i just couldn’t help myself

Posted: November 2, 2010 at 7:00 pm

Happy Election Day Tuesday! If you’re in the US, did you vote today?


I got my vote on at M’s future elementary school. It felt good to vote. However, I would prefer not to have to step in that building until absolutely necessary. It’s a nice school. I just don’t like having to go there and be reminded of my baby walking those halls in a few short years. I almost couldn’t help myself and gave in to teary eyed emotions. Almost. I did give in to other things today, though.

Case in point numero uno. M’s smile. I headed to the store to pick up some storage bins for all the organizing I have to do before baby B’s arrival. Somehow (aka M pulled out the smile), I ended up leaving with a My First Bible book.

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She has now forgotten about it and it is stashed away for a Christmas present.

I couldn’t help myself from a few of these little suckers after lunch either.


They call to me. Tiiinnaaa. Tiiiinnnnnnaaaaa. Tiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaa! What? Your candy doesn’t talk? Just imagine the many other inanimate objects that I would hear if I didn’t have this blog as an outlet. Scary.

I also spent a good chunk of time debating the FitBloggin’ 2011 Conference today. I have already determined I will be attending at least one blog conference sometime in 2011. My number one choice is the Healthy Living Summitt, if they have another. Then, I would also love to attend either FitBloggin’ or BlogHer. I don’t want to miss out on tickets to a good one, which is where the debate enters. Do I register or no?

So what did I do? I sent Peter a fake out Google Chat saying I registered to gauge his reaction. I couldn’t help myself!


Hehe. That was fun. And for the record, he’s cool with me going to one. I just have to figure out which one would suit me best. Fitbloggin is $50 more/ticket, but is closer (in Baltimore). But baby B will only be 4 months old for that one. BlogHer is less per ticket and baby B will be older, but it is all the way out in San Diego. HLS – no clue! Has anyone heard anything about one coming in 2011?

Now, I must finish out the night doing something else I just can’t help doing. Watching The Biggest Loser. It really isn’t that great anymore, but my sister and I still watch. It’s so hard to break that tradition of our weekly sister dates. I find I can’t stop watching Desperate Housewives or Grey’s Anatomy either. I guess I refuse to give up my mindless hour each day.

  • Have you ever been to a blog conference? Which one(s) and did you enjoy it? Are you planning on attending one next year?
  • What things do you easily get sucked into? Halloween candy? Junk TV?
  • Don’t forget to ASK ME ANYTHING for this month’s Q + A series! Next one coming your way tomorrow.

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57 Comments to “i just couldn’t help myself”
  1. Keep us updated on your conference decision – I’d like to attend one in 2011 too and would love to meet you!

    I totally get reeled into Dancing with the Stars every season. Can’t stop watching!! I used to be the same way with Biggest Loser but their insane workout schedule just seems to unrealistic for me.

  2. ashleigh says:

    I have never been to one, but I would like to go. I am on the fence… Fit bloggin seems like the one that would interest me the most and isn’t too far, but I can’t commit!

    I am obsessed with Greys and Desperate Housewives too… love them! I couldn’t get into this seasons TBL though!

  3. Heather says:

    I love your voting sticker! Maryland’s were just your basic “I Voted”.

    I have never been to a conference because I can’t justify the costs at this point in my life, but I am jealous when the blog world goes!

  4. Sarah says:

    I have yet to attend a blogger conference but I’d love too!! I get sucked into America’s Next Top Model marathons even if I’ve seen the episodes thousands of times. It just keeps reinforcing my belief that I’d never ever want to be a model plus I love all the drama…

  5. M’s smile just melts my heart! I would’ve given her the book early too!

  6. I went to Fit Bloggin’ last year! I think the price has gone up– it wasn’t that much for me!! It was a good time…not sure if I’m going back, but I enjoyed it!

    Our candy calls to me too 🙂

  7. I’ve never gone to any of the conferences but they sound so fun! Wish there was one is Portland or Seattle, i’d be there in an instant.

  8. chelsey says:

    I have yet to go to a blog conference, but I want to go to one so bad. I almost went to HLS (and it was in Chicago), but then found out I had already made plans for that weekend (after I already bought a ticket.. boo!) If HLS 2011 happens, I’m there!

  9. Jess says:

    I’d LOVE to go to one of those conferences next year but, like you, NO idea which one to go to!! HLS has always been up there, I just love the backstory on how it all got started, you know?

  10. I’ve never been to a blogger conference, but I’m dying to go to one! The Foodbuzz one is the same weekend as a half marathon I’m running this year 🙁
    I get sucked into reading healthy living blogs!

