Posted: February 23, 2010 at 1:08 pm2. What are 5 foods you don't like? I'm not that picky but I can definitely think of a few.
- Cottage cheese tops the list. I have tried many, many, many times to like it in all sorts of mixes, recipes, etc and I can never handle it! Thank God for greek yogurt!
- Fish is another least favorite of mine. Except in sushi form or in Tijuana Garage's fish tacos. I don't know how I can hate fish any other way.
- Asparagus. I had to eat so much of it the very first time I tried to prep for a competition, I still can't eat it. It is the only veggie I don't like.
- White bread. In middle school we had to do this experiment where we chewed a chunk of white bread until it broke down completely in our mouths. The texture of it made me gag and I have never been able to handle white bread since.
- Alfredo. Any sort of super heavy, creamy dish is not a pleasurable one for me.
3. What is your least favorite house chore? Well, besides any outdoor stuff (which Peter does), I would have to say sweeping and mopping the floors. A very large portion of our downstairs is hardwoods and it takes forever to do if I want them really clean. And it hurts my back!
4. What is one thing your husband does that drives you INSANE? He falls asleep on the couch while we are watching something together. I understand he's tired and that isn't what bothers me. What drives me insane is his stubbornness. When I wake him up, he will say "I'm not tired. I don't need to go to bed." and then fall asleep all over again. And the cycle continues. For at least an hour. Every night. But, I guess if that is my biggest complaint we are good. 😉
I have a few others, but I'll save those for another post. Question box is still open!
Part 3 of this hodgepodge will be accepting an award from the super sweet blogger Nicole at PreventionRD.
She passed along the Beautiful Blogger award and I want to share the love. Besides, I think this is a great way to let us find other awesome blogs in the huge blogworld. 😀
As part of the award, I need to share 7 interesting things about me and nominate 7 other bloggers. First up, 7 interesting things..
- I tend to eat the same things almost every day, week after week. I am a creature of habit, don’t have time to figure out what to have for lunch with a 15 month old pulling on my legs, and just get on food kicks where I want a certain food every day.
- I was a cheerleader and gymnast growing up, but have never in my life been flexible and despite my wishes to be more flexible, I never ever have the dedication to do yoga or anything beyond simple stretching that could improve it
- I was hit by a car going 55 mph (yes, myself…not me in a car) when I was 16 years old. I ended up with a big gash across my bum, a gash in my head, a hole where my elbow should have been, and sever road rash. Surprisingly, the road rash hurt the worst. The butt cut just made me laugh and I told all the doctors they were lucky to see my butt and I was screaming “I have two holes in my butt” to everyone in the hospital. I still have a dent in my head and a tiny bald spot from it.
- Besides my husband, my sister is my best friend because she gets me like no one else. I wish we could see each other every day like we used to.
- I am so bad at talking on the phone and keeping up with people more regularly. I find it much easier to stay in touch via the computer, which saddens me a bit because the true interaction from talking is so much more real.
- I will be refreshing and voting for Makenzie all day. I know that is playing the system, but I don't care. :p
- I spend most days in sweats or workout clothes, especially now that it is cold. I hate being uncomfortable and if I’m not going anywhere then I wonder what the point is? I should probably make more of an effort to look nice for Peter. But he says he doesn’t mind and I stay clean so it’s okay…right? LOL
And now I will pass it onto 7 blogs that I have found very recently, but really really enjoy!
Danielle at Coffee Run
Ameena at Fancy That, Fancy This
Kati at Living Well
Paige at Running Around Normal
Danica at Danica's Daily
Gracie at Girl Meets Health
There you have it! A ton of randomocity for you to enjoy! With one last bit - a giveaway - at Lily's Health Pad.
And don't forget....vote for M!!!!
I voted! My sister, as with yours, is my very best friend next to my hubby. I cannot imagine not having my sibling as my best friend. It’s so foreign to me when siblings don’t get along or aren’t close.
Done quite a few times. Go Makenzie! 🙂
voted a few times, looks like you’re in the lead for now … have to get back to work now though
Not working tomorrow, but i am on thursday, will give you a headstart again by the time you wake up 😉
Thanks Vicky! I hope you are doing well and the pregnancy is going smoothly so far 🙂
I voted for M 6 times! I’ll keep voting all day!
This post has helped to brighten my day :-> Thanks for nominating me!! I’ll have to do that soon… Tina, that is HILARIOUS what you said about your husband, because Ryan does the exact same thing! Every night around 9 he falls asleep on the couch. I say, “Ryan, why don’t you go get in bed?” “I’m not tired…it’s only 9 o clock.” Then he ends up laying there till 10:30 or so, finally gets up, and is too awake to fall back asleep! Men!! :> I’ll vote for M today!!
I voted, Tina! She’s definitely adorable…:)
Thanks for passing along the award! Ah there’s so many things to say-
1. I voted for Makenzie (and she’s in the lead!)
2. I don’t like fish either (or anything from the sea for that matter)
3. I was also an inflexible cheerleader growing up. My toe-touches were aweful.
4. OMG about the accident. That’s incredible
i voted for M! she’s just too cute..and i’ll try to vote more later too! she’s almost in the lead 🙂 🙂
I voted for MacKenzie! I hope she wins. 🙂
I dislike malted milk balls. That might be the only food that I hate so much, I wouldn’t eat if it was the last thing left in my panty. YUCK.
i voted! what a cutie pie!!!
I voted 🙂 (about 10 times)
thanks for the plug, yay! =)
I love reading your Q&A’s and the 7 interesting things about yourself. I can’t believe you were hit by a car, ahh! Thank goodness you were okay =) And I’m with you on wearing comfy clothes most of the time. The second I get home from work or church (which is really the only times I’m dressed “nice”) I instantly change into a hoodie and yoga pants 😛
I loved reading the answers to your questions and finding out more about you! Your daughter is absolutely adorable 🙂 Happy hump day!
Why, thank you so much for the award – you are too kind!! I can’t believe that you got hit by a car going 55mph – that is insane!! Glad to see that you are OK!!
[…] Tina, at “A Tina Bit of Faith, Fitness, and Fun” graciously awarded me this Beautiful Blogger Award last month! I was so excited to get it!! To participate, I need to share 7 interesting things about me. Andd, nominate 7 others to do the same. So here we go! […]