Did I Miss Out?

Posted: May 4, 2010 at 4:00 pm

I don’t think it has ever been more enthusiastically said - “Happy Tuesday!!!!” After yesterday, today is indeed a very happy Tuesday. I knew it was going to be smooth sailing from the start. After all, my car made it to the gym in one piece. That is a great sign, right? 😉 I followed making it to the gym with an excellent workout. I did a Power + Kick class today. It amazes me every time I complete these classes how perfect they are for me right now. Even though I did 2 hours today, which for the record is not the norm, I did not leave feeling beat at all. They are perfect for many reasons.

logo_group_ride  logo_group_kick

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  • Adds variety to my workouts so I don’t get bored. I am limited in the workouts I am comfortable doing right now and having different classes helps keep it more interesting.
  • The perfect amount of challenge. For example, today in Power I lifted heavy enough to feel a challenge but not as much as I could. In Kick I didn’t do moves at a very high intensity and kept everything low impact. I almost never leave feeling fatigued in any way, shape, or form.
  • No numbers to get caught up in. I love lifting weights and seeing the amount I can lift go up. I love seeing my speed/interval times/resistance in cardio workouts improve. It isn’t realistic to push myself right now, so classes keep me focused on just going, doing the workout, and moving on. It is hard to hold back intensity when I am doing my own thing.
  • Don’t have to think! I love making up workout plans, but for now I want to save that energy. I want to have the excitement to bust out some awesome workout plans when I can give them my all.
  • They will be great to continue after I am pregnant. And please let that be soon. Anyways, I know the last time I was pregnant, I really enjoyed classes or some of my DVDs similar to classes more. Why not get my body used to them now, so I can keep up with when the time comes?

There was only one negative to today’s class. During Group Kick, they had their new Group Kick girl practicing teaching the class. She just went through the training about a month ago and is now practicing leading the classes. This isn’t negative because she was a bad teacher. Absolutely not! It was a negative because it could have been me. I was supposed to go through the training and get certified to teach Group Kick but decided to hold off and pulled out a couple months ago. I don’t know if I ever disclosed that on the blog. I decided that since my body doesn’t need additional stress right now, going through the training should wait until I can give the time and energy it will definitely require. Logically I know it was the right decision, but emotionally it is still hard to swallow. I cannot wait to be more involved in the fitness world and it is just another thing I have to be patient with. Think God is into testing my patience much these days? Love the Big Man, but sometimes I just want to say “Got It! Can we stop the games now??”. 😉



No Comments to “Did I Miss Out?”
  1. Hi Tina!
    I have been trying to pop in and say hi but for some reason was having probs, but im here now. So cool that you’re switching up the workouts and enjoying them.

    Have a great day!

  2. homecookedem says:

    I’m with you Tina, it’s hard to know why God makes us wait… and wait and wait and wait. But we just have to believe that he knows something we don’t and embrace that waiting period as much as possible. But it. is. hard. Prayed for you again today my friend.

    I love workout classes and DVD’s! It’s so much more fun to me than when I’m left on my own.

  3. cardiopizza says:

    I’ve never taken any of those classes…they’ve never been offered at my gyms i’ve worked at. But I would love too!

    You’ll be in the fitness world in no time…for now, just enjoy participating! I always miss just being the participant when I teach!

  4. Don’t worry girl! You will get certified soon enough! 🙂

  5. Glad to hear today started of sooo much better and that class was good. I didn’t now that you had started to do the Kick certification. I totally know how you feel. Sometimes when I watch ballet performances I get really sad thinking about what could have been. But things happen for a reason right.

  6. Katie says:

    I hear ya on patience right now girl…I am applying for RN jobs everywhere, and feel as though I have ‘exhausted’ my options…and have cried many times feeling like “GOD what is going on!?!” …But then my hubby and family remind me that He has something perfect for me in His timing, and He always reminds me of this verse…
    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and don’t lean on your own understanding. In all things acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5, 6
    So hang in there girl…God has bigger plans than we have for ourselves! 🙂

  7. Katie says:

    ps…I have done body pump, (im guessing a lot like your power class) and turbo and am BEAT after…so good job to you! You must be doing something right! 🙂

  8. I wish I liked workout classes, but besides yoga I just don’t. I think they are awesome though and a great way to switch up your workout!!

