Hammer Time
Posted: January 27, 2011 at 8:55 pmI feel like breaking out like MC Hammer every afternoon when I get my workout time. Speaking of which…how crazy is this video?
Love the old dude in the headband. Pure hilarity. And Julie, I think some dude stole Ryan’s special 80s glasses. 😉
Anyways. Yes, I feel about like that when the afternoon rolls around and I get to either head here…
…or here…
I love my little home gym space. When I began working out almost a decade ago, I only worked out from the comforts of home. I slowly but surely acquired quite a few home gym essentials to provide me with more than enough for a fantastic at-home workout. Dumbbells, a long step, a high step, resistance band, medicine ball, stability ball, and a small barbell that goes up to 50 lbs in weight.
Now, I love having both options for extreme variety! This past week, and for the next couple weeks, I have been alternating going to the gym for some light cardio and completing an easy to me DVD workout at home.
It’s so funny to think back to the fact this DVD series was what got me started in the beginning. I guess it goes to show you don’t start back at square one post-pregnancy. The beginning level bored me to tears on Tuesday at just two weeks post-partum…but killed me the very first time I ever did it years ago. Pretty cool.
Today, I worked up a sweat in the intermediate level of the Slim in 6 Series.
It does leave me hankering for some Cathe or weights at the gym, but for now, it will do just fine. Especially when coupled with some Hammer Time. 😉
And a little update: I added a table under my Body After Baby page that will show what workouts I have completed over the course of each month, with links where applicable.
Question of the Evening – What DVD trainer is your favorite? –> CATHE all the way!
Tags: at home workouts, circuit workout, post-pregnancy fitness, strength training, workout DVDs
OMG… I love flash mob stuff like that, but this one is particularly hilarious!!! I’m super giggling over here 🙂
Very funny video! P90X is one of the very few workout DVDs I’ve done, so I guess that is my favorite.
Of the P90X DVDs I like plyos best.
CAN’T WAIT to see all of the responses to this post… I am in major need of getting some advice for at home workouts/dvds since I’m beginning my marathon training… need other things to switch it up and crosstrain!
LOL…I love it! I’m dying to participate in a flash mob!!!
You’ve got some great equipment!
That video was hillarious! I may have to add hammer time to my iPod for workouts now…lol!
I haven’t used a workout video since like early high school and that was sweatin to the oldies because my mom had it. How funny and pathetic is that. I would love some ideas.
Go you! I love working out at home too, but don’t do it enough! I don’t have nearly enough equipment as you do!
My favorite trainer has to be Jullian – she kicks my butt. Or, I’d have to go old school (going with the theme here) Billy Blanks.
Insanity is definitely my fave at home workout!
MC Hammer = My love! I have that Slim in 6 DVD, gotta love the old school (well not that old). Cathe is absolutely amazing I have a ton of her DVD’s!
Haha! You look so cute, can’t wait to see you!!
My fav is Chalene 🙂 But you probably knew that already 🙂
It looks like M is a workout fan in training or what? Love it!! 🙂 Personally, I prefer working out at the gym because I have more space and variety of weights. Now if I had such a nice setting like you and such a huge house, I might reconsider…
I still much prefer the gym for weights…but I have so many DVDs at home is great for cardio variety. 🙂
I don’t know if she is my favorite — but I use Jillian Michaels the most. Other than that I like Chalene !!! and Jackie Warner. I have Slim in 6 and I feel your pain! Debbie is a robot but I am always sore after those workouts!
That video was fabulosity, totally made my day. I love flash mobs, I want to see one in real life!
I would love to have that space to workout. Somewhere that’s dedicated just for that.
You’re doing great lady!
Crazy, I just asked the EXACT same question on my blog. I love (and, sometimes, hate) Jillian Michaels. I also like Jackie Warner.
Flash mobs! Love them!
You know I love cathe…she’s amazing!
She truly is! I never do a workout of hers and end it feeling like I didn’t have my butt fully kicked.
hahaha, that was a crazy flash mob! also, your home gym is awesome! you have a pretty great set-up going on there.
I have the slim in 6 too 🙂 I need to get it back out and do it again!
I have a few favorites. I have Tracy Anderson…I love them but they take a long time and the choreography is hard on the dance areobics.
I also just started doing Physique 57. They are awesome. My new favorites.
I just had my 2nd baby in October. Do you find that even when ab exercises are challenging that you aren’t sore the next day? Just wondering if my abs will take awhile to get working again and if you experience the same thing. I don’t remember from my first.
I haven’t really done much in the way of abs besides planks, but from what I remember my abs didn’t get sore very often. They never really have.
I love having weights in my apartment. I don’t have to go to the gym with all the scary 😉 boys and lift in front of them. I got a good weight workout in the comfort of my own apartment! 😀
For me, I love Jackie Warner. Just started doing her workouts and they are awesome.
A) you look great!
B) you look great!
C) love the flash mob & the old man in the sport coat (?) and headband
D) you look great!
looooove it. 🙂 also, your home gym is adorable. the perfect balance of functional and girly. i like how you roll.
Okay seriously, I can not believe you had a baby 2 weeks ago!!! You look fantastic!!! WOW!
I like Jillian Michaels. My hubby and I did Power 90 last summer, and I liked Tony Horton in that. I kept waiting for him to get mean and he never did. lol I guess I am so used to Jillian, who is a little mean.
Its so funny you loved Tony’s silliness. That always drove me crazy! I only ever did some of his old stuff though a long time ago…so maybe he is less annoying in P90X. LOL
The workout I’m sure is killer though!
From the ads for P90X, it does look like he has a different demeanor. I think he’s getting down to business in P90X.
I just discovered I had replies from you in my junk folder, so I am sorry if I have missed answering you sometimes. I have now told my email account that FFF is not junk. 🙂
NOBODY does it like Cathe does!!! Cathletes unite 🙂 I know you’re going to Fitbloggin this year so yay that we’ll get to meet there but how fun would it be if you came to the Road trip this year in NJ too! I know…lofty dream but still. I am aiming to go back for the fourth time this year. It is seriously one of the best weekends of my year!
I would love to go to a Cathe trip…but I think Fitbloggin and HLS will overtake my just for me travel this year. 😀
We have been sharing the same mind lately I swear. Every time I think about something and when I’d like to post about it..BAM! I come here in the morning and see you beat me to it. HAHA!!!! Love it tho! I truly love it!!!!
My home gym looks nothing like your’s..actualy, it looks like a dungeon because it’s in the basement — the unfinished basement. HAHA!!! But yes, i will post pics, etc. later to blog about. ;o)
Slim in 6..i bought it, never used it..and it is still sitting next to my stuff waiting for me to “try it out” ha! Now that I know you’ve used it (and it got you started) guess i better try it out, huh? LOL!!!
I love Cathe videos..have quite a few of them. Lost my dear beloved Gym Style Legs tho =( I HAVE.GOT.TO.FIND.IT! =*(
I love how you’re daughter is sitting there reading her books…and then the next minute on your step. :o)
Happy Exercising!!!!
Didn’t you know I’m a mind reader? 😉
And Slim in 6 is good, but a lot more basic than Cathe. I will say that. The leg stuff will get you pretty good though in it.
hahahaha!!! Yeah, i get that once in awhile too. 🙂
A lot more basic than Cathe huh? Well, she is a toughie (but oh, so good!) if it works the legs pretty good that’s okay by me. i carry the bulk of my cellulite there (but what girl doesn’t? Ha) thanks for the review. think maybe i’ll add that into the cross training days next week for some variety.
I would suggest starting with at least the 2nd one. The first is soooo basic. And if you already do Cathe I would think the 2nd one would be fine…maybe even the 3rd level.
Okay, cool. then that’s what i’ll do =)
you look so great! i love working out at home, its just too much to get to the closest gym (20min away) so I have everything I need for the most part.. I still miss some of the machines and stuff
I’m so impressed with your home gym! Work it Momma 🙂
What a great home gym! My favorite DVD trainer is either Cindy Whitmarsh or Gilad. Gilad just plain cracks me up.
I’ve seen Gilad on FitTV a long time ago. He made me laugh too. His accent is great. And never heard of Cindy Whitmarsh!
I’m so jealous of all your weights! Where did you choose to buy them from? I’m a Target girl, but I wonder if they’re cheaper elsewhere…
I got them years and years ago at places like Play It Again Sports. I always found them cheapest there…but not sure if that’s a large chain or not? I will say weights are like twice as $$$ now as when I originally bought them. They used to be about $1/lb for neoprene ones and half that for the metal ones. I was going to get M littl 1 lb ones to have bec she likes playing with mine and saw it was $3/EACH!!! For 1 lb dumbbells. Yikes.
I love the feeling you get when something that used to be hard is easy (or easier)! When I went back to Bikram after a couple years, my first class was still hard – but nothing like the first I did it! It is such a good feeling!
I am loving my little homemade gym I’ve created. I have weights up to 15lbs, resistance bands up to 50lbs ( I think) and a million and one DVD’s. Currently I’m doing Turbo Jam, then ChaLEAN Extreme, Turbo Fire, P90X and then I’ll start combining some. I bought all of these over the years, but have yet to stick with one of them consistently for the 90 days each program suggests.
OH MY GOODNESS. I am crying with laughter! Thank you for sharing!
WOW–girl you are looking awesome!! Your arms look great and your waist is shrinking!! And I love that your daughter is seeing you live a healthy life. What a great example you’re setting for her!! You truly inspire. Keep it up:)
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tina Reale, Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: Hammer Time: I feel like breaking out like MC Hammer every afternoon when I get my workout time. Speaking of whi… http://bit.ly/gxR5cA […]
Tina, you look GREAT! And personally, I love hitting up the gym, but when I am in a bind, (Or snowed in), I rely on videos. I just started Jillian Michaels 6 week Abs and it is awesome!
Girl, you are looking AWESOME after little baby B! It’s hard to even tell you had a baby- rock on with your bad self 😉
I love Jillian Michaels and Amy Dixon! I can do all of Amy’s, but I can only do Jillian’s in segments… I still have not worked up to doing the entire DVD without wanting to vomit 🙂 lol
Love your home gym!! Wish I had an extra room to have one! Right now I use our bedroom… which really doesn ot leave very much room for working out, but I make it work!
I love the Tony Horton Beachbody stuff but he gets annoying.
Jillian Michaels kicks my butt. I like it! 😉
Oh my gosh, that video is AWESOME! La-huv that old guy with the headband! LOL!
I just bought my first workout DVD a couple of weeks ago after reading how much Janetha liked it, Jackie Warner’s Time Saver Training. I really liked/hated it if you know what I mean. I’m usually reluctant to purchase DVD’s because I’m always afraid that I won’t like them and it will be a waste of money. I might have to check into the CATHE ones.
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