  11. Babs says:

    Your little girl is too cute. I love the sneak attack on the hubby….hehe. he handled it pretty well

  12. Do a mail-in ballot, it’s so much easier! 🙂 I can’t resist reality TV, I honestly don’t think it’s a bad thing to escape that way for an hour a day!

  13. Natalie says:

    I’ve never been to a blogger conference and have been wondering if it is worth the cost and travel expenses! Have you heard good feedback?

    I easily get sucked into the Kardashians! When I finally realize what happened I feel so annoyed that I got sucked in 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I’ve always heard great things about them and that people have so much fun. Plus, I think its a great way to learn some new stuff and network too.

  14. Becca says:

    I still haven’t registered to vote yet… Oops!

    Love M’s face in that photo! Too cute! =)

    Considering I just started blogging this year, no, no conferences for me. I’d like to go to at least one eventually, like in a few years when college is less stressful and I’ve been blogging more… Hopefully!
    Though I’m not technically a Healthy Living blogger… or fitness… but I blog! Something will fit eventually.

    I get sucked into candy and Criminal Minds (watching now!). And certain wedding-related shows. Say Yes to the Dress, Amazing Wedding Cakes, My Fair Wedding, etc. Haha! 😛 Getting ideas for if I ever get married. Kinda fun.
    I also like reading blogs.
    Oh, and Facebook! Facebook is HUGE for me. I spend too much time there, I think. Heh.

  15. Glad to see you voted! What a cute ” I Voted” sticker! I found my Husband’s sticker on our fridge!

    I totally get sucked into “The Housewives of…” series. I am a total addict! I watch them all expect the Atlanta one b\c I can’t stand Kim! : )

  16. COME TO FITBLOGGIN! We could be roomies or something. It is my first conference and it would be nice to see a familiar face. 🙂 JUST DO IT.

  17. I’m going to Fitbloggin 2011 and I’m speaking on a panel! I’m stoked! HLS looked like a blast this year and I haven’t heard where 2011 will be. I have heard (from my group of real life blog friends) that they thought go more out of FitBloggin than HLS.. I have no basis to judge. But just thought I’d let you know!

  18. I want cute “I voted” stickers like yours! But I guess NC’s would be a cigarette? Hmmm, maybe not a good idea but I am loving the peach.

    I’ve never attended a blog conference but would love to. I think BlogHer would be ideal for next yr since it’s in San Diego and who doesn’t love San Diego??

  19. Camille says:

    I haven’t been to a blog conference but I really want to! I am planning to go to HLS this year if they have another!

  20. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tina Reale, Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: i just couldn’t help myself: Happy Election Day Tuesday! If you’re in the US, did you vote today? I got my vote o… http://bit.ly/90Um8c […]

  21. I would LOVE to go to a blog conference!! I read all the recaps and they look like SO much fun! I mean, how great would it be to meet these people that I stalk online every day?

    Also, I have to say, that picture of Makenzie up top, its one of the cutest ever! I love that smile, I wouldnt be able to say no either!

  22. I was supposed to go to the HLS this year but I wasn’t able to last minute 🙁 Next year, I’m THERE!

  23. I was talking to Meghann and Caitlin at HLS, and they are definitely planning on 2011. I hope you go to that one! 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I actually just emailed with Caitlin last night and she said likely not. 🙁 I was bummed to hear that, but understand with everything they all have going on.

  24. I’ve never been to a blog conference but I’d love to go! Maybe Fitbloggin this year because I live so close now!

  25. Hallie says:

    BLOG HER! I am not missing it for anything. I get a student rate and it’s in my town. So you should go to that one 🙂

  26. Julia says:

    I get to attend my first blogger conference this weekend – Foodbuzz! It helps that it is only a 2 hour drive from Sacramento. I love that your hubs supports you blogging and going to a conference!

  27. Come to BlogHer in San Diego….I’m here!!! Not sure if I can attend BlogHer b/c I’m with Food Buzz, if that’s kosher with everyone’s rules and such, but I’d drop in if I could…and you and I can hang out!! San Diego rocks, you’ll love it here!

    Fitbloggin. Have heard some interesting reviews of it from friends.

    Food Buzz..Im going in 3 days!!! OMG CANT WAIT!!!


    • Tina says:

      I would think you could still go to BlogHer since its just a conference for women bloggers of many topics. Not sure if FoodBuzz would have anything about it, but I don’t see how they could prevent you from coming. That would be really cool to finally meet!

