Posted: January 2, 2011 at 4:57 pmHey everyone! I hope you all are amidst a great weekend. I’m still hanging around…pregnant. I had contractions from 4 am until 9 pm off an on yesterday. They started getting stronger last night between 7 and 9 pm, then suddenly stopped. I haven’t felt anything since, either. Looks like we still have a good bit more waiting to go.
Today, I went to church and now I’ve been spending my afternoon rounding up stuff from the Blogger Gift Exchange I hosted. I really enjoyed coordinating it. Although it has been quite stressful! There are still 20 people out there who have yet to receive their gifts…or I don’t know if they have. Many of them are in order and should be showing up soon, but it still saddens me a bit that things didn’t go smoothly for everyone. I wanted this to be fun for all and not a hassle to anyone.
Let’s focus on the positive, though. I have a round-up of posts and gifts that were sent to me during the exchange. Look at how thoughtful and generous us bloggers can be!
Lindsey from Cotter Crunch received these fabulous goodies from Chelsey…
Then Chelsey from Clean Eating Chelsey received some great Crate & Barrel goodies from Sara at Nourish and Flourish …
And Sara received some goods from Katie (my Fitbloggin roomie!) at Healthy Heddleston…
Natalie at Follow My Fitsteps received some “made with love” granola from Nicole at Making Good Choices…
Natalia at A Side of Simple received a treasure chest of goodies from Kristina at Spa Bettie…
Shannon at A Better Me picked up some nice stuff thanks to Lynette at The Voss Adventure…
Julie at Julie GoLean scored some cute dishes and an eye mask from Arlene at Adventures in Weight Loss, Cooking, & Life.
Laura at Food Snob St. Louis scored some fancy mustard (and other goods) from Elizabeth at On Tap for Today.
Amanda from Eating Up has lots of cupcakes to look forward to in her kitchen thanks to Janae from Hungry Runner Girl…
Karen from Health in Real Life gets to enjoy some international treats her partner Meagan from The International Loser scored for her…
Nancy at Nancy’s Perfect 10 has plenty of new goodies to try out from her partner Allison at The Sunday Flog…
Poppy at Fried Chicken to Tofu has new, fun things to use in the kitchen from Jamie at Food In Real Life…
Katy at The Singing Runner scored these great items from Jen at Canoe of Life.
Suki at Super Duper Fantastic picked up these fun collector ornaments from Julie at Adventure is Out There…
Laura at 13.1 x 2 received the following from Marg at Running on Cupcakes…
Julia at Jewlia Goulia got some great, yummy things from Katie at Live for the Long Run.
Heather at Heather’s Dish received a thoughtful gift from Tiffany at Simply Shaka – delicious honey and a treat for her dog.
Julie from Adventure Is Out There picked up the following items from Katie at the blog Legally Fit.
More fun stuff came to Anna at Active Fingers from Brooke at B & The Boy.
Janetha at Meals & Moves also received some gifts for herself and the pup from Stefanie at The New Healthy.
Gabriela from Une Vie Saine discovered some of her favorites in her mail box, sent from Holly at The Couch Potato Athlete.
Heidi at Run-Around-Roo received neat finds from Shannon at A Better Me.
Me-Linh from Sweet and Sweat scored this awesome tea gift from Suki at Super Duper Fantastic.
Laura at Sprint 2 the Table received a package from Courtney at Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life with fabulous treats and recipes.
Marg at Running on Cupcakes discovered the following in her special package from Mara at I Made Dinner.
Monique at She’s Going the Distance received all this deliciousness from Poppy at Fried Chicken to Tofu.
Tiffany from Simply Shaka got a nice surprise of homemade goodies – a crocheted scarf, salsa, granola, dog treats – from Anna at Active Fingers.
Katrina from Katrina Runs picked up some tea and her favorite writing utensil from fellow blogger Allie
And lastly, Katrina sent Bethany from More Fruit Please a bunch of tasty nut butters and other trinkets.
Wow! That took longer than expected! And that’s only 1/4 of the participants since we had 120+ people join. It was fun!
Question of the Day – What would be your dream gift to open up in a surprise package in the mail?
Great wrap up post! I love seeing what other people got and gave, plus I get to find some new blogs through this post.
Thanks so much for organizing!!
Oh I’m glad that’s not everyone! I got scared that my gift never arrived!!
The blogger gift exchange was the neatest idea! I definitely want to participate next year.
And still waiting on the baby… won’t be long though.
I love seeing all the gifts! That was too fun to do. Thanks for hosting it and rest up friend. That baby is coming soon!
Guess I forgot to send you a link to my gift post, because I didn’t see it here in the roundup. I got some great goodies from Camille at I Will Run for chocolate.
Other ideal gifts to get in the mail? Well, I’m still waiting on my engagement ring, but I doubt it’ll come via the postman.
I’m glad it was a success! Everyone got such great gifts.
Thank you so much for coordinating this Tina – I loved participating! It was a lot of fun. Everyone got great gifts!
Happy New Year Tina! I really enjoyed the gift exchange, thank you for hosting it! I really hope everyone gets their gifts out ASAP, that is a bummer for those who didn’t receive!
look at all of those wonderful and thoughtful gifts! i hope everything works out and others end up getting their gifts!
Tina- I think it is great that you organized this blogger Christmas exchange! I also agree that I found some new fun blogs via this post, thanks!
