spinning fail and acts of kindness
Posted: August 16, 2010 at 12:03 pmIt may only be mid-day on Monday, but I’ve already stumbled upon a few lessons. While school starts for students in the area, I’m being schooled on things I should know. Remember one of my healthy living blogger quirks? How blogging thoughts constantly run through my head? I needed no help with that today. Bam, bam, bam! Lesson after lesson wrote themselves on the blackboard of my mind. Care for a quick tutorial on me? I’m happy to share!
Always have a back-up plan for the gym. With school back in session, my gym exploded with people coming in regularly again. This past Saturday I barely managed to squeeze into the Power class. Today, luck avoided me. NO spin bikes available! It didn’t help that I had no tennis shoes in my possession. I come to class in flip-flops and change into my spin shoes. Neither option quite suited a hop on the treadmill, a cruise on the elliptical, or a visit to Zumba. Back home I went. With the knowledge to always have a back-up plan. So you don’t have to drive back to the gym for the 5:30 class in the afternoon.
Annoying situations don’t feel so annoying when involved with an act of kindness. After my foiled morning workout plans, I still left the gym feeling uplifted and positive instead of frustrated and upset. Why? I posted this on the spin room door before discovering the lack of bikes…
Excuse the extreme blurry shot. I was holding M while trying to quickly snap the picture. It says “Spin for better HEALTH, not better calorie burn.” I would have a heart of stone if I could leave the gym in a sour mood after sharing a positive mindset with others.
I will never remember to charge my phone in a timely manner…and it’s okay. My cell phone dies due to lack of love for the batteries at least twice a week. It’s my way of “unplugging”. 😉
“Getting over yourself” and your previous food qualms makes life better. Today’s lunch consisted of leftovers from last night’s dinner. A Swiss chicken casserole with some rice.
It was not a typical meal choice of mine but I loved it. My friend cooked Peter & I a meal just for the sake of it. When I tried to control my life through controlling food, I would have never accepted it for fear of it not being “clean” enough, not knowing the calorie content, or any other number of reasons. Now, even without it being a top notch health menu item, I ate it with gusto. Life’s too short to turn down friendly gestures for fear of food.
I will now end this post with a short list of more fabulous bloggers for you to check out.
Thanks ladies for your support of the 30 Days of Self-Love!! It really means so much to me.
- What is something you can never remember to do? For me it is charging my phone AND remembering where I put random items.
- What is your biggest gym mishap?
- Be sure to check out the 30 Days of Self-Love challenge coming to my site in September! And don’t forget to let me know if you added my button or shared the challenge on your blog.
gahhhh i would have been livid about spin! i hate when the school people start coming back to the early morning gym time! sucks for us who go ALL the time 🙂
love the note though! you totally made 1,000 people’s day by posting that!
I always forget to charge my phone! Always! I also forget to unplug my hot rollers or straightening iron.. no good.
What is it with charging phones? And they always die at the most inopportune times too.
So far I have been lucky with the gym and having a plan b. I keep a pretty well-packed bag that is the size of me 😉 The worst thing I’ve done was forget a water bottle. Though, that can be pretty serious. I like that you think of the phone dying as unplugging rather than a huge annoyance. I’m pretty OCD about things like that. The one thing I forget about though is the camera battery.
I always forget to unplug my scent warmer thingy. The Lover hates when I do that. 🙂
I don’t know if it counts as my mishap but there was a lady that started spraying some type of lube on a treadmill while I was running on the next one over. It made me start coughing and ruined my run but I did it and felt better when I was done.
Okay I just had a ridiculous image at the mention of the word lube. A teenage boy inhabits my mind sometimes. LOL
My cell phone dies at least once a week because I never charge it!!!!!!!!!
You have beautiful handwriting!!!!!!
I just picked up the Operation Beautiful book and now I’m coming up with what my notes are going to say when I start leaving them all over town.
My biggest gym mishaps come when I go in without a plan. I end up walking around aimlessly and leaving early.