  28. I like doing that stuff to Tony too! It’s fun! I want to go to a blog conference some time, but I have no idea which one either! Oh and on going to school…it is scary…my baby will be 10 in February!

  29. Heck yes, I voted! It was my first time voting as a Pennsylvanian, rather than a Texan. It felt really, really good to press that “VOTE” button!

    I would “give in” to that little face, too! Even more so than a Twix bar! M sure is a cutie! 🙂

    I’ve never been to a blogging conference, but then again, only started blogging back in July. I didn’t even really know what a blog was until I started reading them in March HAHA!

  30. Are tickets selling out already?! I was thinking of going to one (never been), but didn’t know I needed to decide this early. Hmm… I guess I should start doing my research.

    Sounds like you’re nesting now! I remember that… all the sudden I was a control freak and had to get everything organized about a month before I was due. I was on a rampage!

    • Tina says:

      Early bird tickets will be ending in January for BlogHer. If I sign up for that one I would want to get the cheaper deal. There are only 100 FitBloggin tickets left available bec the early bird deals have now ended. I don’t know how fast they will go, but I don’t want to miss out.

      • Thanks so much for the info! Originally, I was tempted to do BlogHer but realized it falls on my son’s birthday. FitBloggin is closer to me and would fall at a better time… but I’m also curious about HLS. Hmmmm. Let us know what you decide!

  31. Lee says:

    I didn’t know that Fitbloggin was so expensive! It’s still tempting for me since my parents live in MD.

    Yay for voting. I do like Georgia’s stickers.

  32. Kristy says:

    Gahhh! I wanna go to a conference in 2011 too. I would love to go to HLS but no news yet?

  33. Ha! I have a similiar question this morning: what shows do you love/hate — and my answer is Biggest Loser and Real Housewives — I can’t stay away from the drama 🙂

    No idea about HLS — I’d like to attend a conference but I have no idea what one or when — hopefully they will have one in MN next year 🙂

  34. i voted! 🙂 and i think m looks just like you! you should be so proud that you have a daughter as gorgeous as you are!!

    • Tina says:

      I think I just blushed. Literally. Thank you! I do think she is beautiful. And she came from me, so that makes me beautiful too. 😀

  35. I have not been to any blog conferences but I think it’d be so cool to attend one.

  36. Attend Fitbloggin’ so I can meet you!!!!!! You know you want to….

  37. I would love to go to a blogger conference but it’s just not in the budget at the moment! We have other vacations planned and it’ll just have to be on my wishlist for a time when it is closer to home!

  38. Brittney says:

    I went to the HLS in August and it was a lot of fun. I’ll probably try to go to next years if they have one. Not sure about Fitbloggin or Blogher. I’m holding off on committing.

  39. I easily get sucked into Facebook at night while listening to songs on YouTube. I’m trying to only use FB during the day–same for checking my e-mail and leaving the computer to JUST blogging so I get more accomplished and get to bed earlier. PLUS FB has really been depressing me lately. SO much negativity and political mumbo-jumbo. So I am just not going to read. I’ll share pertinent news because that’s how I keep up with my family, but I’ll ignore the rest. I majorly worked myself up last night because of comments on FB. I will not let other people steal my joy. Kill them with kindness! And Tina, I had some of the same candy for lunch 😉 (OK as part of my lunch.) They were calling my name too.

  40. Nichole says:

    Glad you voted girl!

    I put Twix in the freezer, even better:)

    I LOVE the Biggest Loser, first time I’ve watched is this year. I look for the tips, lol.

  41. Marg says:

    I would love to try and go to one next year, not sure which one either, but I would consider Food Buzz too. Would like to know where HLS is going to be too before I decide.

  42. Erin says:

    I’d love to see you at FitBloggin! I’d love to do BlogHer, but one thing at a time. 😉

  43. Katie H. says:

    Your voting sticker is so cute! I can’t get over how adorable M is!

    I easily get sucked into reading blogs 🙂

  44. Dorry says:

    I went to HLS this year…still debating attending one next year. I think it depends on where Billy and I move in March – we’ll see! Would be amazing to meet you if we ended up at the same one.

  45. Emily says:

    Hi Tina! I went to the first HLS in Boston. It was a good time but since blogging is still something I just do for fun, and it was very focused on professional blogging, I was a little unenthusiastic about it. You could probably get much more out of it than I did! 🙂

  46. I don’t know WHO could say no to that smile 😉
    I really want to go to BlogHer 2011 because it’s in San Diego!!

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