you might be a blogger if…
Posted: October 13, 2010 at 7:00 pmEvening! I hope you all have enjoyed a fabulous day. Mine included the easiest pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, so you can imagine mine went well. I also enjoyed reading your thoughts on the most common fitness mistakes SELF magazine shared. A lot of you pointed out some things worth mentioning. Here’s a few:
- Nicole brought up the great point that strength training comes in other methods some may enjoy more than hanging out in the weight room. A great thing to consider and remind us that we can all find some way to strengthen our muscles – yoga, classes, crossfit, at home DVDs, body weight functional training, etc.
- Theresa shared that another common mistake we may make is not listening to our bodies and resting enough. Good one!
- Brittany brought up being too rigid with a plan as another possible fitness issue. It’s okay to adapt workouts and training plans.
Tonight, I felt like sharing something fun. The other day Leah published a guest post I wrote for her and I felt like posting it here too. I believe many of us are familiar with Jeff Foxworthy’s You might be a redneck if… jokes. Sometimes I catch myself saying You might be a blogger if… with a country accent in my head when I catch myself doing strange things. Like the following example from today.
You might be a blogger if…you take insanely random photos of things people likely do not want to see. Like ulcers in your mouth.
My mouth hurts from these two painful ulcers underneath my lower front teeth. I caught myself capturing those buggers to share with you all and laughed at myself. It’s almost as good as the picture of me putting on deodorant I did awhile ago. 😉
Now here are some of the ones I shared with Leah and a few more to reflect my day.
You might be a blogger if…you feel like a kid on Christmas morning every time you receive a new comment.
You might be a blogger if…you can read and type faster now than when you were cranking out college essays.
You might be a blogger if…you haven’t met in person most of the people you consider very close friends and supporters. And anticipate the chance to do so. After all, blogger meetups are the best. Can’t wait until the ATL one on Oct 29!!
You might be a blogger if…you put spinach in your smoothies and eat kale as chips.
You might be a blogger if…your craving for pumpkin never ceases thanks to unending posts sharing delicious recipes that you must try. Like these…
A box of spice cake mix, a can of pumpkin, 1/2 a bag choc chips, a thank you to Power class for giving you strong arms to mix the THICK batter, baked for 10-15 mins at 350. That. Is. It. Likely my new favorite cookie.
You might be a blogger if…you cannot imagine your life without such a powerful outlet and form of expression that you can come to whenever you please and however you like.
Blogging does have some negative sides to it – comparison traps, getting caught up in statistics/popularity, feeling overwhelmed with the many things to do/see/try, and the time commitment (to name a few). However, as a whole blogging (whether as the author or reader) brings us all such an opportunity for growth. I love it!
I believe it develops us into more loving people, cheering one another on. It teaches us new things and may bring us out of our comfort zones in fitness, cooking, or self-reflection. Blogging can foster new passions and skills, like photography or writing. Do your best to not succumb to some of the pressures blogging can bring. Say “Screw it! This is for me and I will have fun!” Because you know…being involved in this community is a pretty remarkable thing. And way cooler than being a redneck. 😉
- Give me your best “You might be a blogger if…”
Something to Do: This month, I have been featuring “Random Bloggers of the Day” (which I’m thinking to continue). For the month of November, I thought it would be fun for you to have the chance to ask me anything. It’s not a Reader Request for posts, although I’m welcome to those as well, but more a way to ask general questions. I know Julie has entire posts like this if you want ideas. It can be anything from things I like, to plans for after the baby, to personal (within reason) questions. I would love to feature one question a day. Email, post a question on the blog, or do the anonymous thing on Formspring by CLICKING HERE.
omg – LOL the first picture in this post is of your teeth. Only a blogger 😉 haha love it!
you might be a blogger if…you’re pissed because the sun is setting but your dinner still has 20 minutes until it’s done! Oh, lighting…
I had that same thought last night…how when daylight savings comes, my dinner pics will be blah. LOL
You might be a blogger if…
the first two hours of your day are spent catching up on google reader + your list of recipes to try grows exponentially everyday!
Mouth ulcers are the worst! I have one right now too inside my cheek. 🙁
Can’t wait to see everyone on October 29th!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 And you and I HAVE to get a belly picture together!! 🙂 We can show it to our boys one day!!
Those pumpkin cookies look great, I will have to try them out!
You might be a blogger if everything you see and experience ultimately is considered as whether its blog worthy or blog material. (And if the answer is no, it might still make it on the blog) 😉
I LOVE “you might be a blogger if”
All of the above applies to me, I love it!!!
Those cookies DO look amazing thought, I will add it to the list of things to bake before the end of November, haha
This is funny! I love that first pic of the mouth ulcers. Isn’t it funny how stuff like that just draws us all closer? It’s like summer camp every day;)
I like the one about how every comment feels like Christmas morning. It really does! I even have a comment dance – just a quick little butt wiggle as I squeal with anticipation:)
This is hilarious!