    And you def made the right decision. You gotta think about your body, it’s gotta be a home for that future baby!! 🙂

  9. You’ll be there one day Tina! I want to do the same- I really really really really want to get my yoga certification but right now I don’t have the money to do that. It’s amazing that we’ve found out passions and are going after then though!! Good luck lady : )


  10. sophia says:

    Ah, I totally feel you on the God “playing games with me” part…but I think God will know better than we do whether we are ready or not…or perhaps, there is just a greater opportunity for you out there, and it’s just not the right time yet! 🙂

  11. Mellissa says:

    This just means that there is something bigger on the horizon, and only time will tell 🙂

  12. I really, really want to become a Body Attack instructor. Whenever someone new trains, I always get a twinge in my heart. I know it would be an impossible time for me to take this challenge on at this point in my life, but it still hurts a bit!

  13. I love how you are so great at balancing everything in your life, it’s definitely not the easiest thing to do. It’s so awesome to have faith and fitness intertwined =) Sounds like you had an awesome workout!

  14. Wondering “what if” is the worst. I heard a quote though, once, that said “Everything changed the moment that she realized that there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life.” Meaning to say that, maybe we can´t do it all, but whatever is MOST IMPORTANT right now, there is time for that and the rest can come later. So long as we find our balance and peace in the present day. I want to do that too someday… but right now is not the time. And while its hard to accept sometimes because I want to do it all, I am working on coming to terms with the fact that I can´t, but I can still do what I NEED to.

  15. Vee says:

    I know that feeling. You have made the right decision and will see that extra line soon! The beauty of fitness industry is that you can enter it whenever you want. My mentor is in her 40s, extremely fit and motivational and only started group teaching once her 3rd baby was born. You will get there sooner than you think (time does fly! :-)).

  16. Know whatcha mean, sweet pea! It’s hard to keep in mind that it’s all GOD’s timing and part of HIS plan. 🙂 Isn’t it nice that we can at least remind each other of that though? It’s so nice to have you guys who can relate to the SAME things I wonder about! hehe. Hope you’re having a great week so far!

  17. Shannon says:

    I so admire your patience and willingness to put you own fitness aspirations to the side. That’s what being a mom is all about and, before birth, you are showing this baby-to-be that he/she is most important to you. I would love to take your class when you become an instructor! It will happen 🙂

  18. I know this has to be hard while you play the “waiting game,” but I hope and pray for you that it will all come together for you when you get pregnant! You can still get certified in the future, and I think you would make a phenomenal teacher. 🙂

    I LOVE group fitness classes. I love how you can challenge yourself in the same class over and over again, and love the relationships you build with people!

  19. Kelly says:

    I love that poster…I do believe that God has a sense of humor…and I think it is His way of showing us that sometimes laughter really is the best medicine for a tough situation.

  20. lisaou11 says:

    your time will come 🙂

  21. Those classes look AWESOME!!!!

    Don’t worry about pulling out from the class. That wasn’t your one and only chance. You can always do it in the future 🙂

    Have a great day! xoxox

  22. Therese says:

    “Patience is a virtue.” Don’t you hate when people say that to you? lol. Usually it’s when I am being super cranky and it’s the last thing I want to hear!

    Right now the most important goal is building your family. You have the rest of your life for intense workouts and teaching Group classes.

  23. rc1001 says:

    I also started the process to become a group exercise instructor and never finished up with it.

    I still have all the materials and can go through with it anytime, and I still would like to at some point!

    Good luck TTC. I know it will happen soon for you!

  24. Sometimes even when I know something isnt right for me at that particularly time (or ever) I still get bummed, hung up, or down about it!

  25. Sarah says:

    I wasn’t able to catch up on my blogs yesterday. I’m sorry I was not online to send some encouragement your way!
    I’d say there will be more chances to pursue teaching. It seems like you make the best choice you could at the time for you and your family; I believe God will bless that.

  26. Hayley says:

    I’m glad Tuesday was much better for you, and I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with the decision not to go ahead with the certification. I think things happen for a reason though, and it’s a really good thing you listened to your body. As hard as that must have been to make that decision, think about what might have happened if you’d gone through with it – perhaps injuring yourself in a way that would’ve prevented you from taking class now…

    I know how you feel in a weird way. I signed up to do a half-marathon this March and trained a LOT leading up to it. I was so proud of myself for being able to run 9 miles of hills and swore I would’ve beaten my previous time. When I found out I was pregnant, however, I knew I couldn’t do it. I lost the $200 and my running kind of went downhill (distance anyway) after that and I beat myself up mentally. However, if anything would’ve happened to this baby girl I would’ve never forgive myself..

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