restocking the fridge

Posted: August 30, 2010 at 6:30 pm

I had SUCH a great day! Nothing too amazing, but nice nonetheless. Thank you so much for the comments on my last post. Once again, please visit Faces of Beauty to support such a fabulous movement. I also couldn’t stop smiling from knowing September awaits just around the corner. All of you showing interest and looking forward to it as well puts me in a great mood as well. Thank you for that! πŸ™‚

Another good part of the day involved restocking the kitchen and figuring out a new schedule that suits me much better. I thrive on routines and schedules. I don’t tie myself to them, but I do like having some sort of go-to plan to guide my week – with workouts, errands, blog/writing/tutoring/lesson planning/etc work. It helps me be more productive because I don’t have to take time deciding what to do each day. However, if my plan has to alter for some reason, I adjust accordingly because I keep things flexible. The set-up works well for me.

Today I switched things up by not going to the gym for spin in the morning and hitting up the grocery store instead. I avoided Monday morning spin, along with its bike thieves and overcrowdedness, and filled up our fridge and pantry.


I picked up the inevitable haul of produce, cage-free eggs, milk + almond milk, Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal, NEW! Hot & Spicy veggie sausages,Β  yogurts and cheeses, deli meat, a few canned goods, etc for our meals this week.

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I also admit to picking up a couple guilty pleasures. Caffeine free Diet Coke, Skinny Cows, and a Lean Cuisine. I don’t feel bad having these on occasion. I have nothing to hide and I’ve already told you before how some days just call for a frozen pizza or some carbonation. Not every day but some days, yes!

I also did some restocking outside of the kitchen. I restocked my body with nutrients after a bunch of snacking on Oreo Balls and Veggie Bars Saturday and then having NO appetite whatsoever yesterday. I made a great lunch of a Cracked Pepper Turkey sandwich (with guac, baby bella mushrooms, tomato slices, turkey, and cheese) alongside a plum and some raspberries. And okay…one leftover Oreo truffle! πŸ˜€


The restocking theme continued by restocking my energy with a great Turbo Kick workout DVD. I was only able to workout 2 times last week, so it felt amazing to move my body. Now, time to restock my pockets! I have the first tutoring session of the school year tonight. Such easy money and I can do something I enjoy. Teaching without all the bureaucracy. Have a good night all!

  • Do you enjoy schedules? I’m guessing most of you will say yes based on your comments about getting stressed when behind on thing. πŸ˜‰ I feel you!
  • What is something you love to do but working in it ruins it (or you fear could ruin it)? I really did love teaching Spanish, but the actual job killed it for me. It felt like I was being paid to go to meetings and keep up with paperwork, NOT teach.

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60 Comments to “restocking the fridge”
  1. Maura says:

    I love schedules. I’m the same way as you. I thrive on routine and schedules but when it comes down to it I have to be flexible. My job requires that but that’s okay. Change is a good thing sometimes.

    I’m not sure I’ve found something yet that working in it kills it for me. I hope I never do but I totally get where you are coming from.

  2. i definitely like to have a schedule, but it can be totally thrilling just flying by the seat of my pants! i used to think that i would love personal training, but it became so much about the sales aspect that i didn’t even have time to develop training programs. not cool.

    • Tina says:

      I worry about that. I consider getting into personal training once both kids are a bit older and in preschools or things. I don’t have any set plan because I trust God to lead me wherever, but the thought of fitness and helping people with it becoming a chore upsets me.

  3. I’m definitely a schedule person!! I just like getting into a habit…it makes life and all the craziness much more manageable!!

    No guilt about the Diet Coke…I’m right there with you πŸ™‚

    • Tina says:

      Its frustrating for me because I broke the habit awhile ago, then during the first trimester it came back. I had to have a carbonated beverage every day because it helped my nausea. Now I like having one every now and then again and just don’t feel like breaking it. I think I likely will after the pregnancy though with breastfeeding.

  4. Mark says:

    Strangely, I don’t like schedules. Those are basically todo lists with time constraints. Things go from bad to worse… πŸ™‚

    • Tina says:

      I can imagine! Especially when you want your schedule and to-dos to be done yesterday. LOL

      Have a great day Mark!

  5. Oh I LOVE Lean Cuisine pizzas, and I have NO idea why! Glad I’m not the only one.

    I enjoy schedules, but what is most important to me is being so busy that I have no time to think. I love being busy.

    I was a teacher, too, but it was ALL about the teaching. Like, my entire life was about the teaching. It was SO hard on my fragile body that I developed all these weird things (vertigo, anyone?) and had to resign. Sad.

    • Tina says:

      Teaching is a tough job. I’m SO thankful I had the option of staying home and pursuing other things for my future. And at least I can still tutor to get that satisfaction of watching a student learn without it consuming my life. I may be inclined to say teaching was harder than being a mother. Likely because it wasn’t as rewarding and you don’t love the students as much as your own child.

