Guest Post – A Dashing Q & A
Posted: June 24, 2010 at 6:00 pmHello readers! Tina here. I have certainly been missing you all. We are at the closing days of the guest posts. I really hope you loved reading them as much as I did when receiving them. I will back to regularly scheduled blogging starting Monday night! Please continue supporting all the awesome bloggers who helped me out, like today’s guest blogger – Katie from Dashing Dish. Love you all!
1. Give a brief description of your blog.
The name of my blog is Dashing Dish. The main purpose for my blog is to share healthy and delicious recipes that I have created over the years.
I also share ideas and techniques from my personal experiences of getting in shape while still eating the foods I love! Dashing Dish is all about inspiring people to get fit and healthy for life and actually enjoy doing it!
2. What does blogging do for you? Why do you enjoy it?
For me, blogging is a way of sharing my passion for cooking, as well as the other areas that I am passionate about, such as my relationship with God, fitness, and nutrition.
I am also a Registered Nurse, which has further sparked my passion to teach people how to get healthy, in a way that is realistic and maintainable for life!
3. What is your favorite food? Nutritional value does not matter, so choose anything!
I truly enjoy anything that is sweet and salty! I guess that is why I love anything that has both chocolate and peanut butter! The saltiness of the peanut butter combined with the sweetness of the chocolate is pure heaven to me!
4. What is your favorite type of workout? Why do you love it?
My favorite type of workout has actually just recently changed! It used to be a group workout called Turbo Kick, but I recently discovered another great group workout called Body Pump.
Body Pump is a choreographed workout that focuses on strength training and endurance moves that are set to the beat of music! I love this workout because it challenges me, and I always leave feeling like I have accomplished a great workout!
5. What is a current goal you are working towards?
Well, I am currently, (and always will be) working towards building the strength of my ‘spiritual’ being. (I say always will be, because it is a constant growth process!)
I do this by spending time reading and meditating on the Word of God, instead of the thinking about what society and people have to say about who I am, or what I should be!
It can be tough at times to change a mindset that is being persuaded by everything around me, but I know from experience that it is the truth of God’s Word that sets us free! (Amen!!!! – Tina)
6. What is something important that you have overcome, are working towards overcoming, or hope to overcome one day?
I am in a constant pursuit of trying to overcome selfishness! It is my goal to focus on others more, and less on my own needs and desires.
7. What is your favorite inspirational quote?
I would have to say, my favorite quote is a bible verse! It’s the verse that has brought me through some of the hardest times in my life so far, and it is Proverbs 3:5-6. It says, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
8. What are some things on your "Bucket List"?
I would love to have at least 2 children, teach a cooking class, and start my own business!
9. What is something you know now that you wish you knew 5-10 years ago?
Oh my gosh, so much! But the main 2 things would be...
That you are not what you weigh, and don’t be shy! In my opinion, (and this is coming from a girl that was painfully shy growing up), shyness is the ultimate form of ‘selfishness’, because all you are thinking about is yourself, and what others think of you! How silly is that when you think about it!
10. Name one crazy, random fact about you.
I have a double-jointed pinky finger! 🙂
11. If you won the lottery, what would be your first big purchase?
A huge home for my parents, on the water...That has always been their dream, and it is the least I could do in return for all they have done for my 2 sisters and I!
12. List 5 of your favorite things.
1. My Bible~ It’s my source of wisdom!
2. My Husband
3. My Family
4. My Body~ It’s healthy and strong!
5. Peanut butter and whip cream!
Question from Tina…What is something you have overcome or are working to overcome?
Tags: guest post
Love your passion for God and spirituality. Very refreshing and encouraging:)
What a great guest post/interview!
Thanks for letting me be a part of your awesome blog Tina! 🙂
[…] my site, recipes, and share a little bit more about my passions! The guest post can be found here~ Hope you all enjoy..and stay tuned for a new ‘Daily Dish’ coming this Sunday! Have a […]
My favorite food is ice cream? But salty with sweet is good too! Currently I’m making a pretzel, rolo and pecan candy dish for our neighbors. A little of everything!