Girl, you should get an iGo phone charger! They are cheap(-ish) and you just buy ONE car charger portal and then buy the individual adapters (really cheap!) to fit your phones. It’s a comfort when I’m out and about and my phone is dead. I always want to be able to use it in case of an emergency (since it’s always dying because I *OOPS* keep forgetting to charge it at home!) DOH!
LOVE the Operation Beautiful post-it note! I want to leave notes this week, too!:)
i never remember to dust our house. yes, it’s gross, but still…i just clean everything else and totally forget!
I always forge that too! I guess since I can’t SEE it I forget it. Or I’m just lazy with cleaning. Haha.
That would definitely frustrate me. Way to turn it into a positive though! I’m really excited for the self love challenge 🙂
My biggest gym mishap… hmm, it didn’t occur in the gym but during a run- not figuring out where the restrooms were ahead of time. No fun.
he he he… my cell battery got no love either… I’m currently paying the ultimate price and staring at a black screen…. 🙁
Agreed with having a backup plan- my workout room doesn’t really have the swing because of back to school things, but the weather is a HUGE factor.
Great Operation Beautiful note!
I’m in for loving myself! I added the button to my blog too 🙂
Sorry about the gym! Glad you went with a different plan! I am so with you on controlling food before. That has been a huge thing for me. Mine stems from food allergies and calorie control. Going out to have pizza last week felt so good. I think we all go through moments of needing to be in charge and for me food was the only thing I could control. Now, I am really letting go of the control and enjoying things more!
I hope you have a great afternoon!
It is so nice not to worry. I still won’t eat something I’m really not comfortable with, don’t like, or know doesn’t agree with me. But I won’t avoid it for it not being a “safe” food.
Scary, and why I don’t usually light them, but I can’t remember to blow candles out. Eek!
There are always little things I forget at the store and just keep on forgetting like a new filter for my Brita…
Oh, I know the turning down of food far too well 🙂
In fact, I just had a small piece of strawberry cake! Can’t beat that–and then I plan on having a turkey burger and fresh farmers market green beans for lunch–yup, Im a health blogger! 🙂
Love the Operation Beautiful note…and your beautiful attitude and perspective on life. 🙂
And I feel the same way about you! 😀
You have such a wonderful attitude <3 Don't you just love how doing something for someone else really does wonders for YOU?
I love that you posted that on the spin room door! I have 2 cell phones, one personal and one for work. I always have one that is dead and one that is semi-alive. But that’s ok it allows me peace 🙂
I’m laughing at myself because when I read your blurry note before reading your translation I thought it said, “Spin for better health!! Nut butter calorie burn!!” I was like, “Hmmm…that’s a bit of an oxymoron isn’t it?” Glad you cleared it up! Hehehe.. 🙂
Lately I can’t seem to remember ANYTHING anymore! I even wrote myself a note to remember to buy something at Buy Buy Baby today and left the store without it. As for gym mishaps, I seem to forget to bring a change of socks or a change of underwear EVERY SINGLE TIME! I usually stash extra pairs in my gym bag, but then I use them and forget to replace them…so next time I go I think, “Oh that’s ok – I have extras!” only to discover that I don’t.
I love that Operation Beautiful note!! Awesome!! 🙂
Way to turn a negative into a positive! Last week, I grabbed my met and went to the gym for a pilates/yoga class. When I got there, I was told they took it off the schedule for the summer. Oops!
When I used to go to the gym right after work, there were a few times that I forgot to pack socks. I have a major, major problem with closed shoes without socks. Gross. I had to start stashing a pair of backup socks in my car. Hmm..there might still be some in there…
I HATE back-to-school time – the traffic gets so much worse and the gym is packed! Maybe kids should all just be home-schooled 😉
Yea I definitely can get aggravated when I get to a class that’s full. But partly it’s my fault because I drive 30 minutes to the gym and there is NEVER a parking place. So I know good and well that I have to leave at least 45 min. in advance in order to secure a spot. But it’s awesome how you to turned the situation into a positive one by leaving a note.
Love that OB note! I may steal it 🙂