joining the real housewives of atlanta

Posted: August 27, 2010 at 11:00 am

Yesterday had me wondering why Bravo has yet to contact me on joining the cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. I think I have what it takes.

Reason 1 = I take the easy way out of things. Like resorting to a boxed mix on a busy day to make the baby boy announcement cake.


Boxed vanilla cake with lemon frosting still tastes dang good! Although it was a bit weird having a blue inside.And such yellow icing. Oh, the chemicals! LOL Big thanks to Em for sharing this idea from your sister!

Reason 2 = I like hitting up trendy restaurants.


A birthday/baby celebration dinner calls for something out of the ordinary. Hibachi! I can always count on a good meal. Soup, salad, veggies, and my choice of meat? Sounds good to me! Even if doused in more than its share of oil.

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Makenzie loved watching all the chef’s antics. Even the fire from the onion volcano.

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Reason 3 = I love wearing crazy things on my head and being the center of attention.


Please tell me that is not her real hair. I’ve only seen the show a couple times and don’t know.

Reason 4 = people go crazy when in my presence.

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Look at the excitement on those faces. It’s all for me. Nothing to do with the baby. See – I’m selfish too.

Reason 5 = I shop ‘til I drop.


My favorite consignment sale with the best deals, especially on clothes, started yesterday. It’s also basically the last sale of the season to get fall/winter things for cheap. After learning “boy” I had to take advantage. So I went shopping and now have baby B stocked for the chillier weather on everything from sleepers to cute little outfits. All for about $100.

Reason 6 = I receive special treatment.


For my birthday, my parents and sister got me a 1 hour prenatal massage certificate to enjoy. Nice! Now I have 2 prenatal massages to use up. One from a Groupon and now this. I need a massage!

So, do you see the obviousness of me being a Real Housewife of Atlanta? Or should I just stick with being real and blogging all about it? Decisions, decisions. 😉

  • Do you like or despise the birthday treatment restaurants give you? I actually prefer places that do it up a bit more with fun antics.
  • What is the trashiest or most ridiculous reality TV show you watch? Or what’s one you would NEVER watch? I’ve actually only seen any of the RHW shows a handful of times and its been awhile. I guess The Bachelor Pad would be my trashy show.
  • Have you entered my giveaway? It ends on Monday!

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42 Comments to “joining the real housewives of atlanta”
  1. Camille says:

    Hahaha, this is awesome!
    But for the sake of normalcy, please stick to blogging 🙂

  2. I have never watched Real Housewives…

    I know.

    • Tina says:

      I think I’ve seen it maybe 3 times. And they were all during comp prep when there was nothing on TV but I needed ANYTHING to distract me from my hour of cardio. LOL

  3. Mark says:

    Yeah, stick to blogging. You don’t wanna get caught up in all that fakery. You need to keep it real with all your digital peeps [insert FFF gang sign] :p

    • Tina says:

      I cracked up at the FFF gang sign. I’m trying to picture what that would look like. Could be hard making 3 Fs. LOL

  4. I’d totally vote you into the cast… but I’d be scared for your life. Those are some feisty Bi-atches!

    PS- Kim’s hair is a wig… she actually developed her own wig line for white women.

    Wish I was making that up.

    • Tina says:

      Oh dear goodness! Wigs like that creep me out. There doesn’t need to be any more. Does she wear it for “fun” or is there a health reason involved? I’m so intrigued by the hair! LOL

  5. Emily says:

    Hehe, I think you’re way too real (in the best of ways) to be an Atlanta housewife. Plus, you’re way prettier – without the fake hair (yikes!).

    Congratulations again, on little Braedon – such a cute name. 🙂

  6. Lovely post! Your birthday looked fun and those pics of your family digging into the cake are wonderful. The trashiest thing I’ve ever watched is Big Brother, and thats saying something as there are some seriously trashy reality TV shows on in the UK at the moment!

  7. ashleigh says:

    HAhahah, this is great! I would watch RHOA if you were on it! I love all of the real housewives.. my favorites are NY NJ and OC.

    The kim and you comparison is hilarious!

    Besides my love for real housewives I love a ton of trashy tv… teen mom, jersey shore, big brother… seriously, LOVE!

  8. Me-Linh says:

    I swear that cannot be Kim’s real hair. I feel like it;s made up of bits and pieces of like hundreds of barbie hairs or something!

  9. oh, you totally got this 🙂 hahaha…i think the RHWO… shows are crazy ridiculous!

  10. It is a wig!!! She is even going to start her own wig line.

    Tina you need to watch the next season, I think it starts in October.

    I love the cake, and I loved seeing how excited you were when you Mom cut into it. As sappy as this sounds, I can’t wait until I’m in your shoes.

    I love RH shows, that is definitely the trashiest show I watch!

    • Ha! I reread your post and I see that is NOT you with your parents, is that your sister on the left? Looked just like you with different hair…

      • Tina says:

        Haha! Yep, its my sis. People say we look exactly alike. And that she looks older…even though she’ll only just be turning 21 this October! I know one day I’ll appreciate looking 10 years younger than I am, but not now. LOL

  11. Holly says:

    Can I be a Real Housewife, too? Even though….I’m not a Wife? (I do own a house…..). 🙂

    What a fun way to tell people what sex you are having!! I LOVED those pictures. It’s so neat you have that caputured on film.

  12. Shayna says:

    How exciting!! Congratulations on your mind-reading prowess 😉 And, of course, your baby boy!