  6. Kati says:

    I’m DEFinitely a schedule fan but I also like the occasional Saturday with nothing to do πŸ™‚ I know my “typical scheduled day” is about to get turned upside down though come Janurary! :>

    • Tina says:

      Yes it will! Just for a couple months though and then you find your groove. Schedules are so important for kids and having the chance to accomplish anything yourself that I think they become even MORE important. Of course they can’t be the end all of everything, but they sure do help.

  7. Eunice says:

    I’m all about schedules! Even now that I’m not working, I find that schedules keep me sane.

    Diet coke is one of my guilty pleasures too. πŸ™‚

  8. Amanda says:

    I love your food shop pics! They pretty much look exactly like mine every time I do big shops! πŸ™‚

  9. Emily says:

    I am so feeling the need to make an new schedule today! I opened up Excel during a period of boredom at work today and created my two-week rotating schedule and filled in all of my work shifts, classes, and work-out times. I think it helped me out to see when I had free time and when I could fit in workouts and homework. Oh, and getting groceries was definitely key, too. Stocked up on my smoothie-making ingredients πŸ™‚

  10. Nicole, RD says:

    My cart looked a lot like yours when I was checking out today! I had a frozen meal for lunch today…kinda hit the spot because it was so quick and tasty! I don’t think they’re bad every now and then at all…right there with you!

    • Tina says:

      I love them for that reason. They are the best in a pinch meal. And like you said, every now and then isn’t terrible.

  11. I Live and Die by my planner. I keep it with me at all times. It is almost like a security blanket. I have to keep up with multiple work schedules, class schedules, and just one husband schedule (but he’s pretty busy too). So without my planner I would be lost!!

  12. Tina I live for schedules! I schedule everything and it drives my husband nuts sometimes because he likes to wing it sometimes. So usually you will find me freaking out that we are off schedule and my husband is freaking out that I’m freaking out. We’re a fun couple, can’t you tell? πŸ™‚

    I love how you are open and honest about what you are eating — you are a real human being who eats pizza once in a while! That is what I love about your posts!

  13. ashleigh says:

    I love a full fridge!! I also love skinny cow ice cream πŸ™‚

    I like having schedules more and more, it helps me to be more productive and stay on task.

  14. Guilty pleasures are just needed now and again! Nothing wrong with that. Especially when your diet is so healthy overall.
    I thrive on schedules! But I’ve learned to loosen up a bit.

  15. Ela says:

    It’s so nice to come by your blog and feel the positive energy! I’m glad for you and for everyone who comes in contact with you.

    Yes, I’ve discovered that I do better with some organization and scheduling in my life. My husband is the most spontaneous person I know, and can keep very irregular hours, but we make pretty good compromises mostly.

    When I lived in Hawaii, I worked bees a lot. I love being around bees and working with them, but there were times when I was doing it ‘as a job’ that it didn’t feel so good, especially when I was working with other people who didn’t care about them as much.


  16. I always feel so much better after my fridge is full!

  17. Sometimes there is just nothing better than a Lean Cuisine pizza and a Diet Coke. It’s my idea of a good time πŸ™‚

  18. Naomi(oneFF) says:

    yay love the grocery pics!! ahh diet coke that would be my guilty pleasure too but happy the summer is almost over because the hot summer days is when I crave a coke!! πŸ™‚

    I LOVE what I do, i wouldn’t change it for the world, personal training and helping people get their lives back is amazing BUT I really can’t stand the narrow minded people who just make excuses and turn it into a joke about how they will never work out to make themselves feel better…grrrr

    • Tina says:

      Good point. I drink coffee as my special drink of choice when its cooler. So maybe I’ll switch out the Diet Coke soon. And Diet Coke was my best friend during prep. Something with a different flavor and that helped fill me up. Until I had to cut it out bec it was bloating me too much.

  19. Mandy says:

    Your sandwhich looks delish!

    My guilty pleasure is definitely diet coke. I somehow have one almost every day, ack! But you know what, I decided there are worse things for me πŸ™‚

  20. Theres nothing I love more than a fully stocked fridge! I a complete planner and scheduler. I have lists for everything and I tend to meal plan a lot too to avoid food waste and keep me on the right track! x

  21. I always have a lean cuisine or two in the house as well. I’m not super crazy about them, but it’s nice to have a back-up at all times!

    And the way you feel about teaching is what I was mentioning about baking yesterday. Love it, but just don’t want to ruin it!

  22. I am definitely someone that thrives off of schedules. It certainly changes week to week, but I try to take some time on Sunday to figure everything out. I also need to have a really organized space, which right now I am lacking.

  23. Krystal says:

    i’m looking forward to moving and school starting because i plan to implement a schedule system for logsna and for myself!

    my guilty grocery pleasure is a healthy choice lemon pepper fish frozen meal (OK, two) so I can zap a quick lunch if I’m feeling lazy. That and laughing cow light with reduced fat triscuits! πŸ™‚

    your spread looks almost identical to a grocery cart of mine minus the coke and almond milk! πŸ™‚

    • Tina says:

      I remember how you loved those and would have them a lot while pregnant. I don’t think I’ve ever tried a fish one. I’m scared to because I’m not the biggest fish fan.

