Posted: March 31, 2011 at 7:17 pmI know what I want to write about for my post today, but can’t get a natural way to segue into it all. So – Hi! How are ya? Thanks for visiting! Let’s get to it! <— That covers it, right?
Second Workouts
I started my day at the gym with a Group Power / Bodypump class. After my rest day yesterday, I felt ready to go and upped my weights on quite a few tracks (squats, back, chest, lunges, and shoulders). I always like to reasonably challenge myself. It’s fun! 😉
Then, this afternoon, I had my second run of the week planned. The weather cleared out from this morning so I managed to head outside. It was a little chillier than I like, but I guess that works for running. I did a 4.33 mile run in 41:27. I’m ready for this weekend when it finally warms up again! And I get to run with Lee.
Second Helpings
For dinner last night, I pressed and cubed a package of extra firm tofu. Then, I tossed it with 1/3 cup of my favorite BBQ sauce. I baked up the tofu squares for 20 minutes in a 400 degree oven and then made the wrap of my dreams. Avocado, spinach, tomato, a spread of blue cheese, pickles, BBQ tofu, and a drizzle more BBQ sauce.
It only seemed right that I had a second helping for lunch. I really ate the rainbow with this lunch. Red tomatoes. Orange carrots. Yellow mango. Green spinach. Purple grapes. Beige hummus. And blue?? Well, my water bottle rounded out the colors.
Moral of the story? You must make this incredibly simple and flavorful wrap!
Second Chances
A few of you have asked me if I have any update on the friend situation. In fact, I do. On Tuesday I had a very strong and sudden urge to let my friend know what I had been thinking and feeling. Before I knew it, I had hit send on an email to her with all the details and signing off I would call her later to talk about it all.
Well, we talked it out like mature adults and both have felt that connection slipping. We realize that we have both faced a lot of life change recently that likely impacted our friendship. We also know we don’t want to just walk away. So…here’s to second chances! We’ll see how it all turns out now that the air between us has gotten some clearing.
And now, to continue with my seconds theme, I think I need a double portion of dessert tonight. I love my logic! 😀
Question of the Day – Have you experienced any “seconds” lately?
And another question – How do you get the little graph with the person running on it that shows your distance/elevation/etc that I see on some blogs?
I had 2 iced Earl Greys today! And I have been craving a second bowl of oatmeal since this morning! Your tofu looks so yummy 🙂
Good for you that you and your friend had a good conversation!
Your wrap does look incredible. 🙂
I love that you found some great “seconds”! I’m so glad you got through to your friend. She obviously means a lot to you!
That’s wonderful that you and your friend are getting a second chance. They are so important to have in our lives.
And I love your reasoning, why ruin a good thing by partaking in dessert only once.
AHHH that look SO yummy! WIll deff have to try making that 🙂
And I think your ‘seconds’ logic for exta dessert makes perfect sense, haha! As for my seconds, I had two slices of cornbread today!
Wow! Second chances with your friend. I am so glad she came to you and you had such a good conversation. I envy the double workout – I wanted to this evening but had a late meeting for work. Need to make up for all the drinks in Jamaica after all… 😉
I would love to learn from you how to have those difficult conversations with friends – I am really not good at confrontations like that! I think its great that you were both able to honestly share your feelings and come to a conclusion to give it another shot.
Glad you and your friend are trying again. I’m so impressed with how you handled that!
Wow, good for you for confronting your friend and also not giving up on the friendship!
I had eight clementines this afternoon. Does that count?
I have been so unmotivated to workout lately but I think you might have just lit a fire under me! Thanks 🙂
So glad to hear that things are working out with your friend!
oh what a neat post. I love that you got a second chance with your friend. all done in a mature way.
And of course you need second helpings after those 2 workouts. I’d be super hungry!!
Yes. Yes indeed. Mucho food was consumed today. 😀
I think I did have some “seconds” today…the first part of my day was kinda blah and I left work not feeling that great. I got home though, baby took a pretty good nap (but not long enough) and I got a few things done on my list. A walk in the sunshine made the second half of my day much better!
I hope things work out for you two the second time around! And for me it’s been more like thirdsand fourths- spoonfuls of chocolate PB that is!
I would be on fifths, sixths, twentieths. I love me some chocolate peanut butter! 😉
I always eat seconds at dinner time. 🙂
I’m glad that you are giving your friend a second chance. You know what the Bible says: “forgive 7 x 70”. I always beleive in second chances. While things may not always turn out the way you want them to, I always want to give people the same grace God has given me. You’re an amazing woman!
That’s how I felt. In my gut, I knew I couldn’t just move past it without being open, honest, and showing some grace. Admitting my wrongs as well. That whole “plank in the eye” thing. 😉 I wouldn’t feel like I was living up to my beliefs if I had avoided it all. I’m glad I went that way. 🙂
Oh! Well that’s awesome! I hope it all works out- and I’m glad that she also is willing to work on it…
I’m so impressed with how you handled the friend situation– very adult!!! I hope it all works out for the best and this second chance pays off!
I had a second handful of chocolate chips a few minutes ago. 🙂
Looking forward to our run too. I think that the graph you are talking about is a Nike + Ipod thing, not a Garmin thing.
I’m SO glad you ended up talking it out with your friend…and that you two are giving it a second chance. That is awesome. I so hope it works out for you! As for seconds for me? I’m on my second bout of sickness in a matter of weeks, and not liking it. I am SO missing my workouts, it’s making me very sad. But the good news? I’m not beating myself up about the missed workouts. Like, at all. Which is a huge step for me…someone who is notorious for getting hung up on my workouts, on numbers, etc. I sense some good changes coming my way…:)
I’m glad you talked to your friends. Even if you don’t get back to where you were, at least things can resolve on a positive note. My friend and I are back in a good place too. 😉
I’ve been trying not to eat seconds lately, but I did have seconds at dinner tonight. My run this morning has me HUNGRY. 😉
I’m glad you are working things out with your friend — I hope it all goes well!
hehe I love your segue! =)
I had a second workout today (needed to bust some more stress in the second half of the day!) and loved the protein shake I had this morning so much that I made it a second time too 😉
If you’re talking about something like the little turtle I have on mine that tracks the miles I’ve put in….I think all I did was click on someone else’s and it took me to the website that you can create your own and then copy and paste the code into a sidebar. Hopefully that makes sense. And hey…if you’re not talking about that…then forget it completely! LOL.
I had ice cream twice today… 😛
Last night was a night of “rebirth” I guess you could say. I’m planning on writing about it tomorrow, but it was a powerful night with the youth group. Definitely a great way to start my 20th year! 😀
Oh, and does that count? My birthday? Yesterday was a day of transition. I’m not a teenager anymore! :O Haha. This is going to be a good year. 🙂
Happy no more teens!!! 🙂
I’ve experienced seconds with my lunch every day for the past two weeks- so I guess it’s really more ‘fourteenths’ 🙂
i had seconds of caffeinated tea today….the first mug just wasn’t cutting it! 🙂
i’m glad to hear you cleared the air with your friend. even if you don’t re-ignite your friendship, at least things are all out in the open!
Oh how I know days like that. Bring on the caffeine!
That’s so great that you and your friend cleared things up. Hope things go well!
seconds are a MUST 🙂 especially when it comes to almond butter and hummus 😀
That’s so great that you and your friend were able to clear the air. Having that openness makes a real difference.
I have never tried tofu, but that looks yummy! I might just go buy some tofu just to try that.
You worked out twice, so I think that deserves seconds! 🙂
I love splitting up my weights and runs, so it happens Tuesdays and Thursdays. Needless to say, “seconds” are always part of my vocabulary those days! 😀
Tofu is so versatile and easy to use. Be sure you press all the water out before cooking though if you decide to try it. And I always prefer tofu baked at home.
I always believe in seconds 🙂 Great to hear that you were able to talk things out with your friend- I think you made the right decision! I’m in a similar situation with one of my friends, but this will be the second or third ‘second-chance’ and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to go through it again. It really helped to hear about your situation and perspective, and I’m definitely going to rethink my decision and try to talk to her about it.
Happy Friday!
Sometimes all you need is an honest but painful conversation to make things better!
Oh yay! I am so glad that you and your friend are going to try again! 🙂
I would like this wrap for lunch and dinner tonight! I love second chances and believe strongly in them. I used to always say to myself, “Every passing second is another chance to turn it all around…”
I’m so glad you talked to her about it! Sometimes I forget that friendships can require as much “work” as our other relationships! Have a great weekend!
My “second” lately has been my second wind of energy around 9:30 at night…just in time for bed. Some nights I feel so energized that I start random tasks – like cleaning out the junk drawer : ) I’m pretty sure I’m overdoing it with this excess coffee I’ve been drinking!
I love second winds in the afternoon….but at night would get old fast. At least you’re getting stuff accomplished. Hope you feel rested enough during the day too!
good luck reconnecting with your friend! i hope it goes well:)
Yeah for second chances! I cannot think of any instance (recently) that I have experienced a second chance… besides constantly encouraging my children to forgive and TRUST each other. 🙂
I am not sure what application you are referring to with the elevation of people’s runs. I know that I have posted the stats from my nike+ runs (which look like elevation maps – but really it is just recording speed [fast/slow]). Hope that helps! 🙂
I think that’s what I’m thinking about. A few other people have mentioned its a Nike+ thing.
That wrap looks Amazing! I must try that tofu!