Newman’s Own Organics Review – The Sweets

Posted: April 29, 2010 at 10:30 pm

The time has finally come. I received my package of Newman’s Own Organics goodies a couple of weeks ago and I have steadily been making my way through the many products to taste test them for a proper review. Believe me, that was not a problem. 😉 Now the time has come to give you the rundown of the various products and why you should buy them. I’m not saying that because I should. I’m saying that because they are just that good.


Disclaimer: Newman’s Own Organics sent me these products to review free of charge. The opinions expressed in this post are explicitly my own and I was not compensated for them.

Now that we’re clear with the legal issues…where should we begin? How about with what always comes first in my foodie heart. The chocolate!


I was sent 6 different flavors to try and basically every single one was a winner by my standards. It may not be Godiva or a Ferrero Rocher truffle, but still delicious.

  • Espresso Dark Chocolate – Any surprise this was my favorite? I didn’t think so. Dark chocolate + coffee flavor. And the fact you can really taste both in a creamy, melt in your mouth way was all that was needed to win me over. Kind of how easy it would be for Brad Pitt (pre-Angelina) to win me over.
  • Milk Chocolate – This tasted like any basic milk chocolate, but was denser and more satisfying. It didn’t just dissolve right away like lots of milk chocolate. I loved that. It made it easy to really take the time to savor it.
  • Mocha Milk Chocolate – Not as good as the Espresso Dark, but still delicious. Think a mix between the previous two chocolates. So if you prefer milk chocolate over dark this one would probably be for you.
  • Orange Dark Chocolate – I’m not normally a huge orange flavor fan but I did like this. The orange wasn’t overpowering. It reminded me of those orange shaped chocolates they have at Christmas time.
  • Super Dark Chocolate – This was the only one I didn’t love. It still tasted like high quality dark chocolate, but wasn’t very “melty”. I would rather just love on some basic dark chocolate.
  • Dark Chocolate – Simply. Delicious. Not too sweet. Not too bitter. Perfect.

Where to next? Well, to all the varieties of cookies of course! Do you notice I have a strong sweet tooth? Luckily I know how to control it, instead of allowing it and food to control me. 😉 I received many cookie varieties: Hermits (Original & Ginger), Newman-O’s (Chocolate & Ginger), Alphabet Arrowroot cookies, Fig Newmans, and Espresso Chocolate Chip cookies. I enjoyed sampling one (or two or three) of each over the past couple weeks.

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  • Newman-O’s: Let’s just put it this way. The Original flavor is better than Oreos. The ginger flavor tastes just like a gingersnap cookie but with icing. The creme centers are super creamy and more like icing than the tough goo you find in an Oreo. Peter even preferred these over Oreos or other store bought cookies.
  • Fig Newmans: Taste like any Fig Newton I have ever had so there is nothing exceptional about the taste. BUT the fact that they are made with recognizable ingredients and are more natural make me prefer them.
  • Espresso Chocolate Chip Cookies: Meh. Too dry and not really satisfying. They taste like a basic chocolate chip cookie, but more like the cheap stuff from the store instead of high quality ones like these.
  • Alphabet Arrowroot Cookies: Taste kind of like a graham cracker in cookie form. Not necessarily something I would love to munch on, but they are a perfect treat for Makenzie. I adore them for her.
  • Hermits: These kick ass! They are chewy, flavorful, dense, and just pleasure in an 80 calorie block of goodness. They also are way more satiating than any cookie I’ve ever had. Both the Original and the Ginger are so incredible. Think a combination of an oatmeal raisin cookie, the texture of a brownie, and the intense flavor of a spice cake. Oh. Em. Gee. Divine. I WILL be buying these again when they disappear from my goody basket.

Clearly, Newman’s Own Organics sent me quite the bounty and I want to honor them properly for their kindness with adequate reviews of the items. Since there are so many products I will stop here for the sweets and treats. Look for part two on the savory items and dried fruit to come your way soon.

Which of the above items sounds like it would make your tastebuds happy? What is your favorite product you have reviewed for your blog? Or what product would you most love to review?

16 Comments to “Newman’s Own Organics Review – The Sweets”
  1. I really enjoyed the comment you left me. It was so well-articulated. Yes, there’s more to life than abs and butts. Health!! comes to mind..for both of us, it sounds like 🙂 On posts like the one i did, I can’t say it all, can’t cover every base, I can’t please everyone, all i can do is speak my own truth and path, and CYA about 5x that this is my opinion only and do as you wish with it 🙂 But glad you liked the post. And you brought up very good points in your comment, too.

    Have a great nite, Tina!

  2. Hallie says:

    I think my favorite item I’ve reviewed on my blog is Oikos yogurt…I love that stuff (and the company) and I can’t really afford to buy it as much as I’d like to.

    I I totally agree with you on the O’s. So freaking good. Mitch also liked them more than regular Oreos, which is impressive! I actually didn’t like the chocolate though, which was disappointing. It just didn’t do it for me, so I gave most of it away (after tasting it for review purposes, of course).

  3. Sarah says:

    Yum! I love dark chocolate, so I’d go with anything along those lines:-).
    I found this on the Newman’s Own website: “Newman’s Own Organics has made a commitment with the launch of our new chocolate bars and cups to pay a premium above and beyond the current market price for Certified Organic Cocoa Beans that is tied to the Fair Trade market price of Organic Cocoa Beans.” (
    That leads me to like them even more!

  4. Kelly says:

    Thanks for these reviews! I want to try those Hermits SO BADLY but I can’t find them anywhere! 🙁

  5. I actually love graham crackers so I’d probably like the Alphabet Arrowroot Cookies actually. I’ve only reviewed a few things (nothing that was sent to me mind you). I really wish someone would send me some Oikos Caramel Greek Yogurt. I can only find it in the 4-pack for 5.50. Ouch.

  6. AHHH YOU ARE SOOOO LUCKY!!!! 🙂 I’ve been DYING to try those!!! I think I most want to try the figs!!!

  7. I’ve always wanted to try the Newman’s O cookies! So jealous of your stash!

    I liked reviewing Kombucha because people feel so strongly about loving or hating it! 🙂

  8. lisaou11 says:

    O man I would love the espresso dark chocolate. Is it strange that I don’t like coffee but I like coffee flavored things?!

  9. Vee says:

    I am a big Newman’s Own Organics fan. I have a huge respect for Paul Newman in general, he was such a great man who lived his life with integrity and did a lot of good in this world. Glad you enjoyed their products, they all sound amazing!

  10. eatspinlive says:

    All of these sound DELICIOUS! I am a huge ORANGE fan and I bet with chocolate it would be amazing 🙂

  11. greensandjeans says:

    Fig Newmans were always a favorite growing up, and all of those treats sounds incredible!

  12. yummmmm to all of that….but i have to be honest, anything with dark chocolate wins my heart 🙂 my favorite review for the blog was probably Oikos because i loved it before and i loved it even more when it was free 🙂 POM is going well though…

    and if i could review any product for the blog it’d be a vitamix 😉

  13. If I didn’t already love you, I would hate you 😉
    I’ve been wanting to try those Hermits FOREVER!!! I think you might have just convinced me to get some..

  14. Danielle says:

    I’ve tried the Hermits before! They’re seriously good 😀

    I know what you mean about chocolate not being “melty.” That’s why I don’t like cold chocolate!

  15. Holly says:

    I would LOVE to try any of the Newman’s products! They all sound great. I think I would especially like the Newman O’s!

  16. Awesome, honest reviews, Tina!! Thanks for the shout out too! Your blog makes me happy each and every time I visit, so thanks for that too

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