  24. Shannon says:

    I ama very scheduled person. I have a feeling that having a baby is goingto force me to be more of a go with the flow type…but it will be hard.

    I love the Lean Cuisine pizzas and Skinny Cow ice cream…not ashamed at all πŸ™‚

    • Tina says:

      You definitely learn to go with the flow more after kids. I think M helped me become less regimented over the last 2 years. Although I do think schedules and routines with kids are important to and you end up falling into one. For a month or two…then they switch it again! LOL

  25. I actually enjoy NOT having a schedule, but when life gets hectic and I need to get things done, a schedule is a MUST and I tend to like it.

    What’s your fav skinny cow? I love the strawberry ones!

    • Tina says:

      I always get the choc/vanilla combo pack when I get them. I tried the strawberry ones once and thought I would love them. I wasn’t a fan though!

  26. Looks like some great loot from the grocery store!

    I like having a schedule, but I really need to be adament about not getting too rigid about it. Being flexible is a challenge for me!

  27. I need to do a huge restock of the pantry! I am a schedule person other wise nothing gets done! I hope you have a great day Tina!

  28. Oh I am a schedule freak and am trying so hard to step away from that just a bit. I need to learn to be less rigid and go with the flow better. I am doing better than I used to when my schedule gets thrown off. There was a time I could have a total melt down. So baby steps…

  29. I like a general schedule, I think it helps my overall productivity, but I also enjoy the occasional random day πŸ™‚

  30. Katie says:

    I sooo admire that you are pursuing your dreams and things you love… and doing teaching the way you want to..I hope to do that with nursing! πŸ™‚

  31. I graduated high school with 14 credits in performing arts. At my school 1 credit = 1 FULL year course. That means that every year, I took over 3 classes where I was on stage. Everyone assumed that I would do it as my career.

    I decided that a career would have ruined my enjoyment, and, honestly, I may regret that choice some days. I continue to play with a local orchestra, sing at my church, and have acted in commercials, but I sometimes am jealous of my friends when I watch them in a movie or see them drinking a Bud Light (one of the commercials stars my good friend right now). I really don’t know whether the decision to keep it as a hobby was a good one.

    • Tina says:

      I hate those what if scenarios. I try to remind myself that if I am happy and content with my life now, then there’s no reason in worrying about what could have been. We can’t do anything but make the best of each day.

  32. Holly says:

    Holy groceries….I am so jealous! And I completely agree about having a few items in your cart that are absolutely necessary from time to time. I craaaave carbonation like no other, hence my addiction to Diet Coke. Sometimes, it’s just that important. πŸ™‚

    I LOVE schedules. However, I’m like you….I don’t kick and scream if things don’t go as planned. I just like to have a loose outline of things to do – I LIVE for Google Calendar! But I’m pretty good with rolling with the punches (or, am getting better).

  33. Loving all your groceries, especially those snack size Oikos yogurts! Have you seen the new Chobani kids’ flavors? They’re a similar size and come in flavors like chocolate banana! Can’t wait to try them!

    I definitely function best on a schedule. When I have no structure in my day, I feel like I don’t accomplish anything! That said, I do enjoy (and need!) occasional days off. πŸ™‚

  34. That looks like a yummy and healthy food haul!

  35. Nichole says:

    I can shop for hours, I love a good trip to TJ’s or Whole Foods.

    I saw your guest post today over at Healthy Apron, woohoo!!

  36. Dorry says:

    I agree with you about the teaching – for me, I felt like I was a babysitter/caregiver for over 30 children and I had no experience or support – “teaching” was almost impossible! But I still love education and would love to teach older students one day…

  37. Sarah says:

    I think I’m similar to you with the routine and schedules- I’m looking forward to more of a routine, but I like to be flexible with it, too.

  38. Tamizn says:

    Wow I think I want your shopping!

    Thanks for stopping by x x

  39. I need routines in my life! Without them I feel all out of sorts. And if my routine gets messed up, then I feel off balance for the rest of the day!

  40. I was actually always warned not to choose my dissertation topic to be something I really loved, because I would end up hating it and wanting to never think about it again. Fortunately, that didn’t happen for me and I continue to love the topic – body image and media literacy – but I can certainly see how immersing yourself in something can sometimes dilute your passion. That happens for me even with food – after a while you just stop enjoying that bowl of ice cream so much. The first bite is always the best!

  41. p.s. I’m very excited for your debut!

  42. Jill says:

    Silk Almond Milk! I must get some of that! Nice haul on the grocery shop. It made me hungry to look at your bounty. πŸ™‚

  43. Lee says:

    I buy Skinny Cows and Lean Cuisine pizzas too. Hey, they are easy and taste good.

  44. I must admit I love schedules πŸ˜€ it somehow comes with the job πŸ˜‰

    Your lunch looks great, I also like checking out other people’s groceries πŸ˜€

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