be able to link directly to print!
I use a plugin for WordPress called “Print This”. You just highlight and hit a button – bam! Printable sections. 🙂
I like training upper-body more only because that way I don’t waddle around when walking the next day (or two!)
Overall, I prefer cardio though 🙂
That’s why I prefer upper body too. I hate my legs getting sore!
Congratulations this is so so exciting!!! 😀
Congratulations Tina!!! That’s awesome 🙂 You are such a rock star and you’re going to do great on your test!
Congrats! And what an awesome pic!
YAY!! Congratulations!
Yay! Congrats! That’s a huge accomplishment in the world of PT studying 🙂
I LOVE to do upper body stuff. I’m one of those people that put on muscle really easily so my arms always show progress first. I love seeing progress!
Yay that’s great, I bet the sense of achievement is nice!
I would love to become a personal trainer, that’s so exciting 🙂
Congrats! And may I just say…your arm looks super buff in that pic 🙂
Congrats!! I did NASM too 🙂
Congrats! You’re right on track to reaching your goal.
PS: Nice arm definition! 😉
Yeah for you!!!! I LOVE the photo!
What a great accomplishment, congratulations!
I love lower body workouts. I’m really strong in my legs.
I NEED upper body workouts.
I love doing squats and back. If I had to choose I would prefer upper body.
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