You may be a blogger if you:
1. Think of things to freeze that you could ultimately blend into some form of smoothie.
2. Purchase pumpkin by the case during the Fall.
3. Feel like you know more about and have closer friendships with people you have never met than some you are in contact with on a daily basis!
Haha! Love the freezing for smoothies one.
Those are great! And all very easy to relate to for me!
Let’s see…..
You might be a blogger if…. your four-year-old sees you on your laptop and asks, “Mom, are you blogging again?”
Love it!
Haha! That’s a good one. M will ask “Picture mommy?” sometimes when I put food down.
Those cookies sound so good! I seriously wish I had a can of pumpkin right about now…ew, and I get those ulcers too :/ They’re horrible! I got them before pregnancy too. There is a mouthwash that can help and also these disks you can put right on them.. And…you might be a blogger if…you work all day at the computer, only to come home and get right back on to read blogs ;>
Hmm, maybe I am a blogger (beginning one at least.) I love the ulcer photo–not that you have ulcers, but the photo. I had gum surgery when I was in high school–gums are important and I don’t mind looking at them. This is just turning weird. I can’t figure out where to comment on your About page, but I love the new photos on it (maybe I just haven’t checked in awhile, but they look new.) You’re gorgeous, Tina!
Aw, thanks! My pages don’t have comments set up for some reason. And I did update a few of my pages recently, so thanks for noticing. 🙂
I completely agree! Especially about feeling like it’s Christmas when you receive a comment. One sweet comment can make my entire day!
You might be a blogger if… your significant other commonly says, “That’s going in your blog isn’t it?”
… if you wake up early to catch up on your reader.
… if you find yourself thinking “I could blog about THIS” with quite a few topics…
… if people close to you KNOW not to DARE touch their food until photos are taken 🙂
… if you have an amazing group of “friends” that you have not met, yet you think of them sometimes in your day, like you HAVE met them!!
I must be a blogger, b/c I just took a picture of my snack that I ate!
You might be a blogger if every time something happens to you, you think “I can’t wait to blog about that.”
Also, you might be a blogger if you take your camera everywhere so you can take pics of all your food and basically every random event that DOES happen to you and your loved ones. 🙂
Also, I had responded to your comment in my blog but I’m not sure if you got it. You mentioned an Atlanta bloggers meetup, but I never actually got an email about it. Is there any way that you could send that email to me?
Of course! I will do so right now. I’m so bad about going back and checking comments on other blogs so thanks for letting me know. 🙂
You might be a blogger if you have the wordpress app for your smartphone 🙂
I love these!!
You might be a blogger if……you reach for that lovely donut, but put it back because you don’t want to tell the world on your blog. Of course, I just ratted myself out on cheetos on my blog. Oh well 🙂
You might be a health blogger if trips to Whole Foods and farmer’s markets are reasons for ridiculous excitement.
You might be a blogger if……when planning a trip, all the amazing food and health opportunities race through your mind in hopes of great blog posts. (can you tell I just got back from a trip??) 🙂
I get excited for fun things like that to share too. Like this weekend I can’t wait to share M’s birthday party and our trip to the pumpkin patch. 🙂
You might be a blogger if your friends and family know to wait a moment for you to snap pictures of their food before you all dig in!
Mouth ulcers are THE WORST.
I don’t blog as much as I would like, but I’m always looking for blog fodder on a daily basis. Interesting meals and weekend outings are what I intend to write about, but life often gets in the way!
You might be a blogger if, as soon as something weird happens, you immediately start composing a post in your head. 🙂
I’m always thinking of posts in my head. At least it makes it easy when you sit to write.
It’s crazy how much I’ve come to depend on the blogging community!
You know you’re a blogger when you set our your ingredients in a photogenic way before cooking anything.
you might be a blogger-
…if you are sitting in class and thinking about your next blog post
…if you are sitting in class, get a homework assignment, and think of how that homework assignment can be used on the blog (ok maybe thats just me 😉 i just got a assignment to take pictures of the university old medieval styled buildings and totally thought about how i could post it on the blog lol 🙂
…if you are out for dinner w/ friends and look at ur meal and think, i wish i could take a picture of this for the blog
…if the sun going down makes u sad because u cant take a picture of ur food with natural light
…if shopping makes u happy—-food shopping that is—food shopping at Trader Joes or Whole foods is just a bonus 🙂
…if u are reading google reader when u should be paying attention to lecture
i just realized a lot of this is school related…i am probably the worst student b/c of the blog hahaha 🙂
You might be a blogger if you get excited whenever something crazy happens because “this will make SUCH a great post!”
Such a cute post – I love it!
You might be a blogger if…you refer to your friends as “so and so @ such and such” 🙂
Also, thanks for the tip about the cookies. I’ve been trying to figure out something super easy and fallish for a dinner I’m going to tomorrow. I think these might be just the thing!
