I Had A Baby Last Night

Posted: January 11, 2011 at 10:06 am

Boy do I have some exciting news to share with you all! Braedon has arrived!!!! I will have more details and pictures in a post later tonight, but couldn’t wait to share my little man with all of you. So…say hello to baby B in this special short vlog I made for you all. I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for visiting if you are stopping by here for the first time after hearing the news! I hope you continue to hang around as I love connecting with other bloggers. And as I posted last night (ironically 20 mins before my water broke), I will appreciate all the support and blog friendship I can get in my upcoming journey back to fitness and adapting to motherhood of 2. Take a look around the following to see more of what I’m about:

  • Body After Baby – my plans for getting back in shape
  • Top Posts – topics ranging from humor to body image to motivation

Catch you all later! I’m so in love. 🙂

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307 Comments to “I Had A Baby Last Night”
  1. Jess says:

    LOVE him!!!! He is gorgeous!! SO SO SO happy for you!!!!!

  2. Congratulations!!!!!! Can’t wait to hear more.

  3. sunny says:

    CONGRATS TINA!!!!!!!!!
    he is absolutely beautiful!

    hope you and the family are doing well! xoxo!

  4. He is just perfect and you look awesome!! So happy for you and your family!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! he is a real cutie pie! such a blessing =)

  6. Anna says:

    So glad you are all doing well and got to the hospital safely ^_^

  7. ashleigh says:

    Congrats!!! What a handsome little man!

  8. laura w says:

    Congratulations! He’s SO cute and you look beautiful! Baby B came just in time to see the snow!

  9. Ally says:

    Congrats on your healthy beautiful baby boy. You’re a beautiful mama!! Rock it 🙂

  10. Sylvia says:

    Congrats! He is sooooooo adorable!

  11. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! How adorable! Congrats lady 🙂

  12. Kelly says:

    He’s beautiful! Congratulations Tina! 🙂

  13. Michelle says:

    Congratulations! He is adorable!

  14. Katie says:

    Hooray, congrats!! He is so beautiful!

  15. laura says:

    He finally showed up!
    congrats <3
    you deserve such a wonderful blessing.
    cant wait to read more.

  16. Ahhh congratulations! He’s beautiful, just like his Mom:)

  17. AWWWW! YAY! Congrats! Be sure to let us know what M thinks of her new baby brother! SO EXCITED for you guys!

  18. OMG! I am so behind, but CONGRATULATIONS!

    How do you look so gorgeous after just giving birth?!

    Can’t wait to see more pics!

  19. Congratulations. So happy that your Lil Man arrived happy and healthy 🙂

  20. Em says:

    OMG! Congratulations! How amazing! And you look beautiful and so happy! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  21. Michelle says:

    Late to this game (was trying to be the last one to comment – ha ha), but CONGRATS!! B is beautiful (and you look fantastic). Isn’t it amazing how you can fall in love all over again? Rest up mama and enjoy your babymoon!

  22. Natalie says:

    Congrats on his arrival! You both look adorable!!

  23. Ahh so exciting!!!! Congrats lady!

  24. Allie Finch says:

    Congratulations mama! You both are BEAUTIFUL & PERFECT.

  25. What a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations! You look beautiful! Rest up 🙂

  26. You had a baby last night and still managed to post today!!! You are tilt amazing!! I’m am beyond excited for you and your family!!! You and baby B are beautiful and he is such a blessing!!! Thank you for sharing such amazing news!!

  27. Tina you look fabulous for just having had a baby. Of course baby B decided to arrive in the southern ice storm. You’ll have a story to tell for years and to tell his future girlfriends 🙂

  28. OMGOSH!!!!! CONGRATS!!! I am SOO excited for you!! You look so beautiful and you are glowing with joy!! My best to you and your family!

  29. Holly says:

    Tina!!!! He is just perfect!! What a blessing and an absolute doll. I am SO glad he is here and healthy. And you – YOU are a superstar! You post one night and then the next day it’s, oh…I just had a baby. 🙂 You rock – AND you look too beautiful to have just given birth. God bless you all and your new family of 4!

  30. Hey TIna! Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for The Stylish Blogger Award! Check it out at http://happytalesblog.com/2011/01/11/stylish-blogger-award/

  31. Mandy says:

    Congrats! He is so beautiful! This is my first time commenting, but I’ve been reading for months. I think one of the first posts I read of yours was when you announced your pregnancy! It’s been exciting watching your pregnancy journey. I’m preggers with #3 and inspired by your dedication to healthy eating and fitness. I’ve been able to lose the weight with my other 2, but am quite nervous about my 3rd… I’m sure I will be motivated and inspired by you! Thanks so much for your honesty and wonderful outlook on life. 🙂

  32. Priyanka says:

    Congratulation on becoming a Mama for the second time.Really happy for you and your family.

  33. Penny Lane says:

    Congratulations! I am so happy you made it to the hospital safe and Baby B is healthy as well as mommy. Prayers and love!

  34. andi says:

    congratulations again, sweetheart! he’s beautiful. I hope you’re all doing well – and that you can finally get some sleep! xox

  35. Nicola says:

    aw congrats! he looks gorgeous 😛

  36. Kristy says:

    Gahhh! You have a baby boy now! Yippie! Congrats girly! Rest up!

  37. […] man to her family early this morning! (1.11.11 – what a great birthday!) congratulations, tina! i’m so excited for you and your […]

  38. Rach says:

    Aww you are just so cute! And so is he! So happy for you! 🙂

  39. YAYYYYYY!!!!!! He is darling! I love the name. My very best friend growing up was a Braden – and he was a wonderful guy. 🙂

    You look absolutely beautiful too!

    Congrats Tina! xoxo

  40. Holly says:

    CONGRATS Tina!! Looking forward to seeing much more of Baby B in all of your posts 🙂

  41. tabs says:

    Congratulations to you and your growing family, Tina! He is a beautiful boy and can’t wait to hear more of the exciting story and see more of this new little guy! 🙂

  42. […] had a baby yesterday! The absolutely adorable Braedon came into the world on 01.11.11.  What a cool birthday, right?  And being the epic blogger that […]

  43. kate says:

    Hes gorgeous Tina!

  44. Ela says:

    Many many congratulations! At last, and you both look so beautiful!

    (Of course it happened when I was on the road and missed it, but I think he was born on my wedding anniversary if I’m catching the dates right.)

    Amazing that you got a blog post up so soon after.
    much love

  45. Congratulations! He is beautiful:)

  46. this is a belated comment i apologize but… CONGRATS TINA!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOO excited for you and will be praying for you and the baby!!

  47. Sara says:

    He is BEAUTIFUL! So happy for you! I just KNEW you’d have him when I was away for work and without a computer!! So happy for you, Peter and Little M!

  48. Hangrypants says:

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family!!

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