Thanks for the shoutout! 🙂
Tina this was an absolute blast and I am so glad I was able to be apart of it! Hopefully it can be done again next year (or if you want to pass the reins onto someone else, I volunteer!) 🙂
That gift exchange rocks! I started reading your blog after this had occurred, but I wish I had been able to get in. Maybe you’ll brave the hassle again some other time? 😉
Wow what an awesome turnout!! Makes me wish I had had the time to participate! Hang in there, girl! Thinking about you:)
What a wonderful idea! I don’t know how I managed to over-look this gift exchange this year, but I do hope there will be another next year.
Aw how fun! Now I wish I signed up!! There’s always next year right 🙂
Hang in there friend – I am SURE you are way overdue to meet Baby B by now huh?? I’ll say a little prayer for you tonight that he arrives sooner than expected!
I had so much fun participating in this! Shopping was SO much fun and I love my package! Thank you for hosting this!
Wow! Too bad I had missed out on this! The gifts all look wonderful – what a thoughtful thing to do for Christmas 🙂
Oooo I’m a bad blogger!! I received goodies from Natalia… she got me the book In Defense of Food (sooo excited to read it!) and a few food goodies! 🙂
Looks like everyone had a great time exchanging gifts! I don’t know what my dream gift would be…maybe for my student loans to be paid off.
Thank You again for hosting and coordinating this – it was SO fun!
Let’s do another in July?? 😉
Such an awesome gift swap! I think I would be most excited to receive an icecream maker! I know, kind of random, but I have really been wanting to make my own icecream and sorbet lately, it would be so fun and definitely something I would not buy myself 🙂 Hoping those contractions come back soon!!
I forgot to share my link as well! 🙂 This was great fun.
Wow! Those are awesome presents 🙂 Perhaps next year I will join in… that looks like fun!
My dream gift? Probably a really cute mug of some sort 😛 I see wonderful festive ones on blogs all the time but I never find any around here for sale!
Wow! Great job Tina! I was so glad to be able to be part of the gift exchange!
Aww, people sent such wonderful things!
The gift exchange was really fun!
Loved seeing all the other gifts- looks like we’re quite the bunch of chocoholics,no? Thank you so much for organizing this, it was great!!
I love getting surprise packages in the mail! Love the recap-looked like such a fun/unique exchange!
The blogger gift exchange was an awesome experience, thanks for organizing it!
Look at all of those amazing goodies! Seeing this makes me wish I patricipated- maybe next year! Bloggers are so creative, thoughtful and always know the cool products!
Wow, looks like everyone had a great time exchanging gifts!
A dream gift for me would be pretty much any of the dishes from Anthropology! I always go in there, but rarely ever buy anything since it’s so pricey!
You are seriously so awesome for doing all this! Thanks again! 🙂 And I pretty much love anything that comes in the mail as a surprise! I just love getting mail in general. 🙂
I’m gonna probably lay low for a while becaus eit sounds like you are fixin to get real busy real quick so forgive my lack of comments (0:
Can’t wait for your new year’s addition!
Hi there! I think it’s so awesome that you put this gift exchange together for all the bloggers! Wish I had found your blog a month ago so I would’ve participated 🙂 . Anyway, I hope you and the little one are doing okay. Hang in there.
I love getting food packages at school- especially stuff I can’t get there!
Wow! What a round up! That must have been super hard to get all of those pictures and facts together.. kudos!!! This was such a fun experience to participate in and I hope it happens again next year 🙂 Thanks for coordinating it! I got my gift on December 31st and posted about it a few minutes ago. Have a good day Tina 😀
Wow, awesome job coordinating the gift swap, Tina!! I wish I could’ve participated…life was a just a bit too busy this holiday season…but you’ll host it again next year, right? 🙂
WOW, love this post Tina, and what generous bloggers! I think I’m definitely going to have to participate next year.
WOW! That was a lot of gift giving! Thanks again, Tina – this had to be a lot of work for you to take on!
[…] out some of these great Secret Santa packages from other […]
Oh, feeling so guilty! I got a cute tea set and yummy cookies from Cara at Cashews & Hummus…but failed to take a picture! And, I assure you I ate the cookies, but if I hadn’t, they’d be green and moldy by now! I SWEAR I sent mine to my buddy weeks ago…and we live in the same city…and…I’m not so hopeful at this point. 🙁
Glad the contractions have started!
Wow, look at all of the great gifts! You did an excellent job in coordinating the gift exchange. Thanks, Tina!
We healthy living bloggers sure have a lot in common – I would love ANY of those gifts!!
wow!! What a fabulous gift exchange!! Looks like a lot of fun:)
All the best with your newest babe-to-come:)
Wow! Everyone got some really great stuff! It was so much fun! Thanks for putting it together!
Praying for your bouncing baby boy to make his safe appearance soon! Can’t wait to see how cute he is. I bet M is ready to meet her brother too 😀
How fun!!! 🙂
[…] Blogger Gift Exchange – Round Up […]
I loved this! 🙂 Thanks for setting it up.
So awesome! This was super fun 🙂 You rock!!!
wow that was a lot of work for you to round it up! thanks for setting everything up-it was so fun!
Hey Faithfitnessfun,
Very interesting, My face is round and it looks fat, which it really isn’t. How can I make it more sculpted and sharp looking without surgery or anything like that? (: