How I Scored A Better Deal At The Gym

Posted: January 7, 2011 at 9:44 pm

I had a mission today – getting childcare added back onto my gym membership…for free. I currently have my membership on hold until after baby B arrives. When I do get back to the gym, I plan on working out in the afternoons so I don’t have to drag two kiddos to gym daycare and then worry about sickness or getting called out of my workout for something. However, I know I will need the option to bring M and B sometimes. And I don’t want to pay an extra $15/month for the option to bring them.

So, what did I do? I scored a better deal. Here’s my 10 step no-fail process to scoring a better deal at the gym. Note: may not work for everyone. 😉

1. Don’t try to fix up the exhausted look of pregnancy. Pity points count.
2. Fully embrace the “I’m-about-to-pop-so-please-have-mercy-on-me” waddle as you walk into the gym. Pity points count x2.


3. Plan to go at your previous regular time so the membership man knows you.   
4. When membership man asks how you’re doing, spare no detail. 
5. Tell him about the emails you recently received from your old gym wanting you back and that they gave you free childcare. They did. They just did it at a higher membership rate so the cost was actually more. Shhhh…


6. Explain that you don’t want to leave the gym and remind him of your loyal membership since day 1 of its opening. You were even one of the first to sign up!

7. Barter with your sister-in-law’s reduced rate and free childcare. 
8. Listen patiently as membership man waxes poetic about how he’s not supposed to do this, but really doesn’t want to lose you around there. It helps to have 2 instructors come up excited to see you too.


9. Give a smile and a “c’mon!” to membership man…in front of said instructor friends. 10. Score a full membership with childcare for two and free access to the tanning and massage bed privileges for $30/month. Screw the tanning bed…but hydro-massage bed? Don’t mind if I do!


Perhaps my next post should be how to convince your significant other you’re not crazy for wanting him to take pictures of you like the above. Us bloggers are a special breed, aren’t we?

Question of the Evening – What types of deals have you bargained before?

54 Comments to “How I Scored A Better Deal At The Gym”
  1. You are a genius! I have to copy this down for future use!

  2. chelsey says:

    I lvoe scoring deals!!!! You got a great one!

  3. G says:

    You = Awesome 😀

  4. Jenn says:

    bahahahha! Go you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) I’d love to take you shopping with me. especially car shopping… I bet you can work wonders =)

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  5. I love haggling. Way to get it! 🙂

  6. Woohoo! You go. I think that’s freaking awesome. I am not much of a bargainer. I need to learn from you apparently 😉

  7. Melie says:

    I wish I had you around today! That horrible person at the registration in my gym did not let me in because my registration did not get through school bureaucracy yet… Give me a break! How many people were lining to go to the gym on a Friday evening that school is not open yet???

  8. Congratulations on a sweet deal.

  9. laura says:

    nice work!
    what a loyal gym go-er you must be.
    i dont really bargain, except for jewelery at hawaiian markets. haha.

  10. Stephanie says:

    WTG! When I joined my gym they tried to stick me with a bunch of initial fees. I acted like I was ready to get up and leave and they waived them. 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I think gyms are the easiest places to maneuver deals. You have to be prepared to “walk away” for sure. Works every time.

  11. Elizabeth says:

    Wooohoo! I love hearing when people get great deals!!! You rock!

  12. Good for you! I’m not a good haggler.

  13. Way to go! I wish I could talk them into something that awesome.

    I once talked the guy at Alon’s into giving me a free double chocolate cookie… not quite as cool, but tasty!

  14. I wish I could join ANY gym (with or without childcare) for only $30/month! Nicely done 🙂

  15. Anne Marie says:

    Good for you! I’m super impressed at your skills 🙂

  16. Laura K. says:

    Well played!!! Hey, keeping loyal customers around is a win for your gym, too!

  17. Pregnancy card. I need get me one of those.

    Wait. Uh. What did I just say?

    I’ll just eat a burrito and push out my belly.

    Good for you for scoring the great membership! You are looking great by the way!

  18. Awesome deal! I however am not good a getting a bargain- that’s what my husband does!

  19. Lauren says:

    Nice! massage bed is even nicer! My friend’s mom always tricks her way into free tickets for skiing.

  20. Em says:

    Hahahah this is seriously awesome. I’ll make sure to take notes for future reference if and when it happens lol. And I’m pretty good at haggling for everything, it’s the asian in me I think. The key is to keep going and don’t give up, but of course, be friendly – most people don’t want a confrontation and want to move on to the next sale. I think haggling is lots of fun 🙂

  21. Way to go! $30/month is amazing for all that stuff! Super impressed. And dontcha love having your husband why we need all the types of pictures we do, hehe.

  22. Ha! Love it! You are a sneaky one.

  23. This is awesome. I love the spare no detail part….I use this ALL the time when trying to get something I want.

  24. a massage bed?? your gym sounds magical.

  25. Sarah says:

    Awesome! PS You are totally GLOWING 🙂

  26. Heather says:

    You go girl! Can I borrow you when I purchase I next car!

  27. I’m glad to see you so cheery! Good advice! I think my gym offers childcare, though I have no idea for how much!

  28. You are one of the cutest preggo ladies ever, by the way!

  29. Way to go, Tina!
    And LOL at the last point. My husband already thinks I’ve gone off the deep end.

  30. I am SO bad at “negotiating”. And could really use it! Our local YMCA (which we belong to, but is on hold) is $80 a month for the family membership!!!! And would be almost $60 for an individual, I think. It’s a wonderful, new, facility but if I see any more money saving news stories or articles that say “check out your local YMCA”, I might want to punch someone, as they are by far the MOST expensive in the area. Ok, rant over.

  31. Kelly says:

    I am the worst barterer! (is that a word?) It drives Keith crazy…he says there is no harm in asking. All you can do it ask and all someone can say is no. I don’t know why I have such a hard time asking for things.

  32. Sarah says:

    That is a GREAT deal! Way to go, Tina!

  33. Kristi says:

    I call Directv every time my discount is about to stop. I convince them to keep me at the same rate each time. I haven’t ever paid the regular price for tv!

  34. hahahaha oh my gosh i love this! i’ll be bookmarking this one 😉

  35. wow, nice work! i’ve never been very good and campaigning for added benefits like that. usually at the first sign of a no, i thank them for their time and move on. next time i’ll refer back to your method! 🙂

    also, i love your photos in this post – i’ve already started “posing” photos for the blog.

  36. You go, Tina! Just goes to show you how overpriced everything is and that they really can work “with” you.

  37. I’m soooo intimidated when i’m around any type of sales people-I don’t know why. That why everyone was shocked when I was purchasing my most recent car when I became more brutal than the car salesmen themselves!!!!

  38. Holly says:

    LOL! I love this, Tina! Good for YOU, I say. Have you heard of that show on TLC about Coupon Queens/Kings? Well, I watched it and it inspired me. I scored a free cell phone w/an upgrade the next week, AND called my trash service and they lowered my bill by $15/month! (I called and quoted another, cheaper service and let them know). It never, EVER hurts to ask!

  39. Mandy says:


  40. Mandy says:

    P.S. We wish you guys lived closer <3

  41. chrissi says:

    that is awesome 🙂 and i love the pictures added to emphasize your point – you’re too cute! what area of ATL do you live in?

  42. I just came by to check on you to see if you had that baby yet!!

    Thinking of you!!!!!

    This post made me giggle. I will have to remember this as the pregnancy progresses. People JUST started feeling comfortable enough to “assume” I am pregnant and address it. Up until this point they either suspected, but felt it wasn’t “politically correct” to ask me. Or, they thought I was sucking back one too many draft beers 😉


  43. those massage beds are the bomb. so awesome 🙂

    nice score! Jason is the KING of getting the deal… a few years ago, buying our HE washer dryer set, he got a playstation thrown in free…

    and he’s a drummer… when he bought his electronic drum set, we got my set of conga drums free!! I was so giddy with deal power, I also said, “and about 15 pair of drumsticks!!” and we got those too!! 🙂 it was exhilarating! 😀

  44. elise says:

    im impressed, but not surprised…you seem like you have a way with working that sweet smile 🙂 well done girl! have you popped yet????

  45. Nic says:

    Ha! I love this post! I don’t think I have the balls to try this… I just have to remind myself the worst thing they can say is no, right?

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