    I’m so sucked into Jersey Shore and the Kardashians! I can’t help it. I’ve never seen any of the Housewives shows – every time I hit up Bravo it’s some hairdressing show? I’m not down with that :/

    • Tina says:

      One of my guy friends loves that hair dressing show. I don’t know what it is and never watched it, but he always talks about it. And no…he’s not gay. LOL

  13. Hahahaha… I would totally make a horrible real housewife. People would get pissed because I’m not dramatic at all. I feel it would only lead to everyone picking on me constantly until they break my usually stoic exterior… oh my…

    Love the cake idea!

    Have a great weekend!

    • Tina says:

      Yea that would be me on the show too. I hate drama, but then it would come across as people being able to walk over me. I know I couldn’t hang with those ladies! So, blogging it is. 😀

  14. I always wonder how they pick those women? Most of them aren’t even house wives! I think you would have been a far more entertaining choice! The cake was a fun idea. So glad you had a great time!

  15. I’ve never seen RHW, either. But, cute post! Trashiest? Gotta be America’s Next Top Model. My husband claims that it makes America dumber. Sorry, hun, not gonna quit watching. 😉

  16. Hahahaha! Too funny!!!

    I got trapped into this show Jerseylicious a few times…it’s always on Friday nights when I’m on the couch….it’s bad, but so good.

    Happy Friday Tina!

  17. Rachel says:

    I’ve heard some speculation that they are doing a Real Housewives of Houston and I’m secretly praying they opt for Dallas instead! Please?!?!!?

    I never end up at restaurants for my birthday so I don’t really know what it feels like to be the center of the antics. I always throw myself a birthday party at home.

    I LOVE Jersey Shore and definitely watched Rock of Love. But in my defense, one of my boyfriend’s high school buddies was a contestant on the show!!

  18. You should totally be on that show 😉 I’d watch it then. I really don’t watch much tv or reality tv for that matter. Now if there is an all day marathon of Real Housewives on and it’s raining and cold out, then maybe I’ll indulge a bit. Shhhh, don’t tell though. The one show I do watch each and every stupid summer is Big Brother. I have no idea why…

  19. Dorry says:

    I love this! I sort of got teary-eyed seeing their excitement and reaction to your boy cake! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  20. When I turned 18 my senior year of high school, my mom took me to Red Lobster, where they put a foam lobster on my head and sang to me. I was so embarrassed, but it was fun, too. I like restaurants that do that (like Outback) and always find myself singing along even for birthday girls/guys I don’t know.

    As for trashy TV, I watch way too much of it. My roommate and I used to watch any FOX reality show (and they seemed to have the worst ones, like “Joe Millionaire” and “The Swan.” I also admit to watching a few episodes of “Rock of Love” starring Bret Michaels) on VH1.

    I also like “What Not to Wear” on TLC and “You Are What You Eat” on BBC America, but I’ve never seen “Real Housewives” — and I refuse to watch “Jersey Shore.”

  21. I love the fun of this post. It brought a smile to my face on what has been a rough day. Particularly the hat picture of you!

  22. i love real hw’s, kendra, kardashians, and most anything on bravo. do i watch them all? no! no time for all that!

    im too busy blogging LOL

  23. First, CONGRATS on the BOY announcement!!! How exciting!

    This post brightened my day! There’s no doubt you’d fit right in with The Real Housewives. But I’d be crushed if you gave up blogging, so I’m going to vote “nay” for becoming a reality star.

    My TV indulgence is the Bachelor/Bachelorette. I occasionally watch other shows, but I’m a devotee to these two. It’s not TERRIBLY trashy, but I think that 97% of the contestants have left the show heartbroken! I haven’t seen The Bachelor Pad yet…I guess I need to check it out! 🙂

  24. Eunice says:

    Ugh, I watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians and the one with Khloe and Kourtney in Miami or whatever. Every.single. time it’s on. Not sure why, but I know more about them than I should.

    I think you’d make an excellent Housewife! And you in that hat. Lol, adorable.

  25. Becky says:

    Going to a great restaurant is my favorite birthday treats! I don’t like songs and stuff, but I love decadent food! Looks like a great night…that massage will be sooo amazing!

    I am guilty of watching the Housewives. It’s a train wreck that I can’t turn away from.

  26. Ameena says:

    I am envious of your massage envy gift certificate! I hear good things about that place and plan to check it out soon.

    I have never seen any of the Real Housewives shows…I have seen Bethany Getting Married. That woman is tacky but fascinating!

    Anyway, from what I see, you are too classy and pretty to be on that show!

  27. homecookedem says:

    Awwwwwww, I love those pictures of your family cutting into the cake!! It turned out so cute!! And such cute little boy outfits!! 🙂 Aww, I just love boy clothes – so funny since I didn’t think I would!! 😉

  28. This is fantastic! I love anything that comes on Bravo. Hopefully you get that call soon. 😉

  29. Lee says:

    I’ve never seen the Real Housewives. I do like The Real World though. The original reality trashy show.

  30. Melissa says:

    Oh Tina, haha, lady you could never be a Real Housewives of anywhere…you’re FAR too genuine! (I have to admit, I’ve only watched one of those shows once, and I couldn’t take it. Haha. I could never associate with those women!)

    I LOVE your cake and double love the quad of reaction photos!!!! SUCH a great idea, and if Herrick and I decide to find out the sex of the next baby (not now, in the future), I might have to copy it!

    I am thoroughly jealous of the massages you have waiting for you…I could totally use a stressed-out-momma massage, but you, my friend, deserve EVERY bit of pampering you’re given!

  31. Hihi, fun post and awesome HAT! 😀

  32. Susan says:

    Those photos of your family cutting into the cake = priceless. Put a giant smile on my face.

    Oh, and I’m a Housewives New York gal 😉

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