They really are so good! Cook them in 5 min increments though, because the first pan took 10 minutes but the second one took 15. Not sure why. I did the toothpick test to tell when they were done. They do have more of a moist cakey look to them than cookie, but taste delicious!
You know your a blogger when you get frustrated that no one you actually know understands why you love to blog. Or in some cases, what a blog is!
also, you “binge blog” 3 or 4 posts at once–only to feel guilty and empty afterward
taking pictures in dark restaurants. that i never end up posting on my blog anyway. WHY?!?!
Super cute and all very true. Someone caught me taking a picture of my tea tag last night in class and was like WTF? No shame…. 🙂
I think that’s another part of you might be a blogger if…
…if you don’t care or even notice the strange looks people give you anymore. LOL
You might be a blogger if…you eat a new food and your husband reminds you to take a picture of it for the blog.
You might be a blogger if… something happens and everyone around says “You should blog about that.” OR “PLEASE don’t blog about that!” =)
love your list b/c it’s so spot on! You might be a blogger if you never eat a hot meal anymore. You might be a blogger if you plate your food one way then the hubby’s another just to see which one looks better for pictures.
I get those darn ulcers too! I hate them. I love this list!
Do you write blog posts in your head when you are do other stuff? I do that all the time…
Tina, here is the info on the apple festival
Thanks for sharing the link and I’m so bummed it ends this weekend. This weekend is already filled with M’s party, another friend’s party, and the corn maze/pumpkin patch. I really want to make it to an apple orchard sometime this fall though.
Love this post! You hit the nail on the head with all of them – especially feeling like it’s Christmas morning when a new comment comes in! (And, thanks for the shout out!)
You might be a blogger if you drop your camera, it shatters and dies and the FIRST thing you think about is that you won’t be able to post pics on your blog…even before just “having a camera” in general HA!
I’m still using my Droid phone camera, but will be getting a “real” camera soon! Still scoping’ them out! Can’t wait:)
Oh my goodness, that would be my first thought too. And I ashamedly admit that when I found out we can’t bring cameras on a church retreat I’m doing in a month I thought “Oh no! I won’t have photos to share on the blog!” Probably not the best way to think and probably a good thing that they aren’t allowed for that purpose.
…you’ve had oats in a jar.
… you’ve suddenly realized how horrible the lighting in your house is.
… you refer to people by their url.
How could I forget oats in a jar?! LOL
…you stay up way too late reading blogs
…you get up an hour earlier each morning to read blogs
…you’ve “unliked” the Marie Claire facebook page
I am so excited! I answered yes to a couple questions…I think I might be a blogger! My sister had ulcers in her mouth when she was pregnant. Hers got so bad that they would bleed when she ate. Not fun! At least you look pretty with ulcers. 😉
Of course you’re a blogger! You have a blog and you share stuff. And eventually it just becomes more and more a part of life. 🙂
Hahah – love this post. So appropriate as I just posted a photo of my bloated lip on my blog (to go along with your ulcers). I also love it when my friends now actually wait for me to snap photos of our food – they already expect it and question me when I don’t do it.
I love these! I wish that I could go to the next Atlanta meet up, too!
You might be a food blogger if when you travel to visit relatives, their fridges are magically filled with Greek yogurt and hummus and their cabinets are brimming with oatmeal, Luna bars, and almond butter.
Thanks for the blog love 🙂
Your poor ulcers! I hope you heal quickly!
You might be a blogger if it’s worth waking up an hour earlier than you have to to fit in reading other people’s wonderful blogs!
I LOVED this post!
So many times I have read bloggers who go through their “burnout phase” and I just want to say “relax!” Post once a month if that’s all you want to do.
Love this little nugget:
I believe it develops us into more loving people, cheering one another on. It teaches us new things and may bring us out of our comfort zones in fitness, cooking, or self-reflection. Blogging can foster new passions and skills, like photography or writing.
You might be a blogger if… think about getting new pretty dishes and plates just because they’d look better for pictures. 😉
My mom makes that pumpkin recipe – but in a cake! SO GOOD and ridiculously easy!
I love new, pretty dishes!
How funny. They are all so true.
You might be a blogger if, you find other blogs (like this) and they instantly make your day and you feel like you’ve known a stranger their whole life.
Hahaha.. THIS WAS AWESOME! I am sitting here catching up on a few of your latest posts, they all made me smile, but this one the most. thanks 🙂
– You’re a blogger when your fiance knows not to touch is food until I’ve taken a picture
– You’re a blogger when friends sends you recipes and pictures of their creation and ask you to post it, lol!
The responses are hilarious. What a fun post 😉
You might be a blogger if when you see a dish you immediately think what other foodies (bloggers) would say about it and how quickly you can get it posted on your blog 😀
You might be a blogger if you arrange your food into smiley faces so it will make a cute picture 🙂