No Wining & No Whining

Posted: November 14, 2011 at 10:45 am

Hey, friends! Ready to kick off a great week? I know I’m feeling determined to make it a good one. Just like I had to make this weekend a good one.

I was supposed to be touring beautiful scenery and sipping wine this weekend…

Last year my sister and I purchased a Groupon deal for a day tour to 5 North Georgia wineries and planned to go this weekend. Too bad the tour company closed down. No wine. Bummer! Sad smile

I didn’t let myself whine, though. Instead, I did other fabulous things.

Like get in a 12 mile frosty run on Saturday morning. At least being greeted by a cheerful note left out as a random act of kindness cheered me up at the end.

Isn’t that nice?!

Despite the run being so cold, it actually felt pretty good. Almost refreshing. At the very least, it made the ice bath following the run not feel like such a drastic temperature change. Oh, who am I kidding? It still stunk.

It was only a brief low of the weekend because after that I had a rather important appointment with a testing center.


I PASSED!!!! I am now a NASM certified personal trainer!!! I don't know my final score since it just shows pass or fail, but I think I did really well. I 100% knew 100 of the 120 questions. There were only 3 I marked that I was really unsure of. The rest I felt mostly certain, but not 100%. A lot of the questions required applying small details of things I had studied, so it was harder than I anticipated, but overall still good. Although the only detail that matters is - I passed!!! It feels so good to say that after the months of preparation and work to make it final. Smile

I finished up the test around 2:30 and hadn’t eaten since breakfast, so the first thing I did was find some food. First place I saw that wasn’t a McDonalds or Arbys? McAlister’s Deli. That’ll do. I did a half and half combo.


A Savannah Salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, blue cheese, cranberries, and almonds.


As well as a Cobb Club with turkey, avocado, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and a peppercorn sauce of some sort.


I originally planned to grab the food to go, but couldn’t wait to eat, so I chose to sit and have a little lunch by myself. I don’t ever typically do that (I’m like Rachel), but it was actually quite nice to have a peaceful solo lunch. I finished just in time to hang out with Peter’s family and watch the UGA vs Auburn game.


That certainly topped off the day on a high note! Although not as great as passing my exam!!!!! Party smile <--- had to throw that in there

The rest of the weekend didn’t hold anything too exciting, which was just fine by me. I had the chance to finish my Nicholas Sparks book.


If you like his books at all, then you will love this one. It was one of my favorites of his that I have read. Even though his stories aren’t all that original, I find his writing very easy to read and never fail to find myself captivated by the characters. I recommend it. And now, I need some new book recommendations from you all! I’m kind of in the mood for a suspenseful read this time – like my favorite thriller novel Velocity by Dean Koontz.


You MUST read that one if you like edge-of-your-seat suspense! It’s good!

Alright, enough chit chat. Time for me to hit the gym, then have my very first partent teacher conference for Makenzie. Oh, the excitement! Winking smile

  • Do you ever like to dine out alone?
  • Any good suspense novels to recommend?

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90 Comments to “No Wining & No Whining”
  1. congrats on your exam! that is so exciting!

  2. Holly says:

    YAY! I was SO happy to read on Twitter that you passed! How cool! CONGRATULATIONS!

  3. Congrats on passing!! I love reading anything by James Patterson. He’s such a good author!

  4. So so happy for you! Congrats on passing!

    I loved Safe Haven too 🙂

  5. That stinks that the company went out of business. I guess no refunds huh? Congrats on the certification! Dean Koontz is great for a good suspenseful read.

    • Tina says:

      Since it was through Groupon they refunded me. Thank goodness! I’m still bummed though and keep waiting for another wine tour deal to come through. I’m not spending the full price $300+ dollars for one!

  6. Amy Lauren says:

    I’ve only been to McAlister’s twice, but I really loved it! I wish we would get one in my town. I really liked the chili I had there when I went a few years ago… yeah it’s been years and I still remember so I know it’s good. But, I almost NEVER eat out by myself. In fact, the reason why I don’t go to lunch at work is because I really don’t have many friends to go out to lunch with. So I just eat at my desk. Eating in a restaurant can be uncomfortable enough with others much less alone.

    Congrats on you passing your exam! What an amazing accomplishment to know that much of the test :). And to run 12 miles then take it…

    As for the Groupon, did your sister contact Groupon about the place closing down? They should refund her whatever she paid for the Groupon or do a credit. I know they’ve done that when places closed down or things were cancelled, etc. That way at least you won’t be out of the money. Not to mention it is sad when the economy is so bad a vinyard closes, I thought people drank more when they were broke?

  7. Mellissa says:

    I dine alone really often, traveling for work makes you get over the fear quickly. I made myself a reservation for a fancy restaurant in New Orleans because I wanted to try it.

    I really like Tess Garritson books as well as Jonathan Kellerman.

  8. rhonda says:


  9. Congrats!!!! That’s such great news. I can’t wait to catch up this week – I want to hear about what you’re learning.

    Is the ice bath really worth it? I did 13 Saturday and probably could have used one… never tried it though. I do know that I am SORE now.

    • Tina says:

      I couldn’t take one after my half and was a LOT more sore than normal. Given I ran much speedier than my normal runs, but I do thinkk they make a difference. I experience much less soreness post long-runs than I used to before taking them. And they honestly aren’t TOO bad. It’s the initial entry to the cold water that kills.

  10. STUFT Mama says:

    Congratulations Tina!!!! Yay!!!! Isn’t it a relief? I’m so excited for you! Being a personal trainer is soooooo much fun!
    Looks like you had an amazing weekend! One of these days I’ll have time to read books again……… 🙂

  11. Yay again on passing!!

    When my ex was always away for the military, I learned to eat alone. I was nervous and felt weird at first, but then I got used to it and would just read the paper or something…like an old man! Haha!

  12. nancyo says:

    Hey — I found your blog on WW. I’ve lost 25 and still have about 20 to go. I’m thinking of taking a personal trainer (or at least group instructor) certification to begin with. It seems like there’s at least 2 companies that certified. How did you choose?

    • Tina says:

      I went with NASM bec it was well known for a certification in my area. Plus, I know it was a reputable certification.

  13. Alyse says:

    Congratulations on the certification! That’s great.

    Velocity IS an amazing book. It was a one day read for me, couldn’t put it down. And the only book by Koontz that I ever liked.

    I don’t eat out by myself. I feel too self-conscious. :-/

  14. jobo says:

    Totally stinks about no wine weekend getaway! But it sounds like a pretty fab weekend, capped off by your certification!! That’s awesome, I wish you could train me! 🙂

  15. RunEatRepeat says:

    Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to see what you do next 🙂

  16. Corndog says:

    Congratulations Tina!! I am really happy for you having reached your goal of becoming a personal trainer. I was actually a little worried about you this weekend since you were a little quiet on the blog. So glad to hear you passed your test!

  17. Congrats again on passing your exam – that’s so exciting! I’m impressed you got out and ran on Saturday morning, I was a “pansy” and put off my long run until Sunday. I guess I haven’t gotten used to the really cold morning runs yet. 🙂

    And “How Bout Them Dawgs!”

  18. Congratulations Tina!! You are going to make such a fabulous personal trainer. Im so excited for you! 🙂

  19. cheryl says:


    as for dining alone….i’m fine at either a counter-order-type place or sitting at the bar in a more regular restaurant. i did it a good bit b/w relationships. i almost always bring a book though….fiction is a good company 🙂

  20. Kelly says:

    Congrats on passing the exam! Now what’s your next move…are you going to try to get a job at your local gym?

    I used to eat alone in college all the time! But I haven’t really since…every so often but 99% of the time I just grab it to go and eat in the car.

  21. Christelle says:

    Congratulations Tina! Awesome job 🙂 I’m no help in the book department, I pretty much only read biographies..

  22. Ahh, congrats on your exam! That is so exciting Tina!
    I have always wanted to read Velocity, it has been on my “to-read” list for years! I need to get on that.

    I dine out casually alone, like in a diner, coffee shop, Subway, other fast food restaurant occasionally (usually for lunch). I think I would have a hard time going out for dinner by myself though.

  23. Congrats!! And I love to dine alone 🙂

  24. I’m not a huge fan of dining out alone, but I don’t have a problem with it if I need to.

    How exciting about your daughters first parent teacher conference!!! For some reason I find that so cute!

  25. Lisa says:

    Congratulations! You worked hard and succeeded!

  26. Lauren says:

    CONGRATS girl!!! I knew you would pass. 🙂

  27. Congrats on passing!!! I can’t read thrillers. They make me have CRAZY dreams. I read one of Dan Brown’s books, and would wake up every morning thinking I was losing my mind after the insanity my mind would come up with while snoozing.

  28. Congrats, girl! I don’t know how you find time to read being a wife and a mom… I can never find the time and I’m just a new wife!

  29. So proud of you!! So what’s the next step? Didn’t you say something about doing online stuff?

  30. That’s so incredibly awesome about the test! Congratulations!! So, so proud of you! You’ve been killing your goals lately. You have to be so proud of yourself too!

    I actually like eating out by myself every now and then. I have a day all to myself next week and am looking forward to my Rosa “date day” complete with eating wherever I want to go.

  31. Karolina says:

    Congratulations on passing your test! I bet it feels so fantastic to know that you passed & are a trainer! What are your plans with that now?

  32. Congratulations! Way to go Tina!!!! xoxo

  33. I live alone in Chicago, so I’ve definitely dined alone a few times, I don’t mind it at all! I’ve never gone to a real restaurant though alone, just somewhere you get your food and then go sit down. I’m actually curious about going to a real restaurant alone. I don’t think I’d mind it!

  34. CONGRATS!! I knew you would pass with flying colors. Glad you had a relaxing weekend – yours sounds a lot like mine. Not too much going on. It felt great to regroup!

  35. Yay! Congrats on passing your NASM exam!!! That is so awesome 😀 and you must feel so relieved to be done studying for it! I loved that Nicholas Sparks book..and that Dean Koontz one sounds great! Perhaps it’ll have to be one I read over break!

  36. lindsay says:

    CONGRATS!!! I knew you would pass, but this just makes it even more special. You need to go celebrate with Peter tonight.

  37. Congrats on the exam. We all knew you’d pass, but I bet you’re happy it’s now official. 🙂 Actually, congrats on the run too!

  38. A huge CONGRATS on passing your exam! I’ve very excited for you to get some training on!

    I don’t mind dining out alone, but I want my “armor” with me (wasn’t it Sex & the City that used that term?) – my laptop, a book, my iPhone. I suppose I should practice some mindful eating instead of distracting myself. Next time…

  39. Yay, congrats!! I’m faced with the eat alone or take it to go thing a lot since I travel for work often. No matter how much I do it, eating alone feels weird and awkward so I tend to take it to go, especially for dinner. Lunch and breakfast don’t bother me nearly as much for some reason.

  40. Congrats on passing your exam!!!!

  41. Congratulations on the exam Tina! That’s awesome!

  42. Congrats on passing! I am currently working on mine through ACSM and it feels like it is going to take me so long to be ready to take the test!

  43. Julie says:

    Congratulations, Tina!! So excited for you 🙂

    I am not a big fan of dining alone- I used to have to do it pretty often when I was a consultant (and traveled a lot) so now if I can avoid eating solo, I do.

  44. I know I already tweeted you, but just wanted to congratulate you again on your NASM test!! Woohoo! That’s awesome. I know how great it feels when it’s overwith! 🙂

    I definitely want to read that Nicholas Sparks book! I really enjoy most of his books, so after reading your little review on this one, I decided I must read it!

  45. Congrats on passing your test! YAY! And great job on a 12 mile run, are you training for another race?

  46. Congrats on the test!!!! So exciting 😀 Can’t wait to hear everything about your journey with it 😀

  47. Rebecca says:

    CONGRATULATIONS on passing!!! That is so wonderful. Now the fun can happen 😀
    And I love that your 12 mile runs are nbd now. You ‘re awesome 😉

  48. Bonnie says:

    Congrats on passing, Tina! Super exciting and a great accomplishment! I don’t comment lots but read often, especially after meeting you in person at the HLS! May God continue to guide and encourage you to live a full life in Christ with your fam and this new work direction!

  49. Emily says:

    Congrats, Tina! You’ve worked so hard, you deserve it!

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