Will You Please Help?

Posted: October 28, 2011 at 4:49 pm

Happy Friday afternoon! I hope you all have had a great day. I loved reading your “Never Have I Ever” comments. So fun. Now, it’s time for the weekend!

But before we sail into a weekend full of love and fun, I would like us each to pause for a moment to do some good. With just a simple click.

One of the greatest struggles I have is seeing so many needs in the world. Starving children. Human trafficking. Poverty. Lack of freedoms. Illness. Domestic violence. Addictions. Natural disaster relief. And the list goes on and on.

Often times, I hear about such things and want to do SOMETHING, yet feel debilitated. I wonder how I could possibly make any sort of real difference.

Then, with time, I realized that even the smallest acts can make a difference when people come together.

Which is why I’m here today.

Did you know that numerous girls and young women face their monthly periods with fear? That time of the month doesn’t simply mean cramps, bloating, and discomfort. It means having to stay home from school and missing out on an education. It means losing work to earn the $4 a day they need to even feed their families. It means an increased risk for disease and infection.

Every. Single. Month.

And all because these young women and girls don’t have sanitary pads and other related products readily available.

Huru International and o.b. brand have partnered together to create the Share It Forward campaign. This program is an app through Facebook to help raise money for Huru® International simply by sharing a message with your network of friends about Huru® International’s mission, and helping shed light on an issue that impacts many woman globally.

The o.b. brand hopes to raise $25,000 through this campaign to send over 1,000 kits to those in need in Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa regions. For every user that shares the message through the app with their network of friends, the o.b.® brand will donate $1 to Huru®.

That’s 8 THOUSAND re-usable sanitation pads for these women. 3,000 new pairs of underwear. Soap and bags to help keep the products clean and the women using them healthier. And information to help educate those in need of other issues such as HIV/AIDS. You know what I see when I read that? That little things add up to big changes. All you have to do is a couple of clicks to help contribute to these smiles…

Here’s how:

If you are not already a fan of the page...
Step 1: Like the mighty.small.movement: http://www.facebook.com/obmightysmall
Step 2: Select your state from the drop down box (under the green box).
Step 3: Put a check mark next to the box that says you've read the Terms & Conditions.
Step 4: Click the pink "Click to Share" button to post the message on your Wall.
Step 5: Spread the word!

If you are already a fan of the page...
Step 1: Go to the o.b. Outreach Tab on the mighty.small.movement Facebook Page, or click this link: http://on.fb.me/oeX3gi.
Step 2: Select your state from the drop down box (under the green box).
Step 3: Put a check mark next to the box that says you've read the Terms & Conditions.
Step 4: Click the pink "Click to Share" button to post the message on your Wall.
Step 5: Spread the word!

I’ve already shared the message. And I am donating the value of participating in this campaign to Huru International as well. Please, let’s help make a difference. The smallest acts can make a change. Now, have a good weekend. And count your many blessings along the way. Red heart

  • What’s something you want to not take for granted this weekend?

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of o.b. I received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate, which I have personally chose to donate that value to Huru International. I chose to share this message because I believe in doing small things to help make a difference.

10 Comments to “Will You Please Help?”
  1. What a wonderful cause. Heart-breaking, but wonderful. I think it’s really honorable (but not surprising <3) of you that you donated the promotional item back, too.
    I've liked it and shared it 🙂

  2. cheryl says:

    really is amazing what we take for granted….

    i have to keep the period-fairy away due to endo…well unless i want to spend a week in bed crying. but i was a huge OB fan pretty early on it the womanhood game. does require a bit of extra comfort with your parts but LOVED fitting two in the “fifth” jeans pocket, esp in HS and college days. glad they are involved in good cause

  3. Emily says:

    What an awesome way to give back! Such an unfortunate situation. I hate to think of young women missing out on an education because they don’t have the necessary supplies.

  4. Stephanie says:

    I love this post Tina! Thanks for bringing this to the forefront. Lunapads, my favourite reusable pad maker (OK, the only one I’ve ever tried) has a similar program called Pads4Girls. I try to remind myself each and every day about how lucky I am to live when and where I do.

  5. I’ve already shared the message and I just did it again! It’s such a great one 😀

  6. Kiah says:

    What a great thing, Tina. This weekend I’m working on enjoying the little things, especially with my husband…instead of nagging about cleaning and what “could be better” 🙂

  7. Denise says:

    I don’t want to take anything for granted ever, I have been sooooooooooo blessed. This weekend I don’t want to take my time with my hubby for granted and I don’t want to take my health for granted.

  8. Nicola says:

    What if you’re not in the US? Should I just pretend I live there haha

  9. Amy says:

    What a wonderful cause. You are right Tina, small steps add up to big changes.
    This weekend I don’t want to take time with my family for granted. I had a long conversation with my sister over lunch and now I’m spending time with my Mum. You can’t get time back so we’ve got to make the most of the present.

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