Posted: February 18, 2011 at 3:11 pmSometimes…there is no other explanation than God at work.
I opened the above card while going through mail last night. It comes from a leader on the church retreat I visited in November. I have only corresponded with her at the retreat, yet I received a card from her last night after finding out about my mother’s diagnosis. If that isn’t God, I don’t know what is.
Besides you all and your kind wishes, prayers, and other offerings of love and support. Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I read each one multiple times and felt so uplifted.
Those of you who shared success stories of others you know who have experienced the same brought me exceptional peace. I remembered that worry solves nothing. All I can do is be there for her. I pray, hope, and have faith that my mother’s scenario will follow the same route of continuing to live as healthy and positive a life as possible. 🙂 <--- And I promise that is a real smile!
Once again, thank you all. You go from giving me running gear suggestions to being there for me in the most raw of moments. I don’t know where I would be without you and this blog I felt called to start and pursue with such energy. Yet another God thing if you ask me.
Question of the Morning – Ever experienced anything like that where you can’t explain it but it feels too right to just be a random occurrence?
Don’t forget to check out the NEW LOOK of FFF if you haven’t already!
Tags: blog friends, faith
I’m actually in one of those moments myself. I was just rejected for yet another job, one that I thought was a sure thing. It felt horrible. But hours after I found that out, I found out that a position has opened up somewhere that would be a dream for me. Too perfect in terms of timing.
It’s not as big or as poignant as what you’ve just experienced, but I think it’s still an example of divine forces at play.
That is amazing. God is so good 🙂
Some things that happen definitely seem too right and wonderful to be coincidental. Some might roll their eyes at that, but if I believe there is a deeper, divine meaning to something that happens in my life, I can believe it and it doesn’t matter what someone else might think. I am so glad you feel loved and supported and uplifted – it’s certainly a process you and your family will be going through, but faith and a strong support system will get you through it 🙂
God is Great. That is so amazing about the note you received. My cousin was diagnosed with MS in her early 30’s (a few years ago) and she is doing great. My mother’s best friend was diagnosed probably about 30 years ago and has led a wonderful and mostly healthy life. She naps more than most, but otherwise she is happy and healthy. 🙂 I’ll be praying that your mom’s situation is similarly great.
truly amazing! (love your new blog design BTW…)
I have been getting that feeling a LOT lately. The blog looks awesome. You look so fresh and pretty in your picture. 🙂 Keep smiling (real ones) and have a great weekend 🙂
Amazing 🙂
Seeing God at work is such a miracle, and always puts me into this amazing world of peace and calm. It’s Him working in you at that very moment, I firmly believe that.
New look is fabulous! Who did your design? I need to amp up my blog. Still thinking about you and praying <3
Kristen from Ahoy Graphics ( did the design elements and then Peter got it set up. I cannot recommend her enough!!!! She did the logo, blog header and background, a facebook profile image, and business cards for a VERY reasonable price.
Seeing God at work is amazing, and seeing Him work through people like you to share His message is even more amazing 🙂
I will continue to pray for you and your momma! Love you Tina, and thank you for being such an inspiration to me and all your other readers!
Ahh, serendipities are so wonderful! I’m glad this one brought you some calm.
Beautiful new layout! I love it, so cool.
Im not a religious person, but its hard to deny things like this. That is amazing. I’m glad you’ve been able to find some peace with the situation. You’re right, all you can do is be there. Thats the most important thing anyway.
I’m so sorry to hear about this and my prayers are with you and your family. But we both know that God is incredible and does amazing things.. never lose hope and keep your eyes on God 🙂
God is faithful. And so good. Thanks for sharing this post.
That happens to me all the time, but it happens more often with thoughts Tony and I have at the sam time. Honestly, my world is complete with him and the fact that so many things happen between us without even speaking only leads me to believe more that we were meant to be.
Oh honey, I’m so sorry about your mom’s diagnosis. I’m so happy there are people in your life to offer you comfort (outside of the blog world). I don’t know what you must be feeling, but you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
P.S. Your new blog re-design looks awesome! 🙂
I am so sorry to hear about your mom Tina. I’m sure this is a very difficult time for your family but try to stay positive. Lots of positive thoughts going your way!
Wishing your mom and your family all the best!! Positive thoughts are with you. 🙂
Yes, I find that in life, many things are unexplainable, yet our instinct guides us.
I’m so glad you are in a better place Tina! I pray that your mother will continue to live a healthy life. I love the look of the new site!
we are here for you because you open your heart to us! Thank you. Please keep us posted on how we can continue to pray for you and your family.
I love the look! It’s very shnazzy.
I love the word shnazzy. Bet you didn’t know how that could put a smile on my face.
1. I love the new look of the blog.
2. I love when God just sweeps in a takes care of us It’s the best!
This post gave me goosebumps. I love seeing God’s work and the power of prayer in motion.
Amazing! Truly amazing! You’re absolutely right – worrying leads to nothing. You keep praying, sending your mom good healing thoughts and God will take care of the rest!
Those “random” occurrences are ever present in my life, and I’m grateful for those little reminders of the Bigger Picture all the time. 🙂
God works in such crazy ways. Random occurrence I won’t ever forget was when my grandma was sick. She had been in the hospital for a week, eventually moved to hospice the last few days of her life. I had sat in her room everyday the last 3 days of her life. On what we didnt know would be her last I finally decided to go home to get some rest. I had been with her all day and she ended up passing away 5 minutes after I left. I made it to my car when got called back isn’t that crazy?!? I truly believe this wasn’t random and that God and my grandma had it planned for whatever reason I will never know.
awwww I LOVE moments like that. And it seems like they always happen when we need them most! My grandfather passed away two years ago today. My grandmother had to go check his body before the funeral just to confirm his identity, and when she looked at him and told him she loved him so much, a tear rolled down his cheek. Of course there are medical and scientific reasons for things like that, but we believe it was a sign, and it was JUST what she needed.
Oh, wow. What a touching story and moment for her to have as a memory.
I am so very very sorry Tina for your mom’s diagnosis. Oh my. My brother in law was diagnosed with it about 3-4 years ago. I am so sorry for this news for her and your family.
Your new blog changes look amazing THIS FITS YOU! so much!
God works in strange and wonderful ways. i was the recipient of an outreach program so to speak a couple months back…some ladies randomly brought me a few gifts at a time when i really, really needed something to brighten my day. God works in amazing ways!
Blog looks great! I smiled when it popped up…
I am catching up on posts at the moment, I can’t read several at work due to blockage, so I am just know finding out about your mom. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. As a speech therapist I am somewhat familiar with this disease due to studying for treatment. Research and knowledge are important, keep up the reading. God works wonders so I am so happy that you are a woman of faith. If you wouldn’t mind I will ask for you to email your mother’s name to me so that I can specifically pray for her. I would also like to ask if I may add her to our prayer list at church??
Love the new blog design!
Oh Tina, I am so, so sorry for the pain you are going through right now. I can’t even imagine. But it warms my heart to see God watching over you and bringing you comfort. He is so good and he will get you through this. I will be praying for your mom and you and your family. Please, please let me know if there’s anything else I can do! Call if you ever need to talk, I’m always here for you. xoxo
I love the new blog look too!
That card really seems like a hug sent straight from heaven! I have experienced times where God put me at the right place at the right time or brought the right people in my life at the right time. It really is AWESOME.
Aw. I am so glad everyone’s comments uplifted you. And I completely agree…having a blog is my haven. I honestly wouldn’t know